Cambodia Companies Directory (Page L)

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Cambodia Companies Directory
Cambodia businesses in the following categories: Labels & Stickers,
Laboratories, Laboratory supplies, Lace, Lapidary, Lawyers and Legal
services, Leasing, Leather, Lift & Escalator, Locks & Safes, Loss
Adjusters, Lubricants More... If you are a Cambodian company and
would like to post your companies products or services on this website
please contact
The Ultimate Cambodia Companies Contact Directory. We
have collected data on thousands of companies, Cambodia hotels, non
governmental organizations operating in Cambodia and Cambodian
Government Departments.
Full contact information is not available on our
website. For individual company enquiries the best source is still
Cambodia Yellow Pages. The Ultimate Cambodia Companies Contact Database
is available in electronic format ready to install on your computer. It
can be searched by name, location, business category and keyword
searched if you want to find a list of companies that manufacture a
particular product or offer a similar service.
For details of how to obtain a copy of
the Cambodia Companies Directory or any of our other lists and
directories then please contact me at
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Following you will find a list of
companies in the Ultimate Cambodia Companies Directory If you
want to purchase a copy of this directory then please email
A-Z of Companies
in Cambodia that appear in The Ultimate Cambodia Companies Directory
l & h trading co., ltd.
l h-lim hong glass & aluminum
l j import & export ltd
l.k computer technologies
la (cambodia) garment pte ltd
la belle
la khav
la khin
la lune phone shop
laboratories p.p.m. co ltd
lamoda corporation
landex cambodia pte ltd
lang khoun
lanna design construction (thailand) co ltd
lao chhun web
lao hang heng wine co.,ltd
lao kim kheng
lao lay internet shop
lao muily
lao muy ngon shop
lao sreng
larryta trading & travel co ltd
laser scope
lau techseng fruit shop
lav mengchrea
lay bun shing shop
lay chheng nam sell & rent generators
lay heng gsm phone shop
lay heng shop
lay hout import & export co ltd
lay khuon kang
lay kim pheng phone shop
lay meng computer
lay phally
lay seng heng phone shop
lay sengty
lay sok leng
lbl international
lbt import export
lch development co ltd
ldi enterprise ltd
le lezard bleu
le on chanthy
le rit’s restaurant
le tigre de papier
league of khmer students from abroad lidee khmer
leang hak selling stereos
leang heng import export
leang heng sreng import export co ltd
leang hong lucky
leang ly
leang meng hong phone shop
leang peou phone shop
leang sreng shop
leang srim phone shop
leang y
leap heng phone shop
leath sophea run
led electro design & marketing resources
lee hong huat
lee service construction (cambodia) pte ltd
lee thong computer
leeco modern furniture shop
leefee construction
legal aid of cambodia
lehivy co ltd
lemon computer shop
leng choeu tong chinese medicine store
leo light
leon chanthy
les editions du mekong
les halles
les murailles ltd
let’s go
lh - lian heng trading co ltd
lhl - leang hong - leeco
lhor penh cheth i photo express & studio
li & fung (exports) limited
li hun
li lim hour alloy
li seng hong
li sokny
lian su hong kong (cambodia) co ltd
liang ch development
liang ch development co ltd
lidee khmer
lien - i textiles ( cambodia ) co ltd
lieng sreng telecom & glasses shop
lim chhay phone shop
lim chheang gsm phone shop
lim chhenghorth
lim chiv
lim eng computer
lim ham mobile phone shop
lim hang eang
lim hav shop
lim heang phone shop
lim heng chhay
lim heng shop
lim hour heng phone shop
lim huy chinese herb shop
lim keang heng
lim keang seng
lim khar phone shop
lim khoun selling construction
lim kim hout
lim kov
lim lay ang phone shop
lim leng construction materials shop
lim linda phone shop
lim meng eang mobile phone shop
lim meng kong
lim meng sry phone shop
lim muy heng
lim muy kim selling construction materials
lim navy selling construction material
lim ngoun
lim nguon
lim nob mobile phone shop
lim peng ly shop
lim say eng computer shop
lim seng hak
lim song chhay
lim sreun hout
lim srun construction material shop |
lim tai seng
lim try
lim yiv
limhan computer center
lin kagnna
lin tha
lina phone shop
linehaul express (cambodia) co., ltd.
lioa electric & electronic
little india
livistona landscape & interior
lix detergent company
lk computer training center
lo sivpheng construction co ltd
loch sovannara
lock yinh phone shop
locomo co ltd
locomo shop
locomotive cambodia co.,ltd.
loeng sovannara
loh seng ngoun trading co ltd
lolei travel
london book center
long an na
long beach web
long e v
long heng
long mar co ltd
long sunhoeung company
long term development co ltd
long thach
long try gsm phone shop
lonn sitheary
lor hang bun computer
lor pheng phone shop
lor you ngorn
lotus pond
lotus temple communication & business center
lou tech cheng phone shop
loung sok kheng
lour moy seng fresh fruit shop
lov srey moch phone shop
lov vengtry
lre - lucky real estate
ls - language & skill center
ls air-con
lsh - loh seng heng
lsh (cambodia) pte ltd
lsh (cambodia) pte. ltd.
lsn - loh seng ngoun trading co ltd
lu kian chung
luck sothy gypsum
lucky air conditioner shop
lucky computer club
lucky market group ltd - sihanouk branch
lucky phone shop
lucky poipet
lucky ro phone shop
lucky star computer
lucky web
luo thai kuorng
lutheran world federation/ department for world service
lux sign design
lvc construction group co ltd
ly bun neam
ly bun thong shop
ly bunnarith - cambodia traditional medicine
ly bunthorn electric material & generator
ly bunthy
ly channy phone shop
ly cheng heng
ly chhay
ly chheng phone shop
ly chhuong construction & import export co ltd
ly chun hong co ltd
ly chung leang
ly eang bun phone shop
ly fok mobile phone & accessories shop
ly heang phone shop
ly heng try
ly hieng
ly hong internet
ly hong phone shop
ly hor phone shop
ly hour heng phone shop
ly hour ly phone shop
ly hour whole sales & retails all kind of tv
ly hout phone shop
ly houw phone shop
ly hung phone shop
ly kea
ly kheang chak angre
ly khun
ly kim eav
ly kim eng construction
ly kim sam
ly kyta selling
ly lay
ly leang
ly ly computer
ly ly hak telecom shop
ly ly phone shop
ly ly shop
ly meng phone shop
ly phen
ly phy phone shop
ly poeu
ly pyrak phone shop
ly ratha phone shop
ly roth
ly samnang phone shop
ly sieang construction co ltd
ly sok thy phone shop
ly sokny selling construction materials
ly sreng hak shop
ly teang sreng phone shop
ly thear phone shop
ly tourn
ly van tha phone shop
ly wha
ly yeng phone shop
lylay hong
lyly computer
lyna mobile phone shop
lyna sa sa hand phone shop
lyny phone shop |
A-Z of Companies
in Cambodia that appear in The Ultimate Cambodia Companies Directory
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products from Cambodia companies
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Mike at
bangkokcompanies@gmail.com for more details