Thai Language Courses Books and Tapes
A.U.A. Language Center Thai Course, Book 1 (Language Texts) by J. Marvin Brown This book is the first in a 6 book set that starts from very basic Thai right through to upper intermediate/experienced Thai levels. The major reasons that make this set of Thai language course books the best I've seen and used are as follows: 1, very well structured logical progression. 2, Use of IPA phonetics 3, Use of Thai script from page one 4, Use of useful language (you can actually use it!) 5, Use of colloquial Thai language (book 4 'Small Talk') 6, Use of many styles of hand written Thai script and not only typed Thai script. (very useful!) If you are looking for a book on Thai language this is definitely the book I would recommend. comments by Bjorn Andersson Asien-Paket by Peter Kitt (videotape) Auto Thai I (audiotape) Auto Thai II (audiotape) Beiträge zur Phonetik des Thailändischen by Heinrich Kelz The Bua Luang Compact What-You-See-Is-What-You-Say English-Thai Dictionary by Samorn Chaiyana Business Thai (audiotape) Colloquial Thai; A Complete Language Course/With Two Audio CDs by John Moore and Saowalak Rodchue Overall, I thought the book was a good text for someone just attempting to learn Thai language. What becomes evident later is that it in itself is insufficient to provide a complete guide to studying Thai. There are numerous spelling/grammatical errors that one can find as you progress through the course. In several instances when checking answers to the exercises provided, you'll find the answers do not completely match the question. What I discovered after a period of time is that this book will give you a good reference but you need an additional text or two that combines good transliteration with a cross referenced dictionary. comments by Bjorn Andersson Study Thai book review Conversational Thai in 7 Days : Break the Language Barrier the Quick and Easy Way! by Somsong Buasai, David Smyth. This book requires that you spend the first few hours listening to the audio cassette to get the feel and the rhythm for the language. It is at first difficult to read the romanised words and repeat the sounds accurately but with practice I think I was on the right track. The audio cassette does not follow the book in the exact sequence as it is written so at times when you think you are following along comfortably you will be taken to a different phrase or word section that may cause you to put the book down and just listen again. The author claims this is to help keep you from relying on the book. The phrases are useful and there is a small Thai/Engilsh dictionary towards the back. I would prefer a book that was easier to follow along with the audio cassette. comments by Bjorn Andersson Study Thai book review Der Urlaubsbegleiter by Georg Gensbichler Deutsch - Thai - Das Sprachbuch Thailไndisch wie Sie es im Alltag h๖ren. Eigenheiten der Sprache werden besonders hervorgehoben. Wichtige und oft gebrauchte Ausdrucke sind hier ausfhrlich erklไrt. Thailไndisches Essen ausfhrlich erklไrt. Tips & Tricks der thailไndischen Sprache. ISBN 974-272-060-6 More Thai-German Books Thai Language Course Book Deutsch - Thai - Das Wichtigste Das Wichtigste der thailไndischen Sprache.So wie Sie es im Alltag h๖ren.Mit vielen Tips & Tricks zum Thailไndischen Eigenheiten der Sprache werden besonders hervorgehoben. Wichtige und oft gebrauchte Ausdrcke sind hier ausfhrlich erklไrt. Das Wichtigste der thailไndischen Sprache More Thai-German Books Thai Language Course Book Easy Language (CD-ROM) Easy Thai; An Introduction to the Thai Language, With Exercises and Answer Key by Gordon H. Allison Einführung in das Leseverständnis des Thailändisch by Manfred Kummer Einführung in die thailändische Schrift by Gero Fischer Einführung in das Thai by Rudolf Baierl Einführung in das Thai by Rudolf Baierl (audiotape) Elementary Thai for foreigners by Somsonge Burusphat Essential Thai (with 60-min. cassette
