Tanzschule Watzek, Tanzsportclub Schwaz-Weiss,
Tanzstudio Menada are just some of the Austrian dance
companies, Austrian dance schools, dancing organizations and dance wear suppliers
that can be found in our comprehensive Directory of Austrian Dance
The Viennese waltz has its origins in the 18th
century with the advent of a bourgeois society. The intricate patterns of
aristocratic dances (i.e. decorous quadrille or minuet) were superseded by a
more intimate form of dancing with a couple embracing each other and moving
jointly over the dance floor. Quite a scandal in its time!
The dance itself originates from a traditional Austrian dance: the
'Landler'. This dance was popular all over the country and infiltrated the
Austrian capital and high society via inns at the outskirts. Weekend outings
brought the Viennese population to those inns where social etiquette was
less strict than in the capital's ballrooms. Couples started pairing off and
dance to 'Landler' tunes in typical three-quarter time. In contrast to the
country side those inns did offer parquet floors and allowed for the
movements to become more elegant and gliding. The dancers also sped up…
At the beginning of the 19th century the new dance conquered Vienna's
ballrooms with substantial help by two great Austrian composers and lifelong
friends: Josef Lanner and Johann Strauss Sr.
The Viennese waltz is much faster than the modern waltz and allows for
dashing movements by changing the direction of rotation mid-dance ('Linkswalzer'
and 'Rechtswalzer').
Austrian Slap Dance Video
Austrian Dance Company
Tanzschule Watzek
Als Dienstleistungsbetrieb ist das Internet die beste
Möglichkeit aktuelle Informationen bekannt zu machen. Termine
der Ferienperfektion oder der kurzfristig geplante Spezialkurs
sind hier für jeden abrufbar.
Damit ist der Computer mit dem Zugang zur vernetzen Welt genauso
Standard geworden, wie der problemlose Umgang im modernen
Für die Tanzschule bedeutet das, nicht mehr überlieferte
Gesellschaftsmuster unterrichten zu müssen, sondern als
Veranstaltungsort mit Gesellschaftstanz bei den Kursteilnehmern
gute Stimmung und das positive Gefühl zu vermitteln, in
gemütlicher geselliger Atmosphäre etwas für sich getan zu haben.
Das versuche ich in meiner Tanzschule umzusetzen: durch
geeignete Räumlichkeiten – zwei große Tanzsäle, einen
gemütlichen Aufenthaltsraum mit Buffet – und durch entspannte
Stimmung in den Tanzkursen.
Sie sind an keinen fixen Kurstag gebunden, sondern können in den
parallel laufenden Kursen jederzeit wechseln. Den ersten Abend
aller Kurse können Sie als „Schnupperstunde" mittanzen und sich
erst danach, wenn es Ihnen gefallen hat, einschreiben.
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Dance Company, Dance Organization, Dance School featured here
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Dance Schools in Austria, Dancewear Suppliers, Dancing Organizations
Natya Mandir
Boerseplatz 3 AT-1010 Vienna Austria
Tel. & Fax (43)1-5335819
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. W. Wagner, Director
Tanzschule Prof Wagner
School, tuition, classes
1 Fleischmarkt 3-5 AT-1010 Wien
Tel. (43)5335410
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tanzschule Bierbach
School, tuition, classes
1 Getreidemarkt 12 AT-1010 Wien
Tel. (43)5860600 http://www.bierbach.at
Von Tänzern für Tänzer organisiertes Socialdancing
Top Sound – aktuelle Musik von internationalen Salsaevents
Tanzen bis zum Umfallen
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tanzschule Dick Roy Zelenka OHG
School, tuition, classes
1 Reichsratsstrasse 3 AT-1010 Wien Austria
Tel. (43)4052329
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tanzsportclub Schwaz-Weiss
Dancesport club
10 Pernerstorferg 11 AT-1010 Wien
Tel. (43)6026594
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tanzschule Mikl
School, tuition, classes
11 Geiselbergstrasse 26-32 AT-1010 Wien
Tel. (43)7490447
