Cambodia Companies Directory (Page S)

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Cambodia Companies Directory
Cambodian businesses in the following categories: Safety & Fire
Protection Equipment, Safety Products, Sanitary Ware, Sanitation,
Satellite Systems, Seafood, Security, Service, Sewing Machines, Ship
Repair and Construction, Shipyards, Shoes, Shutters, Sign makers, Silk,
Silver & Silverware Products, Skirts, Sports Equipment, Sports
Facilities, Stationary, Steel, Storage, Supermarkets, Surveyors,
Swimming Pool Equipment
More... If you are a Cambodian company and
would like to post your companies products or services on this website
please contact
The Ultimate Cambodia Companies Contact Directory. We
have collected data on thousands of companies, Cambodia hotels, non
governmental organizations operating in Cambodia and Cambodian
Government Departments.
Full contact information is not available on our
website. For individual company enquiries the best source is still
Cambodia Yellow Pages. The Ultimate Cambodia Companies Contact Database
is available in electronic format ready to install on your computer. It
can be searched by name, location, business category and keyword
searched if you want to find a list of companies that manufacture a
particular product or offer a similar service.
For details of how to obtain a copy of
the Cambodia Companies Directory or any of our other lists and
directories then please contact me at
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Following you will find a list of
companies in the Ultimate Cambodia Companies Directory If you
want to purchase a copy of this directory then please email
A-Z of Companies
in Cambodia that appear in The Ultimate Cambodia Companies Directory
s & h shipping (cambodia)
pte ltd
s & s multimedia center
s telecom
s. dam express co ltd
s.h. international co ltd
s.k.d. societe khmere des distilleries
s.o.m corporation, ltd.
sa copier & supplies (cambodia) co ltd
saa - students association of air conditioner
sabrina fashion industrial corp
sac seth handicraft
sadana phone shop
sadiq international co ltd
sae hwa cambodia co ltd
safety gas shop
sage cambo victor group investing & developing
saggara corporation
sahak rungroeung peanich co ltd
sahakprotebatka q & htn group co ltd
saigon electrical equipment co ltd (international)
saigon-mekong greentours co ltd
saint garment (cambodia) co ltd
sak lay heng phone shop
sakal selling & repairing television
sakal vichet art computer & silkscreen
sakaluk cambodia
sakor cambodia co ltd
sakura hotel
sakura import export co ltd
sala lek bram phone shop
sale & repair cd vcd
saly phone shop
sam bat glass cutting
sam bath internet
sam nang internet caf?
sam office automation
sam phoas gsm phone shop
sam sak gsm phone shop
sam sokhom
sam vong
samaky selling construction
samangkar luxe import export co ltd
samart chan chhaya
samay thmei hand phone shop
samay thmey phone shop & gas
sambath dara net
sambath phone shop
sambo filtec import & export co ltd
sambo selling construction materials
sametex garment (cambodia) co ltd
sameth nimol gsm phone shop
sam-han (cambodia) fabrics co ltd
samleng meas
samleng tip
samnang crm company limited
samnang i phone shop
samnang internet shop
samnang nml co ltd
samnang pharma co ltd
samnang thmei
sampeou meas import export ltd
samross thidasuor imp exp co ltd
san fong international co ltd
san lei fung garment & woolen knitting factory ltd
san lin international electrical equipment (cambodia) co ltd
san meng
san miguel brewing international limited
san san garment (cambodia) co ltd
san srun materials shop
san trading import export & transport
san yan co ltd
sandal wood furniture shop
sanesaov samoonpraiv import & export co ltd
sanfrancisco language center
sang nang phone shop
santhormok computer center
santhormok i internet
santhosh import & export pvt co ltd
sao kheang
sao mao art & craft shop
sar socheata gsm phone shop
sar sreymom khmer traditional
sarin & associates
sarin phone shop
sarun net center
savawestronic engineering & import export
savimex import export co ltd
savuth phone shop
sawac-consultants for development
sawasdee food garden
say - somaly
sayam international co ltd
sayon computer
sayon silk works
sbc - singapore banking corporation ltd
sbk research & development
sc computer
scan truck forwarding (cambodia) co ltd
scandic hotel
scanwell freight express (cambodia) co., ltd
scanwell logistics ltd
scar zee net
scc computer center & printing
scc ltd (smec cambodia consulting)
scc technologies co
sccd - sunway cana city development ltd
schedule fright cambodia pte. ltd
schenker international
schneider electric
sciaroni & associates
sck co ltd
scl - sing chhiang-long sewing machine
scor (cambodia) co ltd
sd tech trading & tour agency
sdb production
sdv cambodge ltd.
