Environmental Issues, concerns - Thailand Environmental Companies
Firstly although I am British so I will not
apologize for the words written on these pages. I may be wrong but in my
heart I know I am right. I love Thailand, I love the King and I love the
Thai people dearly. However quite frankly the Thais are a gullible lot at
the best of times and the sort of tripe dished out by the do gooders, well
it would make me cry in my beer if only I could buy a decent pint of Tetleys
in Bangkok.
Yes there are real and urgent environmental
issues and problems that need tackling to make Thailand a better place to
live for the Thai people and the millions of people who flock here every
year to enjoy a well deserved holiday. But and this is a BIG BUT, come on
come on - this is not the States, This is not Germany or England, Thailand
is a developing country with developing needs.
"Sue the pants of them" I hear the cry whenever
there is a spillage, a contamination incident or some industrial accident
that sends out clouds of toxic fumes.
The environmental legal experts are brought in,
a new breed of environmental lawyers dressed in their environmental suits
and wearing ozone friendly deodorant.
If it is a Thai company at fault as is
usually the case, companies in Thailand must be Thai majority owned by law,
the owner promptly disappears for a long holiday or pleads poverty after
donating his Benz to the maid. If it is a multi-national company then the
damage control and PR experts are brought in the victims handsomely
compensated out of the company entertainment account and it's back down to
And what happens when the cases get to court? as usual it is the
big bully boys fault. The company pays. However 'This is Thailand'
compensation runs to a few hundred dollars for a loss of limb or eye. The
death of a breadwinner wouldn't pay for a holiday in Thailand for a European
family. The long term effects of pollutants, an increase in cancer cases, an
increase in child abnormalities. Who cares? now if it was an elephant......
More on this subject as I get time to indulge in
my passion for environmental reality and my compassion for the sight of
hungry children.
On a lighter but but just as serious a not
Thailand is a good source of equipment and machinery used in the control of
environmental problems be they in the home, the office or the workplace. Air
cleaners and purifiers, water treatment plants, bio-degradable plastics -
you want it we got it. Contact me
bangkokcompanies@gmail.com and we can source your environmental equipment
and instruments from top Thai manufacturers.
Articles about Thailand Environment Issues |
Articles about
World Environment Issues |
What Thais think about the Environment and
what the Environment thinks about Thais
Nearly month's end - beware the Litter
Tsunami Aftermath and the coral reef
Elephant destroyed, Owner jailed, Children
hungry - a sad victory for the environmental activists
I love The King, I Love his people and damn
the dam objectionists
Global warming - so who is getting hot under
the collar?
The Greenhouse Effect or Where have all my
tomatoes gone, long time passing
People or Plants - who loves ya baby
Shoot the pandas - oh dear!! I am going to
upset a lot of people here
Let's burn down some trees and grow some
Please be patient these
pages and more will be uploaded very shortly
For a list of Thailand companies, Government
Departments, Non-Governmental Organizations and Research Institutes involved in the
Computer Industry in Thailand please visit this page:
Thailand Environmental Companies & Organizations
Also featured in this section are articles
related to the Environment in Thailand. If you have experience (or
experiences) in this area then please send your story or article to
. |
Featured Thailand
Environmental Companies
A.V.N. Motor (1993) Co.,
Ltd. |
Thailand |
contractor whose major expertise in in site preparation such as
excavation, earthwork, dredging and removal of hazardous waste. |
International (Thailand) Limited |
Thailand |
Water and waste
water asset management, flow gauging, Environmental management services,
environmental monitoring, Trade waste management, waste tracking
systems, maintenance management, non-revenue water reduction |
Following you will find lists of the
products and services offered by Environmental companies and
Organizations in Thailand and the issues and environmental problems they
are working on. If you want Bangkok Companies to help source the
company to address your enquiry or simply to
supply a contact list of these companies then please email
Environmental issues, products & Services |
Thailand Environmental Companies & Organizations |
Agricultural Pollution
Agriculture And Aquaculture
Agro Forestry
Air Cleaning Devices
Air Pollution
Air Pollution Control
Air Pollution Control Equipment Scrubber
Air Pollution Control System
Air Pollution Control System Design
Air Quality
Air Quality Management Planning
Air Quality Standards
Air Sampling And Monitoring
