Thai History Books
1688 Revolution in Siam (Reprints) by E. W. Hutchinson
The 1894 Directory for Bangkok and Siam (Reprints), Bangkok Times
1932 Revolutionist by Kamron Gunatilaka, The Crescent Moon Theather
(Paperback) The
publisher, Martin Rowe , August 11, 2000
Anna and the King of Siam by Margaret Landon
Aerial Nationalism : A History of Aviation in Thailand (Smithsonian History of Aviation) (Smithsonian History of Aviation) by Edward M. Young (Hardcover - January 1995) A study of the development of aviation in Thailand, focusing on the pivotal years between 1911 and 1945. The study traces the nationalistic impulses that drove the Thai quest for air power, and examines the later development of the Thai air force and its activities in the Japanese advance in Burma and support to the Allies in WWII. Demonstrates how economic, technological, and political issues affected the country's choice of airplanes, and details the government's purchase of aviation equipment. Includes b&w photos. Annotation copyright Book News, Inc. Portland, Or.
Ancient Capitals of Thailand by Elizabeth Moore
Aspects of the Embassy to Siam 1685 : The Chevalier De Chaumont and the Abbe De Choisy (Treasures from the Past) by Alexandre Chaumont, et al (Paperback - March 1999) Beyond the Mask: Toward a Transdisciplinary Approach of Selected Social Problems Related to the Evolution and Context of International Tourism in Thailand by Walter Meyer
A Brief History of Lan Na by Hans Penth
Capital Accumulation in Thailand 1855-1985 by Akira Suehiro
The Chiang Mai Chronicle by David K. Wyatt (Translator)
China and the Communist Armed Struggle in Thailand by D.C.W. Tsui
Corruption and Democracy in Thailand by Pasuk Phongpaichit, Sungsidh Piriyarangsan (Paperback - June 1999) Reviewer: Taylor
Easum from Chiang Mai, Thailand
Das Siamesische Lächeln by Hella Kothmann (Hrsg.)
Descriptions of Old Siam (Oxford in Asia Paperbacks) (Oxford in Asia Paperbacks) by Michael Smithies This book is both a scholar's and an arm-chair traveler's delight as you travel through Thailand (and Burma) through the eyes of travelers from different times and places. I found the differing views of daily life very interesting. There is also much to read about in the areas of wats/bots (temples) and Asian art. It's not an easy read, though, and I found the print too small for prolonged sampling. comments by Bjorn Andersson
Development and Disintegration in Modern Thailand by Walter Bello
Die Lehre Buddhas by Günter Langer A Guide to Khmer Temples in Thailand & Laos by Michael Freemann
History of the Malay Kingdom of Patani : Sejarah Kerajaan Melayu Patani by Ibrahim Syukri (Paperback - May 1985)
A History of the Kingdom of Siam up to 1770 by F.H.Turpin
Im Land des weißen Elefanten - Die Beziehungen zwischen Deutschland und Thailand by Andreas Stoffers
Khok Phanom Di by Charles Higham
The King of the White Elephant by Pridi Banomyong (Paperback) Book DescriptionIt is the story of the olden days of the East, when nations rose up in arms at the mere word of their King, for what cause they knew not, except that they had been ordered to. Nations that today, with the enlightenment bestowed on them by the Lord Buddha, have realized the follies of their forefathers, and, forgiving and forgetting, have, aggressed and aggressor, victor and vanquished alike, joined hands in brotherly love to work for the commonwealth of Mankind. The
publisher, Martin Rowe , August 11, 2000
Lang Rongrien Rockshelter by Douglas D. Anderson
A Missionary in Siam (1860-1870) (Historical Reprints) by N. A. McDonald (Paperback - February 1999) Summary
Moated sites in early north east Thailand by Elizabeth H. Moore
The Politics of Reform in Thailand : Education in the Reign of King Chulalongkorn by David K. Wyatt
Powers that Be : Pridi Banomyong through the Rise and Fall of Thai Democracy by Sulak Sivaraksa (Paperback - September 2000) Book DescriptionJudging from their broad similarities, one is easily led to the impression that Pridi and Sulak were from the start the best of friends, fighting shoulder to shoulder and back to back against the encircling injustice. In the courageous and illuminating personal essay in this volume Sulak suggests otherwise. He recounts in vivid details his discord and ultimate unity with Pridi. Sulak's essay not only provides us with a valuable glimpse of Pridi's ideas and personality The
publisher, Martin Rowe , August 11, 2000 More Thai Politics Books More Thai History Books More Thai Buddhism Books
A Resounding Failure : Martin and the French in Siam, 1672-1693 (Treasures from the Past) by Michael Smithies (Paperback - June 1999)
Kwai Railway : The Story of the Burma-Siam Railway by Clifford Kinvig
The Secret Vietnam War : The United States Air Force in Thailand, 1961-1975 by Jeffrey D. Glasser (Hardcover - November 1995)
Siam's Struggle for Survival by Gustave Rolin-Jaequemyns
The Siamese Memoirs of Count Claude De Forbin : 1685-1688 (Treasures from the Past) by Forbin, Michael Smithies (Editor) (Paperback - June 1999)
Siamese Sketches by Charles Buls
A Siamese Tragedy by Walter Bello
Siamesisches Tagebuch - Ein deutscher Arzt in Bangkok 1909-1912 by Friedrich Schaefer
Studies in Thai History by David K. Wyatt
Thai Music & Musicians in Contemporary Bangkok by Pamela Myers-Moro
Thai Temples and Temple Murals by Rita Ringis
Thailand : A Short History by David K. Wyatt (Paperback - February 1986) Boulder and London, Westview Press, 252 pp.
Thailand - Geographie, Geschichte, Kultur, Religion by Jürgen Hohnholz
A Window on Thai History by B. J. Terwiel
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