. |
Silesian Dance Theatre, Warsaw Chamber Opera,
Polish Association for Contemporary Dance, are just a few of the dance
companies, Polish
dance schools, dancing organizations and dance wear suppliers
that that can be found in our comprehensive Directory of Polish
Polish traditional dance has two distinct
styles of folkloric dance – one from the nobility and one from the
peasantry. In Poland there are nearly 40 distinctive cultural regions – each
with their own specific dances, melodies and songs as well as folklore. The
five “national” dances of Poland, recognized throughout Poland as being
quintessentially “Polish”, include the Mazur and the Polonez from the
nobility tradition, and the Oberek and the Kujawiak from the peasantry, and
the Krakowiak, a courtship dance from Southern Poland.
The mountain dance style from the Zywiec region’s Beskid mountains of
southwestern Poland, is still vibrant today. Singing is an integral part of
Polish folk dances, particularly in the mountain traditions where all dances
are begun by a song. In the Zywiec region (unlike the neighboring mountain
region of “Podhale,”) men and women often dance as partners, although the
separate traditions for boys are still very important. The shepherds of the
highlands develop displays of skill and challenges that include acrobatics
such as jumping over one’s own hat, leaping and rolling over one another,
and dancing in the difficult squat position. In social settings, the prowess
of the young men is used as a courtship “edge” in vying for the women.
Men and women often dance in social events such as the informal dance party
depicted in People Like Me 2005 by Lowiczanie Polish Folk Ensemble. These
dances include both partner dances and segments when the young men and women
dance separately. The men’s dance displays their physical dexterity, while
in the women’s dance and song, “Sarna” or “Deer,” the girls wish to be as
graceful as a deer and illustrate this with long, graceful leaps and little
deer-like prances. Another favorite of the Zywiec mountaineers is “Hajduk,”
full of show-off steps for boys and raucous fun for all dancers, who sing,
“We will dance until our kierpce (shoes) are in pieces, and then still
Polish Dance Company |
Silesian Dance Theatre
The aim of Silesian Dance Theatre is
creating and diffusing culture goods, especially:
new art productions creating in the sphere of contemporary dance
in the frame of their own art plan. Educating the new generation
of Polish dancer and choreographers. Diffusing productions
within the framework of contemporary dance in Poland. Creating
the Polish style in the frame of contemporary dance diffusing
the other productions and culture goods according to social's
ambitions. Diffusing the other productions and culture goods
according to social's ambitions
Main programs carried out by Silesian Dance Theatre
Annual International Contemporary Dance Conference and
Performance Festival (since 1994r.)
National and international workshops and seminars open to
dancers, choreographers and administrators (organized monthly
since 1991)
New Educational Workshop Series for Dance Teachers and Community
Leaders to support Polish dance community (since 1996)
Silesian Dance Theatre has been facilitated the establishment of
Polish Association for Contemporary Dance. It is the first one
of its kind and the first dance association since the last was
abolished two hundred years ago
Community Outreach Programs addressed to young citizens of
orphanages, social welfare houses for elderly people and
hospitals (since 1996)
Polish - English project "Direction Theatre" - the aim of one is
to found the Integrated Dance Theatre
If you would like your Poland
Dance Company, Dance Organization, Dance School featured here
then please email
bangkokcompanies@gmail.com |
There are many fine dance schools in
. I know I am in contact with them as we
supply a range of high quality dancewear products like leotards, dance
pants, dance dresses and other dancing apparel.
Bangkok Companies supplies an amazing range
of dancewear from Thailand. I have looked at these dance garments and dance
accessories in detail. There is only one word to describe them Superb.
For more details click on the pictures or send an email to
bangkokcompanies@gmail.com We
regret at this time we can only satisfy Poland
wholesale dancewear requests.
"Dancewear designed by
dancers for dancers"
Dresses |
Kids Leotards |
Leotards |
Dance Bras |
Dance Pants |
Tutu's |
Shorts |
Dancewear |
Dancewear Organizers |
Dance Bags |
Backpacks |
Bangkok Companies is a full service
product sourcing company in Thailand. For All your
dancewear needs please email
bangkokcompanies@gmail.com with your requests.