se hout phone shop
se leang electronic shop
se song ngoun
se web
sea rescue foundation
sea ruos
sea sea
sea union construction cambodia co., ltd
seam bunthy
sean seng heang
seang horth import export co ltd
seang long shop
seang oy gas shop
seang sreng
seav eng phone shop
seaview villa
sela computer center
sem business development
sem import export co ltd
sen monorom phone shop
sen sok internet
seng an phone shop
seng buy phone shop
seng enterprise co ltd
seng hao electrical ltd
seng heng
seng hong heng import export & transport
seng hout
seng houv phone shop & drinks distributor
seng huang
seng hun phone shop
seng kieng hand phone shop & corporation
seng luy
seng ly computer & languages training center
seng maing electronic
seng mony rath phone shop
seng tay computer
seng teang
seng thai aluminum co ltd
seng try
seng vy
seng yong garment co ltd
sensorexim trading co ltd
serey pheap glasses cutting
serey pou kea
serey vouth
sereypheap computer center
service express pte ltd
service for the health in asian and african regions (care)
service master co ltd
servier international
seven stars phone shop
sey la phone shop
seyha phone shop
s-h printing & computer services
sha transport express co ltd
shandong demian group (cambodia) textile co ltd
shang heng
shanghai airlines
sharp casual garment co ltd
sheladia associates inc
shell company of cambodia ltd s a
shen da group co ltd
shen yang industrial co ltd
sheng heng garment co ltd
shin hin trading pte ltd
shin sambath phone shop
shinawatra cambodia
shindon cambodia co. ltd.
shiva shakti exotic perfumeries
shopping center sorya ltd
shu dian co.,ltd.
shun fung trading co ltd (cambodia)
si hou leang ware house
sichuan electric power import export corporation
sida, embassy of sweden development cooperation section
sideband communications & engineering services
sidimex co ltd
siem reap apsara guest house
siem reap book center
siem reap computer training center
siem reap gsm phone shop
siem reap phone shop
siem reap riverside guest house
siem reap web
siemens representation cambodia
sieng hong corporation
siev chhong construction
sihanoukville autonomous port
sika (cambodia) ltd
sika cambodia ltd
silk shipping agency pte ltd
sin fu food products (cambodia) co ltd
sin han repairing colour tv & video recorder
sin hour gsm phone shop
sin lan ho garment cambodia co ltd
sin leng
sin lun glasses
sin sothea import export co ltd
sin thuan phone shop
sin vanna
sina asian phone shop
sincam water technology co ltd
sinci express
sing hor garment co ltd
sing hour publishing company
sing hui co ltd
sing huot woodprocessing factory
sing long air conditioning
sing ly heng phone shop
singapore phone shop
singapore trading co ltd
singhakborey phone shop
sinh hak huot construction
sinh sinh gsm phone shop
sinomax international (cambodia) garment limited
sinopair garment
sireisaophuan thmey phone shop
sirk kim
sisovath4u phone shop
sissons paints - saggara corporation |
sitc international
english school
sithy internet
skd factory- soci?t? khmer des distilleries
skl group holding ltd
sky net worldwide express
sky star footwear co ltd
sky villa ( serviced apartments)
sky way guest house
sl - samling international limited
sl garment
sl golden star
sl- song ly
sm international
smart computer co ltd
smart consulting
smart it solution
sme - small & medium enterprise cambodia
smec international pty ltd
smec international pty ltd (snowy mountains engineering
smile guest house
smile siam printing service co ltd (international)
smile techno-arts
so cheata phone shop
so chit phone shop
so muny
so nguon dry port
so nguon transportation & service imp - exp co ltd
so sovann co
sobbhana boutique
soch tith
societe khmer d’oxygene et d’ acetylene
sofitel cambodiana
soft computer center
soft searching
software evolution khmer technologies
software internet shop
soheto limited
sok chea
sok chea phone shop
sok deth electric shop
sok eng phone shop
sok hav tepchomnom phone & gas shop
sok heang phone shop
sok heng ice factory
sok heng phone shop
sok hour
sok kheng shop
sok kheng steel factory
sok lach motorcycle spare parts & helmets shop
sok leng phone shop
sok leng’s building supply
sok ly phone shop
sok meng
sok ny sale construction
sok pheng
sok pheng ii phone shop
sok sambath glass workshop
sok san metal product
sok sarin
sok ty
sokan transport co ltd
sokha chamroeun co ltd
