The Complete listing of Books about Thai language and Thai Culture (A - C) Thai Art & Architecture Books Thai Buddhism Books Thai Boxing Books Thai Business Books Thai Children's Books Thai Cookbooks Thai Dictionaries Thai Fiction Thai-French Books Thai-German Books Thai Grammar Books Thai History Books Thai Language Course Books Thai Love & Sexuality Books Thai Maps Thai Massage Books Thai Novels Thai Miscellaneous Books Thai Phrase books Thai Politics Books Thai Readers Thai Travel Books Books about Thailand are arranged in A-Z order by book title. If you have difficulty finding a particular Thai book then try the search function. If you have some more information about a Thai book not listed here or would like to review a Thai book then please e-mail me mike@bangkok-companies.com Thai Books (A-C) Thai Books (D-G) Thai Books (H-N) Thai Books (M-S) Thai Books (T-Z)
Search Amazon for books about Thailand, Thai Culture, Thai studies and learning Thai Language
The ten last lives of Buddha : twelve drawings by Thawan Duchanee More Thai Art and Thai Architecture Books 22 Days in Thailand by Derk Richardson More Thailand Travel Books and Thai Travel Guides 1688 Revolution in Siam (Reprints) by E. W. Hutchinson
Fellows, convicted in Thailand, spent these twelve years in Bangkok's infamous Bang Kwang prison, witnessing atrocities committed by both Thai prison officials and his fellow inmates. He survived countless torturous beatings, was forced to eat rats, and endured solitary confinement under terrifyingly inhumane conditions. On a daily basis, Fellows also witnessed the torture and execution of those around him, their screams as common as the insects and vermin in his cell. Many of the prisoners in Bang Kwang turned to heroin--the vice that landed Fellows there in the first place--to escape their daily nightmares, and the Thai prison guards often helped feed this deadly addiction. Fellows, now a free man, has lived to write about these twelve ghastly years in Thailand. He has captured the filth, pain, anger, hopelessness, and torture of life in a Thai prison with vivid, engrossing detail and brutal honesty. About
the Author Abenteuer & Reisen Thailand by Wilfried Hahn More Thailand Travel Books and Thai Travel Guides ADAC Reiseführer Thailand by Martina Miethig Thailand Travel Books and Thai Travel Guides ADAC Reisemagazin Thailand Thailand Travel Books and Thai Travel Guides Ancient Capitals of Thailand by Elizabeth Moore Aerial Nationalism : A History of Aviation in Thailand (Smithsonian History of Aviation) (Smithsonian History of Aviation) by Edward M. Young (Hardcover - January 1995) A study of the development of aviation in Thailand, focusing on the pivotal years between 1911 and 1945. The study traces the nationalistic impulses that drove the Thai quest for air power, and examines the later development of the Thai air force and its activities in the Japanese advance in Burma and support to the Allies in WWII. Demonstrates how Thai economic, technological, and Thai political issues affected Thailand's choice of airplanes, and details the Thai government's purchase of aviation equipment. Includes b&w photos of Thailand. Annotation copyright Book News, Inc. Portland, Or.
Agreement Between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Thailand Relating to the Establishment and Operation of a British Broadcasting Corporation Relay Station in Thailand
Too far down the list to be
read, I am sure!, January 21, 2001 This book deserves 4 stars because it gives thinking people a chance to take a peek at how an anti-colonial American missionary would evaluate the role of a British Colonial expat in a culture which threatened and resisted them both -- gracefully. Even while trying with the best of motives to tell the truth, it is difficult for an author to hide her baggage when describing a world to which she can never belong. When Mrs. Landon writes Anna's "innermost thoughts," for example, the latter include anti-colonial rhetoric that is a standard theme of American internationalism, but a passing rarity among British expats! These thoughts also model some of the missionary fervor of Landon's own Thai agenda. No author ever lets us see the world as it is -- just their best perception. Here we have the odd experience of peering at the unfamillar via the eyes of a foreigner in Thailand who is guessing (poetically) at the views of a stranger.