Dance Schools in Poland, Dancewear Suppliers, Dancing Organizations
Malgorzata Majewska, Director
Polish Centre of the ITI
Pl. Pilsudskiego 9 PL-00 078 Varsovie Poland
Tel. 48 22 826 17 71, 826 30 27; Fax 48 22 826 30 27
Ms. Irena Turska
Researcher, dance history and theory, modern dance, author
Moniuszki 10, m. 6 PL-00009 Warszawa Poland
Tel. (48.22)826.6217
Ms. Grazyna Dabrowska, Director
Polish Society for Ethnochoreology
ul. Nowy Swiat 20 PL-00029 Warszawa Poland
Tel. & Fax (22) 624 1535
Artistic Ensemble of the Polish Army
Company, folk, Polish dances
Kredytowa 5/7 PL-00056 Warszawa Poland
Tel. (22)269594, Fax (22)267034
Ms. Anna Stawowska
Centrum Animacji Kultury (Centre for Cultural Animation)
ul. Krakowskie Przedmiescie 21/23 PL-00071 Warszawa Poland
Tel. (48.22)826.2117; Fax 826.0662
Ms. Teresa Czajkowska, Director
Centre for Artistic Education
ul. Krakowskie Przedmiescie 21/23 PL-00071 Warszawa Poland
Tel. (22) 826 7157; Fax 826 1962
Theatre Museum, Grand Theatre
Moliera 5 PL-00076 Warszawa Poland
Tel. 265213
Ms. Bozena Kociolkowska
ul. Moliera 8, m.60 PL-000765 Warszawa Poland
Tel. (22) 826 4600
Warsaw Pantomime Theatre
Company, modern, movement, pantomime
Plac Grzybowski 12/16 PL-00115 Warszawa Poland
Tel. (22)204954, 243233
Dr. Ms. Grazyna W. Dabrowska, Chair
Polish Society for Ethnochoreology
Ethnochoreology, Poland
Al. Jana Pawla II 26/626 PL-00133 Warszawa Poland
Tel. (48.22)8261168, 6241535; Fax (48.22)6241535
Ms. Grazyna Dabrowska
ul. Jana Pawla II, 26, m. 626 PL-00133 Warszawa Poland
Tel. (22) 624 15 35
Institute for Arts of the Polish Academy of Sciences
ul. Dluga 26/28 PL-00238 Warszawa Poland
Tel. (22) 831 3271; Fax 831 3149
Mr. Tadeusz Wielecki, Director
"Warsaw Autumn" Festival Office
Contemporary music, performances, electro acoustic music, dance
Rynek Starego Miasta 27 PL-00272 Warszawa Poland
Tel. (48 22) 831 06 07, 831 16 34; Fax (48 22) 831 06 07
festival@warsaw-autumn.art.p l
Ms. Malgorzata Kucharska-Nowak, Director
Department of Musical Education
Teacher, ballet pedagogy in Fr. Chopin Academy of Music
ul. Okolnik 2 PL-00368 Warszawa Poland
Tel. (22) 827 8309; Fax 827 836
Ms. Malgorzata Kucharska-Nowak, Head
Ballet Pedagogy in Fr. Chopin Academy of Music
School, Ballet
ul. Okolnik 2 PL-00368 Warszawa Poland
Tel. (48.22)827.8309; Fax 827.836
Dr. Ms. Bozena Mamontowicz-Lojek
Critic, ballet, historian
Nowy Swiat 28, m. 20 PL-00373 Warszawa Poland
Tel. (48.22)826.18.26
Ms. Bozena Mamontowicz-Lojek
ul. Nowy Swiat 28, m. 20 PL-00373 Warszawa Poland
Tel. (22) 826 18 26
Prof. Ms. Janina Pudelek
Al 3 Maja 2, m. 42 PL-00391 Warszawa Poland
Tel. 625.5506
Ms. Janina Pudelek
Al. 3 Maja 2, m. 42 PL-00391 Warszawa Poland
Tel. (22) 625 55 06
Ms. Janina Pudelek
Historian, polish ballet, author