tape) by James Higbie More Thai Phrase Books Thai Language Course Book FSI Thai Basic Course Developed by the Foreign Service Institute for teaching diplomatic personnel, this book and cassette course is perfect for independent or small group study. FSI courses are thorough, comprehensive, and widely regarded as the best available. The Thai Basic Course teaches the national spoken language in the dialect of educated speakers of Bangkok and Central Thailand. It starts with a programmed introduction to Thai phonology to acquaint you with the significant features of the language's sound system. When writing, the Thais use a complex system based on Sanskrit, but in the course a special phonetic transcription is used which will help you read and write more easily. Household Thai (audiotape) Interactive Thai-English & Indonesian English
Dictionaries for Windows: MBI Dict. 1.0 (CD-ROM) Kauderwelsch Band 19 Thai Wort für Wort by Martin Lutterjohann Kauderwelsch Band 19 Thai Wort für Wort by Martin Lutterjohann (audiotape) Learning Basic Thai (audiotape) Making Out in Thai by John Clewley From the language of eating (a national pastime in Thailand) to affairs of the heart, this book includes all that you need to know to speak in the colorful colloquial language of the Thai people. With phonetic pronunciations in Thai, you can be speaking real Thai phrases like; Jee'ow! (right on!), Kuhn tam ngam arai- what do you do, Suai jang Kun du dee Suai ngarm- (you look beautiful), and many more. This book was written by John Clewey, a British writer who specializes in non-western music. He has lived in Thailand since 1984 and the insights he has picked up are invaluable for readers. Making Out in Thai is a glossy paperback that can fit in a jacket pocket or purse. It is valuable as a phrasebook or as a tool for learning the idiomatic phrases that do not appear in textbooks. Useful words in Thai. One thing ticked me off: It doesn't have tone marks. When you miss the tones of Thai words - you'll never get a chance to pronounce the words in the right way. comments by Bjorn Andersson Pimsleur Compact Thai Course This is a state-of-the-art Thai language learning course for spoken Thai. The popular Pimsleur Thai course does not use a book but uses a completely aural approach to Thai language learning, perfect for learning Thai quickly. It features a proficiency-based system that helps the student to learn Thai through listening and speaking practice of the Thai language. Pocket Thai Pocket Thai - German Polyglott Sprachführer Thai PONS Reisewörterbuch Thailändisch Rapid Thai (audiotape) Russian-Thai Simple Thai by Werachai Setthapun Spoken Thai by Mary R. Haas, Heng R. Subhanka. The two books and the six audio cassettes are essential for you who are going to live in Thailand and for those who want to work as interpreters. comments by Bjorn Andersson
Sprachführer Thai für Deutsche by Dr. Hans Kappe Sprachführer Thailand by W.P.Fidelak Studien zur thailändischen Sprache I. by Gero Fischer Teach Yourself Thai: Cassette by David Smyth / Audio Cassette Thai a Complete Course for Beginners (Teach Yourself Series) by David Smyth. I like this course because it is one of the few Thai language courses that also teach you the Thai script. When in doubt about how to pronounce something in Thai, I can always check the spelling in Thai. They use Thai script along with romanized spelling throughout the entire book. The romanized spelling has all the proper tone marks, which is very important since one won't be able to read all of the words in Thai until at the end of the Thai course. The romanized script is similar to what can be found in some Thai dictionaries, which is obviously useful too. This Thai course is significantly better than "Colloquial Thai", in all these regards. On the downside, the Thai vocabulary list at the end of the book could be more comprehensive. comments by Bjorn Andersson Thai : A Rough Guide Phrasebook (Rough Guide Phrase Book)
Thai Cassette Pack with Phrase Book Thai For Advanced Learners (book with two audio tapes) by Benjawan Poomsan Becker. Introduces the various Thai writing styles. Offers a bridge to advanced reading and writing of the Thai language. ISBN 1-887521-03-8 Thai for Advanced Readers... - introduces you to various writing styles. - offers a bridge to advanced reading and writing of the Thai language. - challenges students to read Thai. - is compact and informative. - helps students of Thai to expand their Thai vocabulary in a systematic way. - can be for self-study and classroom use. comments by Bjorn Andersson Thai Fr Anfไnger by
