The top companies listed on the Thai Stock exchange
A comprehensive list of ISO certified companies.
Manufacturing companies including all the industrial estates in this region Amata, Amata Nakorn etc
Trading companies, import/export specialists
Marketing and advertising companies
Media and publication, newspapers, magazines, TV and radio
Database Contents
Freight, shipping and courier Services
Textile and garment manufacturers
Health and beauty products & services
Government departments,
Schools, universities & training companies
Hotels, clubs, restaurants and leisure facilities
Apartments and condominiums
Banks & finance companies (foreign & local)
Hospitals and clinics
Jewelry manufacturers, wholesalers
Lawyers and legal services
Accountants and business consultants
Pharmaceutical and chemical manufacturers and distributors
Automotive industry and related services
Warehouse, storage and transport
Insurance and insurance brokers
IT related companies, software, hardware and internet specialists
Building, construction and real estate
Department stores, supermarkets and retail outlets
Embassies and consulates
Charities and NGO's, institutions and trade organizations
Airlines and companies in the Travel industry
Chambers of Commerce, Thai, American, Scandinavian etc
High percentage of foreign owned
(full or partly) companies especially European, Japanese and Taiwanese.

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