Cambodia Companies Directory (Page C)

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Cambodia Companies Directory
features Cambodia businesses in the following categories: Candles
Candy, Canned Food, Canning, Casting & Forging, Catering Services,
Cement, Ceramics, Chemicals & Medical Products, Clinics, Clothes & Ready
Wears, Coconut Products, Cold Storage, computer (Internet & Web),
Computer Hardware, Computer Products, Computer Retailers, Computer
Service & Repair, Computer Software, Construction Equipment,
Consultants, Consumer Goods, Contractors, Couriers, Credit & Finance,
Culture & Art, Customs Brokers & Agents
More...If you are a Cambodian company and
would like to post your companies products or services on this website
please contact
The Ultimate Cambodia Companies Contact Directory. We
have collected data on thousands of companies, Cambodia hotels, non
governmental organizations operating in Cambodia and Cambodian
Government Departments.
Full contact information is not available on our
website. For individual company enquiries the best source is still
Cambodia Yellow Pages. The Ultimate Cambodia Companies Contact Database
is available in electronic format ready to install on your computer. It
can be searched by name, location, business category and keyword
searched if you want to find a list of companies that manufacture a
particular product or offer a similar service.
For details of how to obtain a copy of
the Cambodia Companies Directory or any of our other lists and
directories then please contact me at
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Following you will find a list of
companies in the Ultimate Cambodia Companies Directory If you
want to purchase a copy of this directory then please email
A-Z of Companies
in Cambodia that appear in The Ultimate Cambodia Companies Directory
c & s distribution co
c h - chhay heng trading co ltd
c net
c.m.y.k. printing & advertising production
c.p.t electric equipment
c.t jao-yuen construction co ltd
cabs (cambodian-american business school)
cade creative design & media agency
cade group cambodia company ltd
cadtis consultant co ltd
cafe darling
cafe freedom and lodge
caisb - cambodia agriculture industrial specialized bank
california hand phone shop
california pacific institute
california pailin internet
calmette hospital
caltex cambodia limited
caltex station
cam paint
cam pcs - cambodian pest control service
cam star copier
cam well
camatc group
camatec engineering & construction co ltd
cambest shipping co ltd
cambo fashion co ltd
cambo swim co ltd
cambo technology co ltd
cambo trading co ltd
cambobuild construction chemical co ltd
cambodge soir
cambodia agriculture industrial specialized bank
cambodia angkor world tour
cambodia apparel industry ltd
cambodia artistic signs & printing services
cambodia asia bank
cambodia asphalt company limited
cambodia brewery limited
cambodia chang cheng travel & trading co ltd
cambodia cherndar plywood mfg co ltd
cambodia computer & communication center
cambodia connect
cambodia construction consulting & contracting company, ltd.
cambodia cpg garment export
cambodia cwt dry port
cambodia datacommunication co., ltd.
cambodia delta trading co ltd
cambodia development resurce institute
cambodia e tech services ltd
cambodia entrepreneur building limited
cambodia estate agent
cambodia flyingman co ltd
cambodia fuller international co ltd
cambodia furniture handcraft
cambodia globus consultants
cambodia haining group co ltd
cambodia health promotion & primary health care project
cambodia hoi fu garment & knitting co ltd
cambodia holding co ltd
cambodia hotel and tourism academy (cahata)
cambodia huy hong import export co ltd
cambodia image group
cambodia indochina assets ltd
cambodia information communication technology association
cambodia information development center
cambodia information project
cambodia international law firm (cilf)
cambodia intra global
cambodia japan agency (cja)
cambodia korea plaza
cambodia malaysia palm oil investment & development co ltd
cambodia management services corporation ltd
cambodia mekong bank plc ltd
cambodia new star construction group co ltd
cambodia office of the un high commissioner for human rights (unhchr)
cambodia peter group co ltd
cambodia pharmaceutical enterprise
cambodia pocket guide
cambodia real estate
cambodia rice import export co ltd
cambodia samart communication
cambodia samart communication co ltd
cambodia shinawatra (camshin) co ltd
cambodia shipping corporation
cambodia singapore training center
cambodia sportswear mfg ltd
cambodia suzuki motor co ltd
cambodia tong hua investment group co ltd
cambodia training center
cambodia training institute
cambodia web
cambodia wk machine ltd
cambodia womens clinics
cambodian angkor real estate co ltd
cambodian construction co ltd
cambodian craft cooperation
cambodian entrepreneur building limited
cambodian express co ltd
cambodian handicraft association for landmine & polio disabled
cambodian institute for cooperation and peace
cambodian mekong university
cambodian mine action center (cmac)
cambodian national mekong committee
cambodian national petroleum authority
cambodian public bank ltd
cambodian review
cambodiana web
cambotech computer center
camdent import export co ltd
camedia camera shop
camgsm co. ltd.