Al. 3 Maja 2, m. 42 PL-00391 Warszawa Poland
Tel. (48.22)625.55.06
Mr. Wojciech Krukowski, Director
Centre for Contemporary Art
Zamek Ujazdowski, Al. Ujazdowskie 6 PL-00461 Warazawa Poland
Tel. (22) 628 7683; Fax 620 9350
Mr. Janusz Marek
Centrum Sztuki Wspolczesnej (Centre for Contemporary Art)
School, contemporary dance
Zamek Ujazdowski, Al. Ujazdowskie 6 PL-00461 Warszawa Poland
Tel. (48.22)628.7683; Fax 620.9350
Mr. Wojciech Krukowski, Director
Centrum Sztuki Wspolczesnej (Centre for Contemporary Art)
Centre, Contemporary
Zamek Ujazdowski, Al. Ujazdowskie 6 PL-00461 Warszawa Poland
Tel. (48.22)628.7683; Fax 620.9350
Ms. Grazyna Dambrowska
Researcher, author, folk, Polish dances
Jana Pawla II. 26, m. 626 PL-00480 Warszawa Poland
Tel. 24.15.35
Mr. Pawel Chynowski
Ballet critic
ul. Wiejska 17, m. 6 PL-00480 Warszawa Poland
Tel. (22) 629 67 37
Mr. Pawel Chynowski
Critic, ballet, editor
Wiejska 17, m. 6 PL-00480 Warszawa Poland
Tel. 29.67.37
Ms. Maria Drabecka
Historian, social dances, of 15th to 19th centuries, author
Ursus, ul. Rakietnikow 33 m. 57 PL-00497 Warszawa Poland
Tel. (48.22)667.0208
Ms. Maria Drabecka
ul. Rakietnikow 33 m. 57 PL-00497 Warszawa - Ursus Poland
Tel. (22) 667 0208
Mr. Stefan Sutkowski, General Director
Warsaw Chamber Opera
Company, ballet, professional, performing
Nowogrodzka PL-00695 Warszawa Poland
Tel. (22)283096, Fax (22)314764
Ms. Bozena Kociolkowska
Dancer, teacher, organizer
ul. Moliera 8, m.60 PL-00765 Warszawa Poland
Tel. (48.22)826.4600
Ms. Adriana Lewandowka
Polish Foundation for Music and Ballet
CID member
14 Chocimska Street PL-00791 Warszawa Poland
Commission Nationale pour l' UNESCO
Palac Kultury i Nauki, 7 pietro PL-00901 Warszawa Poland
Tel. & Fax (48.22)620.33.55.62, 624.24.96
unesco@internet.pl ;
Ms. Emil Wesolowski, Ballet Director
Teatr Narodowy (National Theater)
Pl. Teatrainy 1 PL-00950 Warszawa Poland
Tel. (22)263.001/315/352/373, 261.139, Fax (22)26.50.12, 26.04.23
Ms. Maria Krzyszkowska, Ballet Director
Grand Theatre National Opera
Company, ballet, professional, performing
Pl. Teatrainy 1 PL-00950 Warszawa Poland
Tel. (22)2263289/263001, Fax (22)260423
Theatre Museum, National Theatre
Theatre, Museum
Plac Teatralny 1 PL-00950 Warszawa Poland
Tel. (22) 692 0756; Fax 826 3012
Muzeum Teatralne, Teatr Narodowy (Theatre Museum, National Theatre)
Museum, Theatre
Plac Teatralny 1 PL-00950 Warszawa Poland
Tel. (48.22)692.0756; Fax 826.3012
Group, folk, samba school, recreational
Mickiewicza 30/20 PL-01616 Warszawa Poland
Mr. Jacek Luminski
Researcher, folk, Jewish dances and folklore in Poland, Choreographer,
Majewskiego 15, m. 27 PL-02104 Warszawa Poland
Tel. (48.22)659.4789
Ms. Matgorzata Borowska
Uniwersytet Warszawski, Inst. Filologii Klasycznej
Historian, dance