Benjawan Poomsan Becker Thai For Beginners (book with three audio tapes) by Benjawan Poomsan Becker Teaches all four language skills, speaking Thai, listening, reading Thai and writing Thai. It is effective for self study or classroom use. ISBN 1-887521-00-3 This book starts out at the beginning and goes through the Thai language rather quickly building your Thai vocabulary and getting simple Thai phrases down. It's not really designed to just learn a few Thai phrases that you might use on a short vacation in Thailand. It's for people that are serious about learning Thai. I don't mean to say that it's a difficult book. It's not. The Thai phrases you learn are short and simple but well thought out so you can learn to make other Thai sentences by substituting words. There's no sense in learning Thai at the beginning long and almost useless sentences that you don't know how to change under different circumstances. For true beginners to Thai, the accompanying Thai language tapes are also useful. comments by Bjorn Andersson Thai For Intermediate Learners (book with two audio tapes) by Benjawan Poomsan Becker. Provides a higher level of basic Thai reading, writing and Thai speaking skills. Keeps learning Thai interesting with cultural facts about Thailand. ISBN 1-887521-01-1 This book is designed to increase your vocabulary in Thai. It assumes you already know how to speak Thai and read Thai. It has sections on Thai province names, Thai holidays, Thai street names in Bangkok, English words borrowed in Thai, Thai food, Thai nicknames and common Thai first names, etc. To learn Thai it is best to have a person who speaks Thai help you. If that is not possible then you should order the Thai language tapes that are made for the book. This will increase the actual price of the book by about ( ). It would have been better if the book was sold with the tapes. comments by Bjorn Andersson Thai For
Lovers (book with two audio tapes) by
Nit and Jack Ajee This book is indispensable for anyone with a Thai girlfriend Thai boyfriend or Thai wife or Thai husband and for anyone who wishes to explore the nightlife in Thailand. The book is well organized and unlike a similar book called "Making out in Thai" it contains tone markers AND Thai script for each Thai word and Thai phrase; which is critical if you really want to learn Thai. I don't mean to sound like a commercial but this is fun too. It gives you fun things to say to shock and impress your Thai friends. It also has a page on bad words in Thai that I showed to my Thai wife. She told me to NEVER say those words to her or any Thai again. HA! comments by Bjorn Andersson Thai für Deutsche by Dr. Hans Kappe Thai für Deutsche by Dr. Hans Kappe (audiotape) Thai für Touris by Jürgen Groll Thai für Touristen und Linguisten by Rudolf Baierl Thai Interactive Learning System (CD-ROM) Thai/ Language 30 (audiotape) Thai Phrase Book Thai Without Tears by
Denis Segaller Thai zum Selbststudium by Patcharee Kaspar-Sickermann Thailand. Polyglott Reiseführer by Rainer Scholz Thailändisch für Anfänger by Manfred Kummer Thailändischer Schnellkurs by Klaus Rosenberg (audiotape) The What-You-See-Is-What-You-Say Thai Phrase Handbook by Eric Allyn Walk & Talk Thailand by Martin Struschka Wörterbuch by Rudolf Baierl More Thai Books A - G H - N M - S T - Z Please e-mail me mike@bangkok-companies.com if you have a suggestion for a Thai book to include or indeed you want to write a review about any of these books on Thailand If you are looking for a Thai book on the following subjects and can not find it in this site then please search Amazon Thai Art & Architechture Books Thai Buddhism Books Thai Boxing Books Thai Business Books Thai Childrens Books Thai Cookbooks Thai Dictionaries Thai-French Books Thai-German Books Thai Grammar Books Thai History Books Thai Language Course Books Thai Love & Sexuality Books Thai Massage Books Thai Miscellaneous Books Thai Phrase books Thai Politics Books Thai Readers Thai Travel Books Search Amazon for more books about Thailand, books about Thai language, books about Thai Culture and books about Thai language courses