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tanzsportklub Starlight Wien
Dancesport club
13 Lorenz Bayer Platz 14 AT-1010 Wien
Tel. (43)6643013524; Fax (43)8893026
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tanzstudio Al Ahram, N Barsoum
School, tuition, classes
15 Palmg 8 AT-1010 Wien
Tel. (43)8940594
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tanzschule Arbeitheim Hernals
School, tuition, classes
17 Kalvarienbergg Nr 28a AT-1010 Wien Austria
Tel. (43)4054177
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tanzsportverband Wien
Dancesport club
17 Weissgasse 33 AT-1010 Wien
Tel. (43)4810000
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tanzschule Wiater
School, tuition, classes
18 Martinstrasse 96 AT-1010 Wien Austria
Tel. (43)4065709
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tanzsportklub Fun & Slim-Floridsdorf
Dancesport club
2, Sch?ttelstrasse 93 AT-1010 Wien
Tel. (43)7286190
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tanzsportklub Juventus Wien
Dancesport club
2, Taborstrasse 71 AT-1010 Wien
Tel. (43)2164952
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tanzschule Schuh
School, tuition, classes
21 Schlosshofer Strasse 13 AT-1010 Wien
Tel. (43)2713936
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tanzschule Kreuzenstein
School, tuition, classes
21, Anton Beck-G 20 AT-1010 Wien
Tel. (43)2945252; Fax (43)2944840
Mr. Ferholzer, Director Tanzschule Dance for Fun
School, tuition, classes
22, Kagraner Platz 9 AT-1010 Wien Austria
Tel. (43)2021415
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tanzschule Christa Pokorny
School, tuition, classes
23, Liesinger Platz 3 AT-1010 Wien
Tel. (43)8045504; Fax (43)8045964
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tanzsportklub Gloriette
Dancesport club
23, Ziedleberg 4 AT-1010 Wien
Tel. (43)8651297
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tanzstudio Menada
School, tuition, classes
5, Diehlg 52 AT-1010 Wien
Tel. (43)5456885; Fax (43)5456885
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tanzsportclub PSK Forum
Dancesport club
6, Mariahilfer strasse 115 AT-1010 Wien Austria
Tel. (43)5970643
Mr. Franz Wirtinger, Director Tanzschule Schmidtschleger
School, tuition, classes
7, Mariahilfer Strasse 8 AT-1010 Wien
Tel. (43)5233671, (43)06642341444
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tanzsportklub Modena
Dancesport club
7, Neubaug 40a AT-1010 Wien
Tel. (43)5231228
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tanzstudio Chiftetelli
School, tuition, classes, studio, Oriental dance
7, Neubaug 40a AT-1010 Wien Austria
Tel. & Fax (43)5264777 studio.chiftetelli@vienna.at
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tanzforum Wien
School, tuition, classes
7, Zieglerg 7 AT-1010 Wien
Tel. (43)5235656
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tanzschule Rueff
School, tuition, classes
8, Friedrich Schmidt Patz 4 AT-1010 Wien Austria
Tel. (43)4052669; Fax (43)4034911
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tanzsportklub Studio 14-Wien
Dancesport club
8, Lerchenfelder Strasse 6 AT-1010 Wien
Tel. (43)4033031
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tanzsportklub Casino-Wien
Dancesport club
8,Florianing 66 AT-1010 Wien
Tel. (43)4050244
Mr. Helmut Wieder Osterreichische Touristenklub
Teacher, folk, square dance
B?ckerstrasse 16 AT-1010 Wien
Tel. (43.1)330.0798
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Natya Mandir
School, tuition, Indian dance, Bharata Natyam
Boerseplatz, 3 AT-1010 Wien Austria
Fax (43.1)5335819
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tanzschule Elmayer
School, ballroom dance
Breunerstraee 13 AT-1010 Wien
Tel. (43.1)512.7197
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tanzschule Prof. Wagner
School, ballroom dance
Fleischmarkt 3-5 AT-1010 Wien
Tel. (43.1)533.5410, Fax (43.1)5335410.9