Odynca 59 m. 23 PL-02644 Warszawa Poland
Tel. 449147, 26.91.28
Mr. Jerzy Damrosz
Wiartel 8m74 PL-02698 Warszawa Poland
Ms. Slawomira Zeranska-Kominek
Institute of Musicology
Dunikowskiego 8/47 PL-02784 Warszawa Poland
Tel. 2.6417179
Dr. Ms. Agata Ulanowska
University of Warsaw, Institute of Archeology
Researcher, ancient Greek dance
Zwyciezcow 53/50 PL-03937 Warszawa Poland
Fax (4822269030
Mr. Waclaw Egermeier
Mazowsze Zespol Tanca (Mazowsze Dance Ensemble)
Company, folk, Polish dnce, performing, prefessional
im. T. Syqietynskiego PL-05805 Otrebusy, Karolin, Lesna Poland
Tel. (48.22)758.5001, Fax 758.5790
Ms. Brygida Linatraw
Mazowsze Zespol Tanca (Mazowsze Dance Ensemble)
Company, folk, Polish dances, performing, prefessional
im. T. Syqietynskiego PL-05805 Otrebusy, Karolin, Lesna Poland
Tel. (48.22)758.5001, Fax 758.5790
Ms. Mira Ziminska-Sygietynska, Artistic Director
Mazowsze Zespol Tanca (Mazowsze Dance Ensemble)
Company, folk, Polish dances, performing, prefessional
im. T. Syqietynskiego PL-05805 Otrebusy, Karolin, Lesna Poland
Tel. (22)58.50.01, Fax (22)58.57.90
Kurpie Zielone
Group, folk dance
Kilinskiego 8 PL-15950 Bialystok Poland
Tel. & Fax (48)85.7416414
Dr. Mr. Dariusz Kubinowski
Marie Curie University, Theory of Culture
CID member, researcher, choreology, traditional dance in Poland, dance
education, dance, member CID ethnopedagogy
Narutowicza 12 PL-20004 Lublin Poland
Tel. (48.81)537.6348, Fax (48.82)532.0427
Prof. Mr. Mieczyslaw Marczuk
University of Lublin, Andragogiki
Narutowicza 12 PL-20004 Lublin Poland
International Folklore Meeting for children
Festival, folk
Ul. Armii WP 3 PL-20078 Lublin Poland
Tel. 48.81 532 7843, fax 48.81.532 4483
International Spotkania Folklorysytczne
Festival, folk
Ul. I Armii WP 3 PL-20078 Lublin Poland
Tel. 48.81.5327 843, Fax 48.81.5324 483
Ms. Alicja Lejcyk Kaminska, Director
Folk Song and Dance Company "Lublin"
Folk dance, Company
ul. Armii Wojska Polskiego 3 PL-20087 Lublin Poland
Tel. (0048)815324483, 5327843; Fax (0048)815324483
Ms. Alicja Lejcyk Kaminska, Director
Folk Song and Dance Company "Lublin"
Folk dance, Company
ul. Armii Wojska Polskiego 3 PL-20087 Lublin Poland
Tel. (0048)815324483/5327843; Fax (0048)815324483
Mr. Wlodzimsez Staniewski
Researcher, theater director
Grodzka 5A PL-20112 Lublin Poland
Tel. & Fax (48.81)5329840
Prof. Mr. Mieczyslaw Marczuk, President
IOV Polish Section
Researcher, historian
Droga Meczennikow Majdanka 20/2 PL-20319 Lublin Poland
Ms. Lidia Janowska-Chojnowska
International Lublin Foloristic Meeting
Festival, folk, International
Lokietka 1 PL-20950 Lublin Poland
Podlaski Jarmark Folkloru
Festival, folk
Ul. Warszawska 12 PL-21500 Biala Podlaska Poland
Tel. & Fax 48.83.3435 158
Dr. Mr. Dariusz Kubinowski
Home address
