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Department of Culture - Myanmar Theatrical
Association, These are just a few of the Myanmar dance
companies, Burmese dance schools, dancing organizations and dance wear suppliers
that that can be found in our comprehensive Directory of Myanmar
Companies. Some countries still use the well known name Burma for this
country so maybe we should be referring to Burma Dance Schools or even
Burmese dancing organizations. Whatever I can assure you that Burma and
Myanmar are one and the same country.
Traditional Burmese Dance
While many of the elements found in the music
and dance traditions of Burma find earlier counterparts in ancient India,
Burmese music and dance styles also show clear parallels to traditions in
other parts of South East Asia. Ancient India fostered and developed a
concept of music based on a combination of several different types of
instruments played together in an ensemble. While India chose to develop its
music with an emphasis on the soloist (vocal and instrumental) accompanied
by a drummer, those cultures of South East Asia which had formal contact
with ancient India retained the ensemble idea. Within this large ensemble
context each area of culture developed its own style and form, adapting the
music and dance to local tastes and incorporating increasingly large numbers
of new works and forms which further delineated the national style.
Burmese music and dance can thus be thought of as a distinctly Burmese
development which arose out of the South East Asian setting of an ancient
Indian culture. Compared with the musical style of neighboring cultures,
Burmese music and dance are lively yet graceful, frequently relying on
sudden contrasts and touches of whimsey. Burmese dance, like its
counterparts in other Asian cultures, is depicted as a stylization of the
motions and postures of everyday life. These movements are strung together
in slowly executed turns interspersed with rapid movements and leaps. The
head, arms, and upper torso are employed more consistently than the lower
limbs except in those styles which incorporate the kicking away of dancer’s
train or the execution of leaps.
A Wonderful essay about the history of Dance in
Burma by Robert Garfias - Professor of Music, University of Washington -
Read More
Dance Company |
Department of Culture -
Myanmar Theatrical Association
In its endeavours to ensure the flourishing of Myanmar fine arts
and the performing arts, the Department of Culture runs the
schools of fine arts and the performing arts in Yangon and
Mandalay. Moreover, in order to see that Myanmar theatrical art
does not wane, the department organizes the State orchestral
troupe and dance and drama troupes and presents both at home and
abroad traditional dances and drama performances.
With a view to enhancing bilateral relations and acquainting the
world of Myanmar culture and the arts, Myanmar cultural
delegations have performed in neighboring countries and those in
the west and has received similar delegations in reciprocation.
Myanmar cultural dances and those from abroad are performed at
the National Theatre and the Padonma Theatre in Yangon.
Similarly, a modern National Theatre built in Mandalay has been
To ensure flourishing of Myanmar culture and performing arts and
to nurture world-class artists, the University of Culture was
opened in Dagon (South) section of Yangon on 24 September 1993.
It provides a four-year degree course in art, sculpture, music
and theatrical performance. A host of 173 graduates received
their degrees at the first convocation on 30 October 1997 and
the fifth convocation was held on September 2001. The University
of Culture (Mandalay) was opened in November 2001 and attended
by 194 students.
If you would like your Myanmar Dance Company, Dance Organization, Dance School featured here
then please email
There are many fine dance schools in
Myanmar. I know I am in contact with them as we
supply a range of high quality dancewear products like leotards, dance
pants, dance dresses and other dancing apparel.
Bangkok Companies supplies an amazing range
of dancewear from Thailand. I have looked at these dance garments and dance
accessories in detail. There is only one word to describe them Superb.
For more details click on the pictures or send an email to
bangkokcompanies@gmail.com We
regret at this time we can only satisfy Myanmar
wholesale dancewear requests.
"Dancewear designed by
dancers for dancers"
Dresses |
Kids Leotards |
Leotards |
Dance Bras |
Dance Pants |
Tutu's |
Shorts |
Dancewear |
Dancewear Organizers |
Dance Bags |
Backpacks |
Bangkok Companies is a full service
product sourcing company in Thailand. For All your
dancewear needs please email
bangkokcompanies@gmail.com with your requests.
Dance Schools in Myanmar, Dancewear Suppliers, Dancing Organizations

Myanmar Theatrical Association
135, 21st. Street, Latha Township MM-Yangon Myanmar
Myanmar National Commission for UNESCO
Ministry of Education, Office of the Ministers, Theinby MM- Yangon (Rangoon)
Tel. (95.1)514.771; Fax (95.1)285.480
National organization
State School of Drama and Music
135 Kabaraye Pagoda Road, Bahan Township MM-Yangon Myanmar
University of Culture, Yangon
26 Quarter, South Dagon Myothit MM-Yangon Myanmar
Anita Shanmuganathan
135 Q, Than Lwin Road Windermeyer, Pagan Township, Yangon Myanmar
Tel. (95-1)512525; Fax (95-1)253887
Zaw Than
131 Kaba Aye Pagoda Road, Bahan Township MM-Yangon Myanmar
Office of the Ministers
Theinbyu Street MM-Yangon (Rangoon) Myanmar
Tel. (95.1)514.771; Fax (95.1)285.480
Khin Maung Tin
66/74 Pyay Road MM-Yangon Myanmar