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tanzschule Bierbach
School, ballroom dance
Getreidemarkt 12 AT-1010 Wien
Tel. & Fax (43.1)586.0600
Mr. Michael Birkmeyer Balletschule der Oesterreichischen Bundestheater
Goethegasse 1 AT-1010 Wien
Tel. (43.1)51444.2640, Fax (43.1)51444.2631
Prof. Mr. Michael Birkmeyer, Director Ballettschule der Wiener Staatsoper (Ballet School of the Vienna State
School, boarding school, high school
Goethegasse 1 AT-1010 Wien Austria
Tel. (43.151)444.2640, Fax (43.151)444.2631 ballettschule@wiener-staatsoper.at
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tanzschule Stanek
School, tuition, classes
Grashofgasse 1 AT-1010 Wien Austria
Tel. (43)5134292; Fax (43)5120197
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tanzschule Stanek
School, ballroom dance
Grashofgasse 1a AT-1010 Wien Austria
Tel. (43.1)513.4292, Fax (43.1)5120197
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ms. Linda Zamponi
Griechengasse 2 AT-1010 Wien
Tel. (43.1)535.3950
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tanzschule Prof. Wagner
School, ballroom dance
Griechengasse 6 AT-1010 Wien
Tel. (43.1)533.5410, Fax (43.1)5335410.9
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ITI Section for Austria in the Institute for Theatre Science
Hofburg, Batthyanystiege AT-1010 Wien Austria
Tel. (43.1) 533.50.86
Ms. Elisabeth Kreutzberger, Director Konservatorium der Stadt Wien
School, Modern dance
Johannesgasse 4A AT-1010 Wien
Tel. (43) 1 512 77 47 / 89371
Prof. Ms. Gerlinde Haid Institut for Folk Music
Researcher, music
Johannesgasse 8 AT-1010 Wien
Tel. (43.1)5159.6275, Fax (43.1)5159.6274
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music Collection of the Austrian National Library
Institution, Materials on Vienna ballets of the 19th and 20th centuries
Josephsplatz l AT-1010 Wien
Tel. (43.1) 534.10.307; Fax (43) 534.10.316
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Theatre Collection of the Austrian National Library
History, Vienna ballet of the 17th century
Lobkowitzplatz 2 AT-1010 Wien Austria
Tel. (43.1)512.8800, Fax (43.1)5128.80045
Ms. Jarmila Weissenbeck Theatre Collection of the Austrian National Library
Lobkowitzplatz 2 AT-1010 Wien Austria
Tel. (43.1) 512.88.00; Fax (43) 512.88.00.45
Mr. Dieter Schefnagel Osterreichische Turnerbund Meidling
Group, folk, Austrian
Melkerbastei 14 AT-1010 Wien
Tel. (43.1)271.4670, (43)53113.2942
Mr. Ioan Holender, Director Vienna State Opera Ballet (Wiener Staatsopernballett)
Company, Ballet
Opernring 2 AT-1010 Wien Austria
Tel. (43)1 5144 42501; Fax (43)1 5144 42518
Mr. Renato Zanella, Director Wiener Staatsopernballett (Vienna State Opera Ballet)
Company, ballet, classical
Opernring 2 AT-1010 Wien
Tel. (43.1)51444.2500, Fax (43.1)51444.2518
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tanzschule Elmayer-Vestnbrugg Willy GesmbH
School, tuition, classes
Palais Pallavicini, 1, Br?unerstrasse 13 AT-1010 Wien
Tel. (43)5127197,7986867; Fax (43)7986880 http://www.elmayer.com
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tanzstudio Maar
School, tuition, classes
Perchtoldsdorf, Rudolf Janko Strasse 24 AT-1010 Wien
Tel. (43)8693370
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tanzschule Schmidt Heinrich
School, tuition, classes
Perchtoldsdorf, Wiener G Nr 43a AT-1010 Wien
Tel. (43)8694794, (43)06638020043
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tanzschule Dick Roy
School, ballroom dance
Reichsratsstra?e 3 AT-1010 Wien Austria
Tel. & Fax (43.1)405.2329
Mr. Wolfgang Herger Osterreichischer Alpenverein, Sektion Austria
Teacher, folk, Austrian dances, group, recreational, performing
Rotenturmstrasse 14 AT-1010 Wien
Tel. (43.1)513.1003, (43.5800)34067
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tanzschule Watzek
School, tuition, classes
Salzgries 12 AT-1010 Wien
Tel. (43)5353711 watzek@watzek.athttp://www.watzek.at
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