Apa Guides, Thailand by Scott Rutherford More Thailand Travel Books and Thai Travel Guides
The Arts of Thailand by Steve Van Beek, et al (Hardcover - May 1999) Asia More Thai Art and Thai Architecture Books
the Author Asia for Younger Readers: Thailand by Jennifer Sharples Thailand Travel Books and Thai Travel Guides
Asia Road Map: Thailand with Guide
Asien-Paket by Peter Kitt (videotape) More Thai Language Course Books Aspects of the Embassy to Siam 1685 : The Chevalier De Chaumont and the Abbe De Choisy (Treasures from the Past) by Alexandre Chaumont, et al (Paperback - March 1999)
Description Reprinted for a reason,
October 17, 2000 Auto Thai I (audiotape) More Thai Language Course Books Auto Thai II (audiotape) More Thai Language Course Books A.U.A. Language Center Thai Course, Thai Reading (Language Texts) (Paperback - 1986) More Thai Language Course Books A.U.A. Language Center Thai Course : Book 1 by J. Marvin Brown (Paperback - 1992) Book Description The Thai language course book set includes extensive Thai grammar, dialog and Thai conversations as well as tone distinction, manipulation and identification This Thai language course book is the first in a 6 book set that starts from very basic Thai right through to upper intermediate/experienced Thai language level. The major reasons that make this set of Thai language course books the best I've seen and used are as follows: 1, very well structured logical progression. 2, Use of IPA phonetics 3, Use of Thai script from page one 4, Use of useful Thai language (you can actually use it!) 5, Use of colloquial Thai (book 4 'Small Talk') 6, Use of many styles of hand written Thai and not only typed Thai script. (very useful!) If you are looking for a book on Thai language this is definitely the book I would recommend. When I picked up this book I knew only a couple of words in Thai, now I am a quite fluent Thai language speaker. More Thai Language Course Books
A.U.A. Language Center Thai Course, Book 2 (Language Texts) by J. Marvin Brown (Paperback - 1992) Book Description The Thai language course book set includes extensive Thai grammar, dialog and Thai conversations as well as tone distinction, manipulation and identification An
excellent guide for students learning Thai, June 14, 2000 More Thai Language Course Books A.U.A.
Language Center Thai Course, Book 3 (Language Texts) by J. Marvin Brown
(Paperback - 1992) Book Description The Thai language course book set includes extensive Thai grammar, dialog and Thai conversations as well as tone distinction, manipulation and identification More Thai Language Course Books A.U.A. Language Center Thai Course, Thai Writing /Workbook (Language Texts) by J. Marvin Brown (Paperback - 1986) More Thai Language
Course Books A Little Thai Cookbook by Terry Tan, Sherri Tay
Architecture of Siam : A Cultural History Interpretation by Clarence T. Aasen This book is about the special and identifying role architecture has played over the last 15 centuries in the construction of the highly diverse and complex culture of Siam. The combination of its written and visual content and its contemporary theoretical underpinnings makes this the most comprehensive, critical and challenging interpretation of Siamese architecture that has been written. More Thai Art & Architecture Books
Asian Arcady : The Land and Peoples of Northern Siam by R. Lemay
Die Aussenpolitik Thailands, 1959-1971 : mit einer politischen Biographie des thailèandischen by Gundula Brunner
Baedeker Allianz Reiseführer, Thailand More Thailand Travel Books and Thai Travel Guides Baedeker Bangkok/Book and Giant Fold Out Map More Thailand Travel Books and Thai Travel Guides More Thailand Maps
Bahnhof Bangkok by Clemens Weiler More Thailand Travel Books and Thai Travel Guides
Bangkok 2000 Map (map)
Bangkok and Greater Bangkok (map)
Bangkok Flexikarte (map)
Bangkok - Mini Rough Guide by Paul Gray More Thailand Travel Books and Thai Travel Guides Bangkok / Südthailand. DuMont Video - Reiseführer by Josef Kirchmayer (videotape) More Thailand Travel Books and Thai Travel Guides Bangkok (Thai Guides Series) by John Hoskin More Thailand Travel Books and Thai Travel Guides Bangkok und Südthailand by Rainer Krack More Thailand Travel Books and Thai Travel Guides Bangkok und Umgebung by Rainer Krack More Thailand Travel Books and Thai Travel Guides The Baobab and the Mango Tree : Lessons About Development : African and Asian Contrasts by Scott Thompson, Nicholas Thompson (Paperback - December 2000) BBC Phrase Book: Thai by Sanya Bunag One of the "BBC Phrase Book" series designed for use by holidaymakers and business travelers to Thailand. This Thai phrase book is arranged by topic, with key Thai words and Thai phrases, a Thai pronunciation guide and a Thai dictionary of approximately 4000 Thai words.