sokha phone & icom shop
sokha rang sey
sokha samsung electronic shop
sokhalay phone shop
sokimex - sok kong import export co ltd
sokkhapheap gsm phone shop
sokny internet shop
sokong phone shop
sokuntheary sales construction tools
solutions co ltd
som bunsoeun
som chan phone shop
som heng
som keav
som la mobile phone shop
soma construction co ltd
sonalin selling steel
sonando real estate co ltd
song hout metal manufacturer co ltd
song kheang phone shop
song kheng hand phone shop
song meng photo copy shop
song vanna
sontepheap phone shop
sonthormok ii internet
sony & akira service center
sony centre
sony phone shop
sony show room
soon hoat glass shop
soon ly glass shop
soon soon import & export co ltd
sophal internet
sophary phone shop
sophat phone shop
sophea air conditioning service
sophea phone shop
sopheary phone shop
sophoan cd
sor phorn hand phone shop
soriya hand phone
sorla investment co ltd
sorya thmei phone shop
soryarith phone shop
sos children's villages of cambodia
sothea computer
sothea phone shop
sotheara money exchange
sothearak net
sotheary wood processing co ltd
sothoeun phone shop
sothy digital studio
sou keav
sou quan cambodia holding co ltd
soun vichet
sour sdey internet
sour soklay
sour srun enterprise co ltd
sous borin
south asia jiachebg trade ltd
south bay enterprise (cambodia) co ltd
south east corporation (seco)
southeast asia rescue foundation
southern international co ltd
souv huy seng phone shop
sovann hand phone shop
sovann kiri phone shop
sovann phone shop
sovann phoum
sovann web
sovann yaun import & export co ltd
sovanna phone shop
sovannara phone shop
sovanvichet jewelry enterprise
sovereign base logistics holdings co ltd
soy sim
sp computer
spec industry
spider web
splendid chance international ltd
springdale international textile (cambodia) corporation
sreang pheap shop
sreng bunny phone shop
sreng hout co ltd
sreng kim sar construction
sreng seng
srey houch phone shop
srey lin mobile phone shop
srey mom construction
srey mom fruit shop
srey neang phone shop
srey pov phone shop
srey samnang co ltd
srey sor
sron hok phone shop
sroun hy
srov kra oub
srun heng
srun long electrical
srun ly
ss builders (cambodia) pte. ltd.
ssf - singapore swichboard fabrication
sst trading
st - office supplies & it solutions
standard chartered bank
standard electronic
star asian
star computer center
star knitting & garment factory ltd
star net
star trans international (cambodia) ltd
starlee company (usa) ltd
state secretariat of civil aviation
state secretariat of public functions
stephane masse
stic (cambodia) ltd
stl - soil testing laboratory
stop tep phan
stp international cambodia public co ltd
straits international pte ltd
strategic consultancy services co ltd
strategic consulting group
strategic management solutions (sms)
sts software services
study abroad
stung sangke phone shop
style inkjet printing co ltd
su fu import export co ltd
su tong fang group ying kan (cambodia) garment ltd
sui feng beverage & food enterprise
sui quinh garment (nfg) ltd
suit way & la rissaca fashion factory limited
sum channy phone shop
sumitomo corporation
sun hay
sun heng company
sun heng computer school
sun heng glass shop
sun hour building material shop
sun hout
sun hout selling furniture
sun laut phone shop
sun lay
sun long
sun long service
sun ly express co ltd
sun mao construction equipment
sun mara
sun nang minolta shop
sun nareth phone shop
sun sengly selling construction material
sun shine co ltd
sun shipping agency pte ltd
sun sky
sun sun ly tourism & trading co ltd
sun wah fisheries co ltd
sun wah trading co ltd
sun way phone shop
sunbird international cambodia ltd
sunday phone shop
suneast group co
sung shin construction co ltd
sunheng computer school
sunny internet cafe
sunshine phone shop
sunshiny (cambodia) garment manufacturing co ltd
sunsimexco co ltd
suntex pte ltd
sunway hotel
suor hinh
supertex co ltd
supply goods trading
supreme choice (cambodia) garment & washing co ltd
supreme choice garment cambodia ltd
supreme garments pte ltd
sut lick hk ltd
sv decoration
svay maro
svay rieng gsm phone shop
svay samrong glasses
sw enterprise inc
synergy vision inc
system form co ltd |
A-Z of Companies
in Cambodia that appear in The Ultimate Cambodia Companies Directory
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bangkokcompanies@gmail.com for more details