CID member, researcher, choreology, traditional dance in Poland, dance
education, dance, member CID ethnopedagogy
Rejtana 1A PL-22100 Chelm Poland
Tel. (48.82)5655.5195
International Poleskie Lato Z Folklorem
Festival, folk
Aleja Pilsudskiego 10 PL-22200 Wlodawa Poland
Tel. & Fax 48.82.5721 623
Kielecki Dance Theater (Kielecki Teatr Tanca), Wojewodzki Dom Kultury
Company, modern dance
Sciegiennego 6 PL-25033 Kielce Poland
Tel. (48.41)368.7312, (48.41)361.2746
Mr. Piotr Wujda, Director
Miedzyszkolny Ludowy Zespoe Piesni I Tanca "Krakowiak"
Folklore Group
ul. Bujaka 15 PL-30611 Krakow Poland
Tel. & Fax (48)12.654.4268
Mr. Hubert Ossadnik
Jarmark Folklorystyczny; Festival Muzyki Karpackiej "Na pograniczach";
Tancza Gory, Tancza Doly
Festival, folk
Tragutta 3, PO Box 83 PL-30904 Sanok Poland
Tel. (48)137.30.904, Fax (48)137.30.904, 137.35.381
Ms. Halina Piasecka
Festival Muzyki Karpackiej "Na pograniczach"; Jarmark Folklorystyczny;
Tancza Gory, Tancza Doly
Festival, folk
Tragutta 3, PO Box 83 PL-30904 Sanok Poland
Tel. (48)137.30.904, Fax (48)137.30.904, 137.35.381
Ms. Violetta Suska-Stasierowska, Director
Ballet of the Krakow Opera & Operetta
Company, modern, ballet
Bracka 12 PL-31005 Krakow Poland
Tel. (12)22.62.10, Fax (12)22.08.79
Mr. Dariusz Kosinski
Instytut Filologii Polskiej UJ
Golebia 14 PL-31007 Krakow Poland
Tel. & Fax 422.05.54
Ms. Ewa Michnik, General Director
Ballet of the Krakow Opera & Operetta
Company, ballet, professional, performing
Senacka 6 PL-31022 Krakow Poland
Tel. (12)226210, Fax (12)220879
Polskie Towarzystwo Taneczne (Polish Dance Sport Federation)
Organization, dancesport
Boguslawskiego 2/4 PL-31048 Krakow Poland
Tel. & Fax (48)12422.5394, (48)76852.2156
International Children Folklore Festival of Peace
Festival, folk
Suiadeckiego 24 PL-32602 Oswiecim Poland
Tel. 48.33.842 4463, Fax 48.33.842 4461
Swieto Dzieci Gor
Festival, folk
Ul. Dlugosza 3 PL-33300 Nowy Sacz Poland
Tel. 48.18.443 5388, Fax 48.18.443 5215
Mr. Dariusz Kosinski
Home address
ul. Tetmajera 11 PL-34400 Nowy Targ Poland
International Student's Folklore Festival
Festival, folk
Ul. Bankowa 12 PL-40007 Katowice Poland
Tel. 48.32.587 943; Fax 48.32.7572 832, 834
Mr. Tadeusz Serafin, General & Artistic Director
Ballet of the Silecian Opera
Company, ballet, professional, performing
Moniuszki 21 PL-41902 Bytom Poland
Tel. (32)813431, Fax (32)33569
Mr. Jacek Luminski, Director
Polish Association for Contemporary Dance
ul. Zeromskiego 27 PL-41902 Bytom Poland
Tel. (32) 81 82 53; Fax 81 82 52
Mr. Jacek Luminski, Director
Silesian Dance Theatre
Company, theatre
ul. Zeromskiego 27 PL-41902 Bytom Poland
Tel. (32) 81 82 53; Fax 81 82 52
Mr. Jacek Liiminski
Polish Association for Contemporary Dance
Company, Contemporary