camimex development
camintel - banteay meanchey
camintel - battambang
camintel - bavet
camintel - kampong cham
camintel - kampong chhnang
camintel - kampong speu
camintel - kampong thom
camintel - kampot
camintel - koh kong
camintel - kratie
camintel - mondulkiri
camintel - poipet
camintel - preah vihear
camintel - prey veng
camintel - pursat
camintel - rattanakiri
camintel - siem reap
camintel - sihanoukville
camintel - sre ambel
camintel - stung treng
camintel - svay rieng
camintel - takeo
camintel - takhmao
camitex (cambodia) mfg co ltd
camnet - cambodia’s internet service
cam-paint manufacturing
campro film production
cams cargo terminal
camshine services
camstar forwarding co ltd
camstyle construction & development co ltd
camtech computer
camtech group
camtel - cambodia mobile telephone
camwin computer center & printing
canadia bank plc
canby publications co ltd
cancam international trading center
canteran apparel (cambodia) co ltd
canworld limited
captain fatass inc
car import & export
cardamom media group co ltd
career advising office/ academic advising center
cargo focus inc.
caritas cambodia
casotim co ltd
castle gold co., ltd
cavielco co ltd
cbh - cambodia import export pte ltd
cc&ec - cambodia construction & engineering co ltd
ccb - cambodian commercial bank limited
cci group limited
ccw - construction chemicals world co., ltd
cdn petroleum co ltd
celliers d’asie
cementhai sct (cambodia) co ltd
center for banking studies
center for continuing education
center for investment consultancy group
central phone
century mark pacific (cambodia) co ltd
century rich company ltd
cetic international hydropower technology development co ltd
cfa logistics (cambodia) co ltd
cfbt education services
cfc - compagnie francaise de commerce
cfi furniture industry co ltd
cfs - cam freight services co ltd
cg - cambodia greenage co ltd
chaing sok phat
chakraval hand phone shop
chakroval net
cham roen phone shop
cham roeun
cham roeunsok
chamcar morn selling hand phones
chamkamon net
chamnap phone shop
chamnap ufo phone shop
chamroen phal construction
chamroeun computer internet & printing
chamroeun shop
chamroeun thmei phone shop
chamroeun web
chan leang gsm phone shop
chan leng handphone shop
chan monica computer technologies
chan mony mobile phone shop
chan raksmey phone shop
chan reah phone shop
chan roeun leap phone shop
chan sros phone shop
chan tha phone shop
chan thoeurn phone shop
chan tieng air conditioner
chan vanny phone shop & spareparts
chandy phone shop
chang louch
chang ty long
channa phone shop
chanry chamreoun phone shop
chao kou construction
chapman (cambodia) garment manufacturing ltd
charm textile co ltd
chay da logistics co ltd
chay hak
chay hout
chc - chhay heang import export & international air - sea
chc computer trading
che pheap
chea chamnan medicinal production co ltd
chea hang pheng
chea hang sree
chea heang phone shop
chea heng nguon
chea kea
chea kheng
chea lay ou
chea ly horng phone shop
chea ly veng
chea muysreang
chea pharma co ltd
chea sakal aphivath co ltd
chea sengheng
chea sinath garment factory co ltd |
chea sinath import &
cheab an express tour co ltd
cheam savuth phone shop
cheam tech
chean ping garment co ltd
cheang engineering consultants co., ltd.
cheang marn
cheang neth phone shop
cheang ngoa repair
cheang ry & hun pov
cheang sela
cheang sim shop
cheang thou
cheap chheang hour phone shop
cheap liv
cheav vanthna
cheer view textiles (cambodia) co ltd
chelsea web
chen khmao
chenda phone shop
chenda web
cheng chan plastics industry (cambodia) co ltd
cheng heng phone shop
cheng kimhak
cheng koing
cheng seng leng phone shop
cheng sithy
cheng srun phone shop
chenla constructions shop
cher ra shop
chez l’artisan
chhay chea long set & repairing
chhay chhay investment ltd
chhay hac sewing machines for sale
chhay heng hand phone shop & spare parts
chhay heng phone shop
chhay hok computer trading
chhay hok phone shop
chhay huor huot i imp exp co ltd
chhay kim phone shop
chhay malen phone shop
chhay minn phone shop
chhay ngoun shop
chhay por import export & transportation pte ltd
chhay sokheng sale electrical & electronic
chhe chamroeun
chhea kea phone shop
chheang ang construction materials
chheang heng hand phone shop
chheang hout stationery center
chheang siv kheak
chheav hok supply steels & transportation
chheng ea
chheng ei phone shop
chheng hak stone diamond
chheng hong
chheng hour
chheng kheang import export co ltd
chheng ly phone shop
chhieve chhorn
chhim samuth construction
chhim samuth sell water pipe & equipment
chhin heng accounting
chhin long air conditioner
chhin vanny
chhor kokhour phone shop
chhor meng heng
chhor poan chantrea selling construction materials
chhor porn internet
chhorn heng phone shop
