Thailand Measuring Instruments Companies, Thai Measuring Instruments Manufacturers
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Thailand Measuring
Instruments Companies produce a wide range of products used for
measurement. Most of these products are available for export.
Measuring instruments are an essential tool
of ensuring accuracy of measurement, notably for transactions by
consumers and industry in every day life: water meters, taximeters,
electricity meters, weighing machines, etc.
In the 1970’s, the European Community adopted a Framework Directive on
measuring instruments and subsequently a number of specific directives
for 17 particular categories of measuring instruments. The objective was
to allow free movement of goods between the Member States, while
allowing for the possibility of continuing manufacturing in conformity
with national rules for the home market.
In 2004, the Council and the European Parliament adopted a new Directive
on Measuring Instruments, which covers 10 categories of measuring
instruments, and abolishes the corresponding previous legislation. |
Directive adopts a decisively modern regulatory approach, leaving much
more room for technological innovation and more choice for manufacturers
in conformity assessment procedures, aligning Community legislation on
international standards, in particular of the OIML and covering the
electronic revolution that has characterized measuring instruments since
the 70-ies. Furthermore; it complements the Directive on Non Automatic
Weighing Instruments, based on the same approach, adopted in 1990.
Implementation of these Directives takes place in close cooperation with
WELMEC, the Western European Legal Metrology Cooperation which serves as
a platform for cooperation among 29 European countries’ authorities.
In physics and engineering, measurement is the activity of comparing
physical quantities of real-world objects and events. Established
standard objects and events are used as units, and the measurement
results in a given number for the relationship between the item under
study and the referenced unit of measurement. Measuring instruments are
the means by which this translation is made. All measuring instruments
are subject to varying degrees of instrument error.
Physicists use a vast range of instruments to perform their
measurements. These range from simple objects such as rulers and
stopwatches to electron microscopes and particle accelerators. Virtual
instrumentation is widely used in the development of modern measuring
Instruments for measuring mass: balance, weighing scales, mass
spectrometer, katharometer
Instruments for measuring time: calendars, chronometers, clocks,
atomic clocks, radiometric dating equipment
Instruments for measuring length, distance, height etc:
altimeters, architect's scales, calipers, engineer's scales, gauge
blocks, interferometer, micrometer, pi tape, odometer, opisometer,
ruler, tape measure, laser rangefinder, ultrasound distance measure, GPS
Systems, Electronic distance meter
Technical Drawing & Surveyors instruments: planimeter, Angles,
sextant, theodolite, protractor
Instruments for measuring temperature: thermometer, thermocouples,
thermistors, pyrometers, electromagnetic spectroscopy
Instruments for measuring weather and the environment: Humidity
meters, hygrometers, barometer, manometer, Picot tube, anemometer
Industrial Instruments, Scientific and Medical instruments:
Sphygmomanometer, spirit level, laser line level, Dumpy level, Tilt
meter, Geiger counter, Nichols radiometer, Photometer, Spectrometer,
speedometer, airspeed indicator, Electronic test equipment measuring
electrical properties, electrometer, ammeter, galvanometer, ohmmeter,
voltmeter, multimeter, oscilloscope, watt meter, electric energy meter,
durometer, Aerometer, Pycnometer, colorimeter, radiometry, sicroscope,
Bangkok Companies is a full service
product sourcing company in Thailand. For All your
measuring instrument needs please email
bangkokcompanies@gmail.com with your requests.
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Laser Measuring Tape |
Ultrasonic Distance Measurer With Laser Point |
Scales |
Measuring Cups and Spoon Set |
Gas Measuring Instrument |
Laboratory Balances |
Anemometer |
Measuring Bowls |
100 Gram
on Balance |
Scales |
Electronic Environmental Measuring
Instruments |
Measuring Equipment |
Systems |
Barcode Instruments |
Control Measuring Instruments |
Instruments |
Laboratory Instruments |
Clocks |
Instruments |
Fine Clocks & Watches |
Measuring Instruments |
Digital Thermometer |
Remote Dial
Thermometer |
Analogue Temperature Monitor
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Thai Measuring Instruments Manufacturers
K & P F.A. Center Co.,Ltd |
Thailand |
Measuring Equipment, Thermometers, Motor
Gear, Motor Vibrators, Motors, Taper Bushes, Pulleys, Screw Conveyors,
Loose proof Fastener Systems, Concrete Mixers, Screw Conveyors, Belt
Conveyor, Butterfly Valves, Touch Screens, Signal Lights, Signal Phones,
Plc, Eocr, Terminal Blocks, Interface Terminals, Plc Direct, Encoder,
Proximity Switches, Switch Power Supply, Rotary Encoder , Servos,
Digital Temperature Controllers, Digital Load Cells, Loadcells, Weight
Scales, Weight Scales, Loadcell, Indicators, Truck Scales, Packing Scale
Machines, Concrete Batching Plants, Mobile Concrete Batching Plants |
Achitech Engineering & Trading Ltd
Tooling and General Machine Tools. The company also imports and
distributes other machineries as part of its fully integrated service in
steel working. The product range includes Carbide Cutting Tools, Digital
Readout, Measuring Equipment, Milling Machine, Surface Grinding Machine
and Automatic Band sawing Machine. An after-sales-service is supported
by an efficient team to supply spare parts and to offer customers
advice. These efforts have been well appreciated by many of the
company's industrial customers since its establishment.