ul. Zeromskiegon 27 PL-41902 Bytom Poland
Tel. 48 (0)32-281 8253; Fax 48(0)3228 182 52
Mr. Jacek Luminski, Director
Slaski Teatr Tanca (Silesian Dance Theatre)
Centre, Theatre
Zeromskiego 27 PL-41902 Bytom Poland
Tel. (48.32)81.82.53; Fax 81.82.52
Mr. Jacek Luminski, President
Polskie Stowarzyiszenie Tanca Wspolczesnego
(Polish Association for
Contemporary Dance)
Zeromskiego 27 PL-41902 Bytom Poland
Tel. (48.32)81.82.53; Fax 81.82.52
Ms. Anna Krysiak
Polskie Stowarzyiszenie Tanca Wspolczesnego
(Polish Association for
Contemporary Dance)
Zeromskiego 27 PL-41902 Bytom Poland
Tel. (48.32)81.82.53; Fax 81.82.52
Ms. Danuta Marawska, Director
Centre of Culture Promotion
Folk, Poland, Centre
ul. Dabrowskiego 1 PL-42200 Czestochowa Poland
Tel. (48.34)243638, 651760; Fax (48.34)651760
Mr. Stanislaw Hadyna, Artistic Director
Panstwowy Zespol Ludowy Piesni i Tanca Slask
Company, folk, Polish dances, performing
National Folk Ballet of Poland PL-42730 Koszecino-Zamek Poland
Tel. (32)516221
Tudzien Kultury Beskidzkiej
Festival, folk
Ul. 1 Maja 8 PL-43300 Bielsko Biala Poland
Tel. 48.33.8125 276; Fax 48.33.8126 908
Ms. Janina Marcinkowa
Researcher, ethnochoreologist, Polish Silesian folk dances
ul. Blogocka 12 PL-43400 Cieszyn Poland
Ms. Janina Marcinkowa
ul. Blogocka 12 PL-43400 Cieszyn Poland
Mr. Marek Rostecki, General Director
Worclaw Opera
Company, ballet, professional, performing
Swidnicka 35 PL-50066 Worclaw Poland
Tel. (71)36742, Fax (71)360742
Euro Art Meeting
School, dance tuition
Ofiar Oswiecimskich 17 PL-50069 Wroclaw Poland
Tel. (48.71)781.8508, (48.71)781.8509, Fax (48.71)781.8506
Worclaw Pantomime Theatre
Company, mime-dance, movement
Debowa 16 PL-53121 Worclaw Poland
Noworudskie Spotkania Z Folklorem
Festival, folk, organizer
Ul. Strzelecka 2a PL-57400 Nowa Ruda Poland
Tel. 48.74.8724 484; Fax 48.74.8722 253
Miedzynarodowy Festival Folkloru
Festival, folk
Ul. I.J. Paderewskiego 36 PL-58150 Strzegom Poland
Tel. 48.78.8550 502
Mr. Jerzy Starzynski,
Home address
Group, folk, Polish dances, amateur, performing
Krucza 10/1 street PL-59220 Legnica Poland
The Lemko Dance and Song Group "Kyczera"
Group, folk, Polish dances, amateur, performing
Zofii Kossak 5 Street PL-59220 Legnica Poland
Mr. Miroslaw Rozalski, Ballet Director
Grand Theatre
Company, ballet, professional, performing
Fredry 9 PL-60967 Poznan Poland
Tel. (61)524478, Fax (61)527464
Ms. Liliana Kowalska, Ballet Director
Grand Theatre
Fredry 9 PL-60967 Poznan Poland
Tel. (61)52.82.91, Fax (61)52.74.64
Prof. Mr. Roderyk Lange
IC Poznaniu, Dance Studies
CID member, researcher, anthropologist, author
Filipinska 1 PL-61123 Poznan Poland
Tel. & Fax 0618791148
Prof. Mr. Roderyk Lange, Director
Institute of Choreology of the Adam Mickiewicz in Poznan
Institute, Choreology
