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Wealth Management System Co.,Ltd.

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Wealth Management System Co.,Ltd.
Pornthip Chitvanich
383 Ladya Rd. , Chin Pong Bld.
Bangkok 10600
Tel : 02 861-4820-35
Fax :02 861-4836
E-mail : 
Website :
Categories: Asset Management; Computer Products; Computer Software; Consultants
Company Profile: 1.Business Activity
- System Integrator / Consultant
- Software Developer / Programming / Database
- Software Value Added Reseller, Dealer or Distributor
Selecting suitable financial software presents special requirements different from that of general software purchase. Financial software is developed from financial models that must suit the specific financial environment, such as Thai calculation methods and various kinds of financial instruments. Thus users have to investigate whether the financial model and assumptions that are used to develop the software suit the Thai money market / capital market.

Each organization also has its own internal management system, which it must continually modify to accommodate changing market situations and governing regulations. When selecting financial software, it is therefore important to consider the experience and familiarity of both the financial and programmer teams with these changing requirements of the system, both before and after its implementation. We both develop and modify the software to suit, and provide follow-up consulting and training services.

It is this ability to adapt and accommodate that has assured WMSL a role as a financial software developer for top financial institutes, insurance and mutual fund companies, such as Citibank N.A., Citicorp Finance & Securities, Bank of Ayudhaya, Bangkok Life Assurance, Thai Life Insurance, Ayudhya JF Asset Management, SCB Asset Management, Government Pension Fund, BankThai, Government Housing Bank and Government Saving Bank. Included is a training role for The Thai Institute of Banking and Finance and Market Risk Consulting for leading financial institutes in Thailand.
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