Products: Cutting Tools, End Milling Machine Tools, Tool Holders,
Band saws, Tool & Die Components, Measuring Instruments, Grinding Tools,
Magnetic Tools, Taps/Twist Drills, Diamond Tools, Measurement & Meter,
Machining Tool, Accessories, Industrial Supplies Agents
MedScience Technology Co.,ltd.
Medscience Technology company is distributor/wholesaler for selling and
servicing medical product and electronic & electrical test and
measurement instrument. Medical product , we are focusing in Laser
treatment and IPL treatment equipment and Pulse Oximeter, Uroflowmeter,
pneumatic lithotripter. Electronic/Electrical test and measurement, We
are focusing in Power meter, Digital multimeter. We are looking for new
supplier for test & measurement product and new medical product for
Urology and Dermatology field for selling in Thailand.
Products: Pneumatic lithotripter, co2 laser, multimeter,
oscilloscope, power meter
Uno Precision (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
We were Japanese trading company main product import from Japan, main
customer is Japan industry. Head office at Japan established more than
50 years in Thailand for 3 years. We supply for many kind of industrial
use. More than 90% is Japan brand. We can supply all Japan product and
very strong in measurement product.
Products: Measurement and equipment, tooling, spare parts, Pumps
& Vacuum Equipment, Consumer Electronics Production Lines, Industrial
Supplies Agents, Measurement & Meters
Following you will find lists of
measuring instruments and companies involved in the measuring
instruments business in Thailand. If
you want Bangkok Companies to put you in touch with a measuring
instruments company or simply supply a database of these companies then please email
5m Tape
Abs Plastic Rule
Adjustable Measuring Spoon
Analysing Instruments
Anthropometric Measurement
Anti-Freeze Meter
Auto-Lock Tape Measure
Automatic Leather Measuring Machine
Baby Scales
Bathroom Scales
Battery Meter
Battery Powered Weighing Scales
Bimetallic Thermometer
Blood-Pressure Meters
Body Fat Analyzer
Body Fat And Hydration Scale
Boiler Level Gauge
Bourdon Type Pressure Gauges
Bubble Level
Burette Set
Capsule Type Pressure Gauges
Car Thermoneter
Carabiner Tape Measures
Collapsible Measuring Cup Stack
Column Fluid Level Gauge
Cooking Thermometer
Counting Scales
Cutting Tool And Precision Measuring Tool
Depth Measuring Systems
Device For Measurement Of Hardness
Diagnosing Instruments
Dial Caliper
Digital Caliper
Digital Energy Analyzer
Digital Imaging Measurement Instruments
Digital Lcd Display Measure Meter
Digital Measurement System
Digital Measuring Instruments
Digital Measuring Wheel
Digital Multimeter
Digital Postal Scale
Digital Storage Oscilloscope
Digital Thermometer
Digital Tire Gauge
Distance Thermometer
Document Measuring Device
Domestic Gas Meter
Double Jigger
Double Pan Balance
Drinking Water Measuring Instruments
Electrician Measures
Electronic Analytical Balance
Electronic Baby Scale
Electronic Balance
Electronic Balances
Electronic Clasp Scales
Electronic Digital Caliper
Electronic Heat Meter
Electronic Measuring Instruments
Electronic Measuring Tape
Electronic Platform Scale
Electronic Tools
Environment Measurement Instruments
Environmental Measuring Instruments
Fiber Glass Measuring Tapes
Fiber Optic Sensors
Fiber Testing & Measuring Instruments
Fiberglass Measure Tapes
Fishing Scale
Flow Meter
Freon Balance
Galileo Thermometer |
Gift Tape Measure
Glass Electronic Bathroom Scale
Granite Measuring Instrument
Heart Measuring Spoons