ul. Filipinska 1 PL-61123 Poznan Poland
Tel. & Fax (61) 879 11 48
Ms. Ewa Wycichowska, Director
Polski Teatr Tanca (Polish Dance Theatre)
ul. Kozia 4 PL-61835 Poznan Poland
Tel. (48.61)852.42.41; Fax 853.2370
Ms. Ewa Wycichowska, Director
Polish Dance Theatre
ul. Kozia 4 PL-61835 Poznan Poland
Tel. (61) 852 42 41; Fax 853 2370
Ms. Ewa Wycichowska, General & Aristic Director
Polish Dance Theatre, Poznan Ballet
Company, ballet, contemporary, International modern Dance Workshops, Open
classes of modern dance, the Young Creators Atelier
ul. Kozia 4 PL-61835 Poznan Poland
Tel. (48)6185241/42, 618524008, Fax (46)618532370
International Children Folklor Festival
Festival, folk
Sienkiewicza 11 PL-65431 Zielona Gora Poland
Tel. 48.68.320 8833, 820 8838, Fax 48.68.320 8834
International Festival of Folklore
Festival, folk
Ul. Sienkiewicza 11 PL-65431 Zielona Gora Poland
Tel. 48.68.3208 833, 838; Fax 48.68.3208 834
Mr. Warsislaw Kunc, General & Artistic Director
Ballet of the Szczecin Opera & Operetta
Company, modern, ballet
Korsarzy 34 PL-70540 Szczecin Poland
Tel. (91)890.340, Fax (12)345.557
International Spotkania Z Folklorem "Interfolk"
Festival, folk
Ul. Armii Krajowej 12 PL-78100 Kolobrzeg Poland
Tel. & Fax 48.94.3524 949
Ms. Barbara Zurowska-Sutt, Director
Panstwowa Opera i Filharmonia Baltycka
Company, ballet, professional, performing
Zwyciestwa 15 PL-80129 Gdansk Poland
Tel. (58)410134, Fax (58)413827
Kinga Byzdra & Maciej Nowak
Baltic University of Dance, Gdansk
UL. Korzenna 33 / 35 PL-80851 Gdansk Poland
Tel. (48)58-301 1051
Mr. Jacek Piatek, President
Zespol Piesni i Tanca "Jantar" Uniwersytetu Gdanskiego
Company, folk, song and dance
Bazynskiego1a PL-80952 Gdansk Poland
Fax (48.58)5529536
Mr. Maciej Figas, General Director
Opera Bydgoszcz (State Opera)
Company, ballet, professional, performing
Gdanska 20 PL-85006 Bydgoszcz Poland
Tel. (52)2249985
W. Czarnowski
International Folklore Festival Chojnice
Festival, folk
Sienkiewicza 29 PL-89600 Chojnice Poland
Tel. (48)531.74887
International Folklore Festival "Dni Kultury Zaborskiej"
Festival, folk, International
Dworcowa 18 PL-89632 Brusy Poland
International Festival Folkloru "Du Kultury Kaszubskiej"
Festival, folk
Ul. Dworcowa 18 PL-89632 Brusy Poland
Tel. 48.52.3982 498; Fax 48.52.3932 514
Mr. Marcin Krzyzanowski, Director
Teatr Wielki (Grand Theater)
Company, ballet, classic, neoclassic dance technique, professional,
Place Dabrowskiego PL-90249 Lodz Poland
Tel. (42)6339960, Fax (42)6319652
Ms. Izabela Gorzkowska-Glowacka
Comprehensive School of Ballet
School, Ballet
Wroclawska Street 3/5 PL-91052 Lodz Poland
Tel. & Fax (48)426542081
Mr. Tomasz Nowak
Home address
Researcher, folk dances
Zeromskiego 26/20 PL-96500 Sochaczew Poland
Tel. (48)+823 37 59