chhorn vannak
chhorpone artist advertising
chhou ly mong
chhouk rath phone shop
chhour cheng huy
chhour cheng uy
chhour meng hong
chhour seng hout
chhour thai ngoun internet
chhrin kim heng
chhun chi airconditioning service
chhun heng long construction
chhun heng wood processing factory
chhun hong im ex & transportation co pte ltd
chhun hour hand phone shop
chhun keng industrial
chhun leang internet
chhun leng
chhun ly phone shop
chhun pech
chhun reth mouny
chhuo meng hout
chi cam printing & computer
chi pha co ltd
chi seng metal products
chi vay
chian hwey shoes co ltd
chiang mai riverside
chib heng company
chiek leng tires & battery pte ltd
chiev von
chin hour steel shop
china asian 2 phone shop
china asian phone shop
china cambodia granite stone shop
china gezhouba water & power (group) co ltd
china houryin import & export
china huai hai hua tai group (cambodia) co ltd
china shipping (cambodia) agency co ltd
china web
chinamex international corp
ching mab
ching thai electronic equipment
chinna freight co ltd
chip heng
chip mong import export & construction co ltd
chip sreng (hak meng)
chiv ly
chlangden production
chn computer
chom roeun phone shop
chong chhun electronic spare part shop
chou kim se phone shop
chou many electronic
chou seng heang
chou seng ny electric & pump water shop
choun sopheap khmer traditional medicine
chour ly mon
chour thaykea
chouv yi chong phone shop
chp garment (cambodia) co ltd
chr - chray vanrith
chrea savuth
christian travel services
chrun entreprises (cam) ltd.
chuchawal de weger internationaal ltd
chum pidor
chum pou van radio shop
chum vuthy electric shop
chun hong repare electronic
chun kheng
chung fai knitwear fty ltd
chung meang trading co ltd
chuo meng kuong
chuo senko (cambodia) holding co ltd
church world service (cws)
chy keang
chy kheang
cig - cambodia investments group ltd
ciic group - food & beverages
cimetra (cambodia) pte ltd
cinkamp apparel corporation
cit internet
citi telecom
city corporation
city link
city mart co ltd
city new garment factory (cambodia) co ltd
city villa hotel apartment
cityly cambodia pte ltd
civil aviation authority of cambodia
cj cambodia co ltd
cjpc - cambodia japan project corporation co ltd
cjs - cambodia joho service inc
ck trading co ltd
ckh garment (cambodia) co ltd
ckl - chhim kai long
ckt co ltd
clark hatch
clay media
clay tan (cambodia) co ltd
club 51
club nautique
cm - center med co ltd
cms - cargo management services
cmsc network (cambodia mutual savings & credit network)
cmt pte ltd
cnc corp. public co ltd
cn-ch group investment co.ltd
cn-ch group investment ltd
cnit - cambodia & information technology center
cobrain computer technology
cocc - cambodia one-click communication
cocon d’or khmer traditional silk & craft
cogetel limited
coht - cambodia organization for human resource training
colonial mansion
colours of cambodia
comin khmere co ltd
coming of age magazine
commence way fashion (cam) gmt
commercial art
compter technology center & services (ctcs)
computer advance design team
computer development center
computer star art
computer system engineering school
computer technologies today
computer technology & language center
computer technology center
computer training center
comware (cambodia) co ltd
concord enterprise ltd
conical hat software ltd
construction rath enterprise
continent link (cambodia) co ltd
continental cafe
continental indochine
cooperation committee for cambodia (ccc)
cooperation for a sustainable cambodian society (cscs)
cophaco ltd
copy solutions (cambodia) co ltd
corel computer
cosco cambodia pte ltd
cosmic oil cambodia co ltd
couleurs d’asie
council for the development of cambodia
council of ministers
cp - chreang sophan trading co ltd
cp & a trading international co ltd
cp group cambodia co ltd
cpac monier (cambodia) co ltd
cpi - cam paper industries ltd
cpl cambodia properties limited
cps - complete plumbing service
cps flora & handicraft
cps plumbing contractor
craft network cambodia
credit agricole indosuez
credit co ltd
credit mfi
credit micro-finance institution
crei - (cambodia) royal electrical industries ltd
crv import export co ltd
crystal apparel ltd
crystal electronic lamp shop
crystal net
cs container line cambodia ltd
csl - cambodia shipping lines & logistics
csm co.,ltd
csp computer center
css computer shop
cst computer center
ct - computer technology
ctcs computer - computer technology center & service
ctsi logistics inc
ctt net internet service
cung sing (cambodia) garment co ltd
customs branch of kandal province
customs office
cy- chaing you
cybernetics limited
cyspharma co ltd |
A-Z of Companies
in Cambodia that appear in The Ultimate Cambodia Companies Directory
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