Highest And Lowest Measuring Thermometers
Home Measuring Cup Set
Horizontal Scale Unit
Horse Measuring Stick
Hour Meter
Humidity Measuring Instrument
Industrial Pressure Gauges
Infrared Thermometer
Kitchen Scales
Lab Instruments
Laser Level
Laser Spirit Level
Laser Tachometer
Laser Tape Measures
Length Measurement Gauge
Light Drop Weight Tester
Locking Steel Measuring Tape
Luggage Scales
Machinery Instrumentshealth Monitoring Instruments
Magnetic Measuring Stand
Manual Vision Measuring System
Map Measurers
Map Measuring Tool
Marine Boiler Level Gauge
Measure Tape With Light
Measured Volume Infusion Set
Measurement Hardness Device
Measurement Hydrophone
Measurement Tool Set
Measuring & Gauging Tools
Measuring Appliance Diaphragm
Measuring Bottle
Measuring Containers
Measuring Cylinder
Measuring Freon Weight
Measuring Machine
Measuring Microscope
Measuring Pitcher
Measuring Relative Air Pressure
Measuring Ring
Measuring Scoops
Measuring Scope
Measuring Tank
Measuring Tape
Measuring Tape With Rubber Cover
Measuring Tools
Measuring Wheel
Mechanical Push, Pull Force Gauges
Metal Detectors
Microwave Radar Gauge
Mixture Measuring And Weighting System
Nikon Measuring Microscope
Noodle Measurement
Nylon-Coated Tape Measure
Organic Rulers
Oxygen Measuring Meter
Palm Sized Anemometer
Pharmaceutical Measuring Cups
Plastic Liquid Measures
Plastic Measurement Cup
Plastic Measuring Cup
Plastic Measuring Cups
Plastic Measuring Tape
Plastic Rulers
Plastic Tape Measure
Plug Gauges
Pocket Scales
Portable Measuring Microscope
Portable Measuring Tapes
Power Factor Meter
Power Parameter Multimeter
Precision Measuring Instruments |
Pressure Gauge
Pressure Gauges
Pressure Sensor
Pressure Thermometer
Programmable Universal Scope
Retractable Metal Tape
Revolution Counter
Ring Gauges
Roberval Balance
Roller Bench Guide
Rotary Laser Level Kit
Rotorless Rheometer
Safety Measurements On Playgrounds
Set Square
Shock-Resistant Pressure Gauge
Silicone Kitchen Measuring Cups
Silicone Measuring Cup Set
Single-Phase Mechanical Meter
Smoke Tester
Spirit Level
Spirit Measure Pourer
Spring Balance
Stainless Steel Measuring Bow
Stainless Steel Pressure Gauges
Steel Measuring Tapes
Steel Rulers,
T Squares
Tailoring Tape
Tape Measure
Tape Measure Key Chains
Tape Measuring Spring
Thermoset Viscosity Measurement System
Thickness Gauge
Thickness Guage
Thickness Measuring Systems
Thin Film Thickness Measurement
Time Measuring Apparatus
Tire Depth Measurer
Tire Gauge
Tire Measure Tool
Tire Pattern Measure
Torpedo Levels
Transparent Tape Measure
Tube Micrometers
Tubular Type Glass Level Gauge
Ultrasonic Distance Measurer
Ultrasonic Distance Measurer With Laser Pointer
Ultrasonic Distance Meter
Ultrasonic Distometer
Ultrasonic Level Measuring System
Ultrasonic Measurer
Ultrasonic Swing Measuring Instrument
Ultrasound Distance Measurement
Used Measuring Equipment
Uv Measuring Bracelet
Vernier Caliper
Vernier Calipers
Vertical Scale Units
Vibration Measuring
Viscosity Measurement
Viscosity Measurement Instruments
Volumetric Meter
Waist Measuring Tape
Water Meter
Wave Radar Level
Waveform Generator
Weather Stations
Weighing Scales
Wind Measurement Mete
Wine Measuring Cup
Wine Spirit Measure Pourers
Wooden Rulers
X-Ray Inspection |
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If you are looking to source
or sell measuring instruments products in
Thailand then
please complete the
request form for
more information
or visit our main site
Mike at
bangkokcompanies@gmail.com for more details
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