More Thai Language Course Books Berlitz Pocket Guides: Thailand More Thailand Travel Books and Thai Travel Guides Berlitz Thai Cassette Pack Berlitz Thailand by Ben Davies More Thailand Travel Books and Thai Travel Guides Berlitz Thai Phrase Book & Dictionary (Quick Reference System) This phrase book contains a color-coded system that makes words and phrases easy to find. Some of the categories include basic expressions, arrivals and departures, hotels, dining out, sightseeing, shopping, banks, mail, medical care, reference, grammar, dictionary, as well as handy travel information, tips, and regional maps for ease-of-use. This book is a small enough size to carry anywhere and is more manageable than many other books, especially for the short term visitors.
This year's Cuisines of the World section transports the reader to Thailand with two menus - featuring Thai hors d'oeurves and a full course Thai meal. A section on Thai ingredients and full-color photographs of the Thai people and Thai landscape add further insight. Best of Gourmet 2000: The Flavors of Thailand is sure to appeal to the novice Thai chef as well as the sophisticated Thai cook. I loved the look of the food in this Thai cookbook. I really felt inspired. The freshness of the Thai menus appealed to me, also. The photography was wonderful! It made you want to pick up a fork and begin to do a taste test on every page. The grilled pineapple with vanilla ice cream was simple to make and a treat for unexpected guests on Sunday afternoon. It is good of Gourmet to study Thai cooking so closly the food culture of another country. It really gave the reader a good sense of what Thai cooking is all about. It is a good addition to the other Gourmet books and something to look forward to every year. A GREAT GIFT for aspiring Thai cooks of all levels.
The Best of Vietnamese and Thai Cooking by Mai Pham. I have searched high and low for a book with authentic Vietnamese and Thai recipes, and Mai Pham's book is the best I've found! Her Thai recipes are easy to follow and mouth watering! I also love this Thai cookbook because of the touching stories she puts at the beginning of each chapter. That added a very personal touch and insight into the way the Thai food should be prepared and eaten. Overall, a perfect Thai cookbook for lovers of Asian and Thai food! Beyond the Mask: Toward a Transdisciplinary Approach of Selected Social Problems Related to the Evolution and Context of International Tourism in Thailand by Walter Meyer More Thai History Books More Thai Politics Books Die Bibliothek der Deutsch-Thailändischen Gesellschaft by Frauke Kraas More Thai Art and Thai Architecture Books Bildatlas Spezial. Thailand More Thailand Travel Books and Thai Travel Guides The Birds of the Thai-Malay Peninsula: Volume 1, Non-Passerines by David R. Wells, et al (Hardcover - April 1999) S. W. Harris in CHOICE,
November 1999 BBC
WILDLIFE, June 1999 Blue Guide Thailand (Blue Guide) by Gavin Pattison, John Villiers(Contributor) (Paperback - May 1997) Book Description More Thailand Travel Books and Thai Travel Guides
The Book of Chiang Mai by Henry T. Coulter More Thailand Travel Books and Thai Travel Guides The Book of Thai Cooking by Hilaire Walden, David Gill. I feel lucky to have stumbled upon this book. Wow! There are a ton of exquisite color photos that show Thai ingredients, preparation, and presentation ideas for every wonderful Thai recipe. It was difficult to believe that this book was so reasonably priced for what you get. If you are interested in learning Thai cooking and don't know what lemongrass looks like, the difference between a lime and a kaffir lime, or what galangal is, you need this Thai cookbook!
