Thai Car Dealers in Bangkok, Car Dealers in Thailand
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Thailand Car Dealers are probably not
much different to dealers all over the world. There are simply three
types of automobile dealers - The Good, The Bad and the downright ugly.
Cars have until recently been pretty much a
luxury for the average Thai buyer. Prices for new cars and in most
respects secondhand cars are based on one criteria. Are they imported
cars or cars made in Thailand. It would be very obvious to state that
luxury cars cost more than everyday automobiles. However here in
Thailand a massive import tax is levied on any auto imported into the
country. Consequently imported cars tend to be top of the range models. A way around these high import tariffs is
to import the vehicles in knock down form and have them assembled in
Thailand. In addition these vehicles must be assembled using a
stipulated percentage of 'local parts'
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Featured Thailand
Car Dealers
Following you will find lists of
Car Dealers in Thailand. If you want Bangkok Companies to put you in
touch with a Car Dealer or supply a database of these Car Dealers then please email
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If you are looking to source
Car Dealers in
Thailand then
please complete the
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