Cambodia Companies Directory (Page M)

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Cambodia Companies Directory
Cambodia businesses in the following categories: Management Consultants,
Manufacturers, Marine Products & Services, Market Research, Massage,
Meat Processing, Media & Publications, Medical Facilities, Medical
Supplies, Metal Products, Mining, Model Agency, Motorcycle Accessories,
Motorcycle Assembly, Mould & Dies, Museums & Art Galleries, Music,
Musical Instruments More... If you are a Cambodian company and
would like to post your companies products or services on this website
please contact
The Ultimate Cambodia Companies Contact Directory. We
have collected data on thousands of companies, Cambodia hotels, non
governmental organizations operating in Cambodia and Cambodian
Government Departments.
Full contact information is not available on our
website. For individual company enquiries the best source is still
Cambodia Yellow Pages. The Ultimate Cambodia Companies Contact Database
is available in electronic format ready to install on your computer. It
can be searched by name, location, business category and keyword
searched if you want to find a list of companies that manufacture a
particular product or offer a similar service.
For details of how to obtain a copy of
the Cambodia Companies Directory or any of our other lists and
directories then please contact me at
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Following you will find a list of
companies in the Ultimate Cambodia Companies Directory If you
want to purchase a copy of this directory then please email
A-Z of Companies
in Cambodia that appear in The Ultimate Cambodia Companies Directory
m & a cambodia garment
m & v international manufactory ltd
m & v international manufacturing ltd
m design & printing
m w decoration co ltd
m$s general exchange, unlimited
mabey & johnson - saggara corporation
maccaferri - saggara corporation
machha tip phone shop
mac-nels (cambodia) co ltd
macron systems
made in cambodia
maeda corporation
maersk (cambodia) ltd
maestria cambodia co ltd
magic net
magnate footwear co ltd
mailinh (cambodia) co ltd
makalot garments (cambodia) co ltd
makalot industrial co ltd
makara phone shop
makara printing house
makara takhmao
makara telecom shop
makort pech internet
malaysia phone shop
malen phone shop
maly phone shop
manhattan development co ltd
manhattan qingdao textile corp
manhattan textile & garment corp
manich enterprise
manina ii internet service
manitel co ltd
manith phone shop
mao kimsean
marady phone shop
marco worldwide sdn bhd
marin phone shop
marina jewelry shop
marlyn industrial corperation
mars life sciences limited
marubeni thailand co ltd
mary handicraft
mary phone sale & service center
maryknoll cambodia
mass rich co ltd (international)
mass transport express (cambodia) co ltd
master embroidery co ltd
master internet
master pharma group ltd
master program coordination office
matin phone shop
matrix venture co ltd
maxgood international corp
maxim restaurant
maxima micro finance
maxima organization for household economic development (maxima)
maxpearl garment factory (cambodia)
maxwell enterprises & import - export co ltd
maxwell vong company ltd
maya cambodia import export co ltd
maybank phnom penh
mayland concepts
mbe intertrade
mcc transport
mcd design
mcd web
mct motorcycle manufacturing (cambodia) co ltd
mct phone shop
mdh trading co ltd
mean chamnan handicraft
mean leap phone shop
mean narith phone shop
mean sokhun computer
meas daroth
meas koung web
meas phalla
mec international co ltd
mec international trading co ltd
mechem (cambodia) wood craft products co ltd
medas international ltd
medibest co ltd
medical supply co ltd
medical supply pharmaceutical enterprise
medico trading (s) pte ltd cambodia
medicom co ltd
medimex pharma co ltd
mediphar co ltd
medtecs (cambodia) corperation limited
mees - medical equipment electro-technical service
mega products ltd
mei kim hong phone shop
mei sin garment accessories shop
mekhala arts
mekong air conditioning
mekong bank
mekong cargo freight co ltd
mekong n-e marketing co ltd
mekong net
mekong project development international co ltd
mekong research consultant company ltd
mekong textiles ltd
mekong trading & services co ltd
mekong web
men cheng
men sarom import export co ltd
men sarun construction & transport co ltd
men sarun import export co ltd
men thong company
meng hak heng organization plastic co ltd
meng hak phone shop
meng heng san construction co ltd
meng hou phone shop
meng hour
meng hy pailin germs & jewelry shop
meng khim
meng kim heng import export co ltd
meng koung construction
meng kourng glasses
meng lay construction co ltd
meng leng iv
meng ly
meng sean shop
meng thai phone shop & book shop
meng tong hand phone shop
menta computer service
meong phally plumbing shop
mercury freight cambodia ltd
mercury garment co ltd
mercury international
met - medical equipment technology
met lun
methpheap |
metro net co ltd
metrofield engineering co.,ltd.