Breath of the Dragon by Gail Giles, June Otani (Illustrator) (Hardcover - April 1997)
A Brief History of Lan Na by Hans Penth
The Bua Luang Compact What-You-See-Is-What-You-Say English-Thai Dictionary by Eric Allyn, Samorn Chaiyana A visit to Thailand is a wonderful experience for almost all travelers, but to really experience the Thais you need to unlock at least a little bit of the Thai language. Eric Allyn's Thai phrase book and Thai dictionary (using the "what-you-see-is- what-you-say" transliteration system) is the easiest and most effective of the dozens of Thai books which I have used and reviewed. Both should be bought and studied before any trip to Thailand, and are very helpful while in-country. The handbook is especially helpful in showing the interconnection of the Thai language and Thai culture. It is obvious that Allyn has great love for Thais and for Thailand and the Thai language, and this makes reading and using his books even more enjoyable. Buddha in the Landscape: A Sacred Expression of Thailand by Mark Standen (Photographer) More Thai Art and Thai Architecture Books More Thai Art and Thai Architecture Books Die buddhistische Kunst Thawan Datchanis by Dr. Klaus Wenk More Thai Art and Thai Architecture Books Building Social Capital in Thailand : Fibers, Finance, and Infrastructure (Cambridge Asia-Pacific Studies) (Cambridge Asia-Pacific Studies) by Danny Unger (Paperback - October 1998) Book DescriptionThis book examines the recent rapid economic expansion in Thailand, and in Southeast Asia more generally prior to 1997. In a highly original argument, Unger considers the unique organization of Thai society, and the impact this has had on the country's institutions, and their political and economic outcomes. Unger takes an interdisciplinary approach, building on the literatures of social capital and embedded autonomy. The book's general, comparative discussion of social infrastructure is supplemented by case studies on specific sectors. Business Prospects in Thailand by Denise Hall (Paperback)
Book Info This is a complete, authoritative information source for anyone doing business in Thailand, or considering doing business there. From culture to statistics, from ancient Thai history to Thai consumer purchasing patterns, this book tells you all you'll need to know to succeed in Thailand. International consultant Denise Hall introduces Thailand's geography, Thai history and Thai political system, then introduces the demography and lifestyles of Thailand today. This book presents both statistics and the intangibles... Business Thai (audiotape) The
Canon in Southeast Asian Literatures : Literatures of Burma, Cambodia,
Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam (Curzon So)
Accumulation in Thailand 1855-1985 More Thai Business Books More Thai History Books Chamlong
Srimuang and the New Thai Politics by
Duncan McCargo (Hardcover - April 1998) An account of recent
developments in Thai politics Chamlong Srimuang, a former general who served for six years as Governor of Bangkok and later became leader of the Palang Dharma Party and deputy prime minister, is one of Thailand's most controversial politicians. A celibate and vegetarian with no worldly possessions, he is best known for spearheading the mass protest which ousted military strongman Suchinda Kraprayoon from the premiership in 1992. This book examines his career. Chapter 1: Introduction; Chapter 2: Professional soldiers and political soldiers; Chapter 3: Moral force: the politics of Buddhism; Chapter 4: Local power in the Thai capital; Chapter 5: More than a faction, less than a party; Chapter 5: In search of an indigenous Thai ideology; Chapter 7: The marketing of a Thai political personality; Chapter 8: The crisis of Black May: no winners, only losers; Chapter 9: Decline and fall? This is the only single-authored, research-based book on contemporary Thai politics currently available, so I think it is well worth buying. Chamlong's political career is a fascinating story; I hope the book sometimes reads more like a novel than another turgid work of political 'science'.
The Chiang Mai Chronicle by David K. Wyatt (Translator)
Mai Northern Thailand : Thailand Regional Maps (Periplus Travel Maps) Chiang Saen - Golden Triangle Map (map)
China and the Communist Armed Struggle in Thailand by D.C.W. Tsui Cliptours Thailand - Der Reiseplaner (CD-ROM) More Thailand Travel Books and Thai Travel Guides Collins Holiday Map: Thailand (map) Colloquial Thai; A Complete Language Course/With Two Audio CDs by John Moore and Saowalak Rodchue Overall, I thought the book was a good text for someone just attempting to learn Thai. What becomes evident later is that it in itself is insufficient to provide a complete guide to learning Thai. There are numerous spelling/grammatical errors that one can find as you progress through this Thai language course. In several instances when checking answers to the exercises provided, you'll find the answers do not completely match the question. What I discovered after a period of time is that this Thai language course book will give you a good reference but you need an additional text or two that combines good transliteration with a cross referenced Thai dictionary. The Colours of Thailand by Barbara Lloyd(Photographer) (Paperback - September 1997) Book DescriptionThe saffron of Thai Buddhist monks' robes, the iridescent green of the fields, the fierce red of a boxer's gloves...Thailand's colors show the essence of its many characters. It is a country alive with a myriad of striking images. Renowned travel photographer Barbara Lloyd captures the heart of this country--its temples, hill tribes, ancient sites, Thai festivals, Thai silks, Thai spices, and jewel-like islands. She introduces a new color for the theme of each chapter, demonstrating