Dick Supplies
Pte Ltd. - Ship Supplies and Fuel Treatment
Ship Supplies and Fuel Treatment
West Coast Road #01-05
Singapore 127343
Tel : 774 6889
Fax : 774 7228
Telex : RS 24200 TMSR (Attn : TM 6354)
Email : ca2000@moby.com.sg
Managing Director....MR MICHAEL T S TEO
Marketing Manager....MR FONG KWOK SHIUNG
Sales Executive......MR PETER CHANG
Company's Activities
Moby Dick Supplies is in the business of ship supplies and
fuel treatment. Under our ship supplies activities, we handle
all ship stores and provisions require by ships' owners
and managers. For fuel treatment, Moby Dick Supplies is
the sole distributor of CA2000's range of environmental
products for Singapore as well as handling distribution
for the Asia Pacific region.
Product Information
CA2000 is a multi-functional fuel treatment developed in
Arizona, U.S.A. to meet the California's year 2001 emission
standards for vehicles.
CA2000 blends with the fuel to create an earlier, broader
"flame front" combustion in the engine cylinders. This combustion
process enables the fuel to be burnt more thoroughly, generating
less particulate matter, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and
nitrogen oxide. This results in fewer pollutants emitted
from the exhaust and fuel consumption is improved.
Product Test
A series of comprehensive test has been conducted in the
United States since the 1980's and more recently in Singapore
at the Automobile Association Vehicle Inspection Centre,
Mechanical and Production Department of the National University
of Singapore, and the Singapore Productivity and Standards
Boards showed that, the average reduction in the emission
particulates ranged from 44% to 68%.
Other Benefits
The unique composition of CA2000 also provides the following
benefits :
· Conditions and stabilizes fuel.
· More efficient and consistent combustion result in engine
runs quieter and smoother.
· Pre-ignition (engine run-on) is eliminated.
· Provides high temperature boundary lubrication thereby
increasing engine protection and lubricity.
· Reduced carbon build-up in engines thereby reducing engine
maintenance costs. · Retards internal fuel tank corrosion.
Test Reports
To access to the test reports of CA2000 under AA and/or
NUS, please request through fax : 65 774 7228 or email :
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