Alternative Crops
Alternative Fuel Vehicles
Alternative Fuels
Animal Wildlife
Anti-Fly Tipping
Aquaculture And Fisheries Management
Assess The Air Quality By Air Modeling
Atmospheric Sciences
Beaches And Coastal Ecosystems
Bio Solids
Biodegradable Disposable Tableware
Biodynamic Farming
Biomass, Biofuels, Biodiesel
Bio-Security And Environmental Conflicts
Chemical Contamination
Chemical Spills
Children's Environmental Health
Civil Engineering
Clinical Waste
Coastal Resources Fish
Cogeneration Technologies
Commercial Collection
Community Input Education
Compatible Land Use
Construction Environment Legal
Construction Contractor
Construction Impacts
Construction Materials
Construction Of Environmental Facilities
Consultancy Services
Continuous Emission Air Monitoring System
Control Instrumentation
Cumulative Impacts
Data Loggers
Development Agency
Development Issues
Disease Monitoring
Domestic Refuse Collection
Drainage And Environmental Engineering
Drinking Water
Due Diligence Auditing
Dust, Mist, Fume And Industrial Ventilation Control Systems
Electric Bicycle
Electric Motorcycle
Electric Scooter
Electric Skate
Electronic Treatment Systems
Electronic Water Purification
Emergency Response
Endangered Animals
Endangered Plants
Endangered Species
Energy Conservation
Energy Efficiency
Energy Saving
Energy Saving Products For Construction
Energy Service Center
Energy Supply
Environment And Social Accountability
Environment Chemical
Environment Conservation
Environment Equipment
Environment Protection
Environmental And Facilities Projects.
Environmental And Safety Application
Environmental Aspects
Environmental Aspects Assessment
Environmental Cancer
Environmental Cleanup
Environmental Contractor
Environmental Control
Environmental Disasters
Environmental Economics
Environmental Engineering
Environmental Engineering And Infrastructure
Environmental Engineers Association Of Thailand
Environmental Ethics And Justice
Environmental Graphics
Environmental Health
Environmental Impact Assessment
Environmental Impact Assessments
Environmental Industries
Environmental Instruments
Environmental Issues Management
Environmental Journalists Assoc. Of Thailand
Environmental Justice
Environmental Law
Environmental Law Enforcement
Environmental Lawyer
Environmental Management
Environmental Management Systems
Environmental Microbiology Laboratory
Environmental Monitoring And Information Systems
Environmental Monitoring Instrument
Environmental Pollutants
Environmental Pollution
Environmental Protection
Environmental Protection Equipment
Environmental Psychology
Environmental Regulations
Environmental Sciences
Environmental Sensing Equipment
Environmental Services
Environmental Systems
Environmental Technologies
Environmental Test Equipment
Environmental Works.
Environment-Friendly Rechargeable Battery
Environment-Friendly Refrigeration
Equipment Measurement
Ethnic Diversity
Exploring For And Developing Natural Gas Resources
Farmlands Natural Resources
Fish Farming
Flow Metering And Monitoring
Flow Meters
Fly Tipping
Forest Management
Fossil Fuels
Gas Detection And Protection Products
Gas Detectors
Genetic Engineering
Genetic Engineering And Biotechnology
Genetically Modified Foods
Geological Investigation
Geotechnical Engineering
Glass Recyclers
Global Warming
Green Marketing
Green Transportation
Greenhouse Effect
Hazardous And Industrial Waste Management
Hazardous And Toxic Waste
Hazardous Materials
Hazardous Waste
Hazardous Waste Management
Hazardous Waste Recovery
Hazardous/Industrial Waste
Hdpe Sheet
Heat Exchanger For Heat Recovery
Heat Insulative Paints
Heath & Safety Monitoring Instrument
Household Filtration Products
Household Waste
Household Waste/Ca Site
Humanitarian Activities
Hydroelectric Energy
Industrial And Process
Industrial Cleaning Services
Industrial Collection
Industrial Ozone Systems
Industrial Pollution
Industrial Waste
Insulated Roofing System
Ionisation Systems
Irrigation Product
Iso Consultants & Trainers
Laboratory And Field Environmental Monitoring Services
Land Reclamation
Land Use Planning
Landfill Project
Landscaping And Gardens
Law, Policy, Monitoring, And Enforcement
Light Emissions And Visual Impacts
Light Pollution
Liquid Waste
Liquid Waste Collection
Liquid Waste Collection,
Machinery For Industrial Pollution
Machinery For Waste Water Treatment
Marine Biology
Marine Habitat Conservation
Marine Works
Material Handling System
Material Recycling
Measurement & Control Engineering
Measuring Equipment
Medical Waste
Municipal Waste Management
Natural Resource And Environmental Management
Natural Resource Management
New Kind Of Plastic Sheet For Environment
Noise Pollution
Nuclear Disasters
Nuclear Energy
Nuclear Waste
Nuclear Waste Cleanup
Organic Farming
Organic Foods
Ozone Layer
Particle Analysis Instrument
Pcbs Collection
Pest And Weed Control
Pest Control
Pollution Control Equipment
Pollution Prevention
Power Generation
Process Analyzers
Process Efficiency
Project Agriculture
Project Management
Protection Of The Environment.
