Saquaries Co
Pte Ltd. - Swimming Pools, Spas, Steam Baths, Saunas, Pool Equipment,
Fish Ponds, Salt Chlorinators
Swimming Pools, Spas, Steam Baths, Saunas, Pool Equipment, Fish
Ponds, Salt Chlorinators |
105 Sims Avenue
#09-09 Chancerlodge Complex
Singapore 387429
Tel : 747 3973, 747 3975
Fax : 746 3559
Email : saquaris@singnet.com.sg
Managing Director.....MR C T TAN
Director..............MR C M LEONG
Established since 1978.



CHLOR has Australia's largest range of salt water chlorinators
with size, features and price to meet any domestic or commercial
pools chlorination requirements. |
This section is mainly for companies in
Singapore to submit their company profiles.
However other companies in Asia are also welcome to submit their profiles and
product lists for inclusion.If you
are a manufacturer, factory, trading company or service company in
Thailand, Southeast Asia or elsewhere in the Far East please send your
company profile and product list - including pictures - we will be happy
to feature them in this section.
If you would like to contact any of the
companies featured in this section or would like Bangkok Companies to
source similar products then please send me an email or
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request form |