Royal Danish Ballet, Nordic Theatre and Dance, are just a few of the
Danish dance
companies, Danish dance schools, dancing organizations and dance wear suppliers
in Denmark that that can be found in our comprehensive Directory of Danish Dance
Traditional Danish Dance
Danish folk dance is very old. In fact most dances are from around
1780-1880. That might not sound that old, but the fact is, that most other
countries has folk dances that is much younger
The Danish dances were danced by the farmers and the poor people (that's why
it's called folk dance - dances for the mass). These people wasn't allowed
to dance the dances danced in higher circles - for example the were not
allowed to dance menuette (French dance - very popular in noble circles in
the 16-19th century) and dances like that. Instead they had their own dances
which could be quite advanced. There were ring-dances, 2, 3 and 4 pair
dances, 3-person dances (if there was a shortage of men each man had two
female dancers ...), 8-pair dances, and row-dances. And, of course, single
pair dances. The dominating types are 4-pair dances and the ring-dances.
Today these dances are not danced that much. You can still meet some
variants of these to some parties, but it's getting rare. But this doesn't
mean that there ain't folk dance around anymore.
Around 1920 the old dances were almost forgotten or substituted with new
variants. Some people realized the cultural loss this would be for our
country and began to seek contact with old people who actually had danced
these dances or played the music. They wrote down what they learned and
their descriptions are today used by local dance groups, who likes the old
Read more about
Folk Dance
in Denmark
Danish Dance Video
Danish Dance Company
Dansescenen is a
small city theatre within the authority of the Copenhagen
council and thus receives a maintenance grant from the
Copenhagen municipality. In addition the theatre’s activities
are also supported by the Arts council and various private
Dansescenen hosts the vast majority of Danish contemporary dance
performances in Copenhagen combined with guest performances from
abroad. After many years of battle to achieve a theatre reserved
just to show dance, the fight was rewarded with the first grant
in 1991 to establish Dansescenen as an independent institution.
In august 1993, Dansescenen opened its doors to the very first
There are up to 130 performance evenings at Dansescenen each
year, shared by around 20 different productions. Some of the
productions are produced by Dansescenen itself and these are
divided into resident choreographer arrangements, productions
supported by the theatre council, youth performances,
international guests and festivals
The purpose of the institution is to run a theatre establishment
within the area of professional contemporary dance. The
institution should work towards profiling, strengthening and
stimulating the art of dance in Denmark through an active and
varied programme. There presupposes a close co-operation between
the relevant institutions and other theatres.
If you would like your Denmark Dance Company, Dance
Organization, Dance School featured here
then please email
There are many fine dance schools in
Denmark. I know I am in contact with them as we
supply a range of high quality dancewear products like leotards, dance
pants, dance dresses and other dancing apparel.
Bangkok Companies supplies an amazing range
of dancewear from Thailand. I have looked at these dance garments and dance
accessories in detail. There is only one word to describe them Superb.
For more details click on the pictures or send an email to
bangkokcompanies@gmail.com We
regret at this time we can only satisfy Denmark wholesale dancewear requests.
Dance Schools in Denmark, Dancewear Suppliers, Dancing Organizations
Mr. Johnny Eliasen, Acting Ballet Director Royal Danish Ballet, Royal Theatre
Postboks 2185 DK-1017 Kobenhavn K Denmark
Tel. (45)3369.6933, (45), Fax (45)3369.6575
Dance Company, ballet, classical
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ebbe Mork
Vingrdsallo 4 DK-1000 Copenhagen Denmark
Tel. (45)3l 62.60.69
Dance Critic
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ms. Birthe Johansen
Landskronagade 7 DK-1000 Copenhagen o Denmark
Tel. (45)
Dance Critic, researcher
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bartholin International Ballet Seminar
Box 3018, St. Strandstraede 21 DK-1021 Kobenhavn K
Dance Workshop, seminar, ballet
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. Knud Arne Jiirgensen
Peder Skramsgade 26 DK-1054 Copenhagen Denmark
Tel. (45)
Ballet historian
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ms. Jytte Kjobek
Laksegade 26,1 th DK-1063 Copenhagen Denmark
Tel. (45) 33.l4.10.6l
Dance Researcher
H. Ump, Head Dansk Musik Informations Center (MIC)
(Information on dance also available)
Vimmelskaftet 48 DK-1161 Copenhagen Denmark
Tel. (45), Fax (45) 33.32.20.l6
Dance Academy
Henning Urup Dansk Musik Informations Center
Vimmelskaftet 48 DK-1161 Kobenhavn K
Tel. (45); Fax. (45)33.32.2o.16
Ms. Annete Faaborg Dansk Musik Informations Center
Vimmelskaftet 48 DK-1161 Kobenhavn K Denmark
Tel. (45)3311.2066, Fax (45)3332.2016
Information on music & dance
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nordisk Forum for Danseforskning
Christians Brygge 3 DK-1219 Kobenhavn K Denmark
Tel. (45); Fax (42.45)
International Organization
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dansk Dansehistorisk Arkiv (Danish Dance History Archives),
Musikvidenskabeligt Institut
Danish Dance History Archives, Institute for Musicology, University of
Klerkegade 2 DK-1308 Kobenhavn K Denmark
Danish Dance
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Next Zone
c/o Lene Boel, Bartholinsgade 9, 2 DK-1356 Kobenhavn K
Tel. (45) 33 14 86 08
Dance Company
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIX
c/o Produktionskontoret, Nansensgade 10, kld DK-1363 Kobenhavn K
Tel. (45) 33 12 12 62; Fax