Radiation Monitoring
Radioactive Contamination
Radioactive Waste Disposal
Recycling Sites
Refuse Derived Fuel
Regional And Urban Development Planning
Regulation And Health Services
Religion And The Environment
Removal And Handling Of Hazardous Materials
Renewable Energy
Research And Development
Resorts And Leisure Complexes
Resource Extraction And Mining
Resource Extraction And Mining Waste
Risk Analysis And Assessment
Rural Development Consultancy
Safety Management
Safety Management System
Safety Risk Assessment
Sanitation And Sewer Systems
Seawatch Monitoring System
Sewer And Industrial Cleaning
Sewerage And Sludge Treatment Units
Site Remediation
Social Ecology
Socioeconomic Impacts
Soil Habilisation
Soil Quality Standards
Solar And Wind Energy Equipment
Solar Cell Module
Solar Energy/Photovoltaics
Solar Flat Plate Collectors
Solid Waste
Solid Waste Services
Special Needs And The Environment
Special Waste Collection
Special Waste Disposal
Street Cleaning
Street Cleansing
Sustainability And Manufacturing
Sustainability And The Environment
Sustainable Agriculture
Sustainable Alternative Development
Sustainable Design
Sustainable Fisheries And Aquaculture
Sustainable Forestry
Sustainable Waste Management
Technical Advisory Services On Natural Resources
Temperate Forests
Thai Environmental Engineering Journal
Thai Environmental Sciences
Thailand Environment Institute
Tourism And Recreation
Tourism Development
Toxic Materials
Treating Wastewater
Treatment Plant
Tropical And Sub-Tropical Forests
Underground Storage
Urban Development
Urban Environmental Management
Urban Heat Island Effect
Volunteer Professional Placement
Waste And Garbage Disposal
Waste Disposal Plants
Waste Gas Engineering
Waste Industry
Waste Management Facilities
Waste Management Services
Waste Minimization
Waste Oil Recovery
Waste To Energy
Waste To Energy Services
Waste Treatment
Waste Treatment Plant
Waste Water Design
Waste Water Treatment
Wastewater Treatment Chemical
Wastewater Treatment Systems
Wastewater Treatment Tank
Water & Wastewater Treatment Systems And Services
Water And Wastewater Management
Water Conservation
Water Pollution
Water Pollution Control
Water Purification
Water Quality
Water Quality Standards
Water Reclamation
Water Resources Development
Water Reuse Systems
Water Supply
Water Supply And Sanitation
Water Supply And Sewerage
Water Treatment
Water Treatment Chemicals
Water Treatment Machine
Water Trips, Cruises, Rafting
Wave And Tidal Power
Wildlife And Native Species Management
Wildlife Management
Wildlife Sanctuaries
Thailand Environmental Companies &
Organizations |
. |
If you are looking to source
products from
Thailand Environmental companies then
please complete the
request form for
more information
or visit our main site
Mike at
bangkokcompanies@gmail.com for more details
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