mettapheap men sarun agriculture development co ltd
mettpheap computer center
mey ly phone shop
mey ly pich
mey rattana phone shop
mey thea phone shop
microsoft training center
mighti spectra knitting factory co ltd
mike allan international corporate consultants
mike gaertner
milton taylor
min houth shop
min kuan textile co ltd
min yue australia (cambodia) garment co ltd
mines advisory group
ming da footwear industrial
ming hoi (cambodia) garment manufacturing ltd
minh luyen m & e corporation
ministry of agriculture, forestry and fisheries
ministry of commerce
ministry of country planning, urbanization & construction
ministry of cults and religious affairs
ministry of culture and fine arts
ministry of defense
ministry of education, youth and sports
ministry of environment
ministry of finance and economy
ministry of foreign affairs and international cooperation
ministry of health
ministry of industry, mines and energy
ministry of information
ministry of interior
ministry of justice
ministry of planning
ministry of post & telecommunication (mptc)
ministry of posts and telecommunications
ministry of public works & transportation
ministry of rural development
ministry of social affairs labour and professional development
ministry of tourism
ministry of water resources & meteorology
ministry of women's affairs
misaka construction & mechanic engineering co ltd
misaka construction co ltd
mission media co ltd
mitsui & co ltd
mittapheap bokor phone shop
mittapheap computer development co ltd
mittapheap cyber cafe
mittapheap glasses
mittapheap hotel
mittapheap ii hand phone shop
mittapheap internet
mittapheap phone shop
mittapheap restaurant
mittapheap thmey phone shop
mittapheap tours
mittapheap travel & tours
mittapheap-perta petroleum ltd
mk - keo maly co ltd
mk - meng khuorng glassware shop
ml express transport import export shipping
mlup baitong
mmcl - multimedia company limited
mmi - m & m investment co ltd
mo srun
mobile phone technology
mobitel - camgsm company limited
mobitel franchise battambang province
mobitel franchise dealer
mobitel kiet mony
mobitel showroom
modenas service center
modern computer school
modern computer technology
modern computer technology center
modern sells furniture
modern technology of well drilling
modern training center
modern web ii
moeller group co., ltd.
moeumn bunthoeun
mohamonthrey phone shop
mohamuntrey phone shop
mohasal phone shop
mohosot import export co ltd cambodia
mom bopha
mom phnom pich jewelry shop
mom shop
mom vuthy
mondotex knitting & garment factory co ltd
mong an hand phone shop
mong reththy computer shop sokha chamroeun
mong sreng import export co ltd
monica's homemade cakes & pies
monivong phone shop
monivong web
montessori & british school of p.p
monument books
mony associates inc
mony watey
moonlit furniture & sofa shop
morakot international
mori co ltd
mori consult, inc.
morison kak & associ?s
motor king enterprise
motorola computer
moul net
moun san
mour meng phone shop
mpa international ltd.
mpc - multi professional computer
mr travel & express services
mrt - mong reththy group co ltd
ms overseas transport co ltd
msd - market strategy & development co ltd
mse kpm co., ltd.
mse kpm inland port
msi garment (cambodia) ltd
mts computer & electronic care
muhibbah engineering (cambodia) co ltd
multi network for computer center
multi skill computer center
multimedia advanced techniques
municipal public works - transport department
muong sim
museum jewelry
music culture square
muy ngun
my logistics company limited |
A-Z of Companies
in Cambodia that appear in The Ultimate Cambodia Companies Directory
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Mike at
bangkokcompanies@gmail.com for more details