the individual mood, personality, symbolic meaning, and uses of color in the everyday lives of the people of Thailand. Full of insights and countless visual treasures, this book will delight and fascinate anyone who has ever traveled, or dreamed of traveling, to Thailand, one of the most fascinating countries in Asia. The Commercialized Crafts of Thailand : Hill Tribes and Lowland Villages : Collected Articles (Consumasian Book Series) by Erik Cohen (Paperback) Book DescriptionThis volume brings together two decades of research into the process of commercialization of the folk crafts of Thailand: the conditions of its emergence, the parties involved in its development, the changes in the processes and organization of production which accompany it, and the transformations in appearance and meaning which the products undergo as a result of their commercialization. About
the Author A Common Core : Thais and Americans (Interact Series) by John P. Fieg (Paperback - June 1989) Compact Minireiseführer Bangkok von A-Z by Veerayoot Sattrasai More Thailand Travel Books and Thai Travel Guides Conversational Thai in 7 Days : Break the Language Barrier the Quick and Easy Way! by Somsong Buasai, David Smyth. This book requires that you spend the first few hours listening to the Thai language course audio cassette to get the feel and the rhythm for the Thai language. It is at first difficult to read the romanised words and repeat the Thai sounds accurately but with practice I think I was on the right track. The audio cassette does not follow the book in the exact sequence as it is written so at times when you think you are following along comfortably you will be taken to a different phrase or word section that may cause you to put the book down and just listen again. The author claims this is to help keep you from relying on the book. The Thai phrases are useful and there is a small Thai/Engilsh dictionary towards the back. I would prefer a Thai language course book that was easier to follow along with the audio cassette. Cooking
the Thai Way (Easy Menu Ethnic Cookbooks) by Supenn
Harrison, et al (Library Binding - August 1986) Corruption and Democracy in Thailand by Pasuk Phongpaichit, Sungsidh Piriyarangsan (Paperback - June 1999) Reviewer: Taylor
Easum from Chiang Mai, Thailand More Thai Miscellaneous More Thai History Books Counting the Cost
Country Review, Thailand 1998/1999 by Robert C. Kelly(Editor), et al Book Description Each Country Review begins with an overview which provides key demographic and geographic information as well as full color regional and country maps by Magellan Geographix. Government and political information is provided in a format which enables the Reader to get an overview of the organization of the various branches of the government, a brief summary of current political conditions, and a list of current leaders, including a biography of the head of government/state. Economic information, compiled and condensed from a large number of reliable sources, is presented in the Country Reviews in statistical tables on key macroeconomic trends and economic sectors. The economic data is organized in an easy-to-understand format. Foreign investment conditions are also covered along with a capsule description of stock market trends, for those countries where major stock markets exist, a listing of key enterprises. Also included is a summary of current environmental issues, natural hazards, international environmental agreements, and, for most countries, a table with time trends in Greenhouse Gas emissions.
Cows in the House by Beverly Lewis, Chi Chung (Illustrator) (Hardcover - September 1998) Reading level: Ages 4-8 Once upon a time, in a misty mountain village of Thailand, a barefoot boy lived with his father, mother, and five quarreling sisters-. So begins Cows in the House, a rollicking retelling of a Thai folktale about a little barefoot boy who is going to go crazy if he has to live with his five fussing sisters for another minute. Fortunately, the barefoot boy's wise old grandfather knows a clever way to take care of the problem if only the boy can live through it! Will mooing, chewing cows in the house really do the trick? Beverly Lewis brings her delightful skill with words into play in this light-hearted romp with a valuable lesson about contentment, whimsically illustrated by Chi Chung.
Cracking the Coconut : Classic Thai Home Cooking by Su-Mei Yu (Hardcover - August 2000)
Cuisines of Southeast Asia : Thai, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Burmese & More (California Culinary Academy) by Jay Harlow, Sandra Gary
Cultural Sites of Burma, Thailand, and Cambodia by Jacques Dumarcay More Thai Art and Thai Architecture Books Thailand Travel Books and Thai Travel Guides
Culture Shock!: Thailand by Robert and Nanthapa Cooper: 1982, Singapore, Times Books International, 238 pp. Book Description More Thai Books Thai Books (A-C) Thai Books (D - G) Thai Books (H - N) Thai Books (M - S) Thai Books (T - Z) Please e-mail me mike@bangkok-companies.com if you have a suggestion for a Thai book to include or indeed you want to write a review about any of these books on Thailand If you are looking for a Thai book on the following subjects and can not find it in this site then please search Amazon Thai Art & Architecture Books Thai Buddhism Books Thai Boxing Books Thai Business Books Thai Children's Books Thai Cookbooks Thai Dictionaries Thai Fiction Thai-French Books Thai-German Books Thai Grammar Books Thai History Books Thai Language Course Books Thai Love & Sexuality Books Thai Maps Thai Massage Books Thai Novels Thai Miscellaneous Books Thai Phrase books Thai Politics Books Thai Readers Thai Travel Books
Search Amazon for books about Thailand, books about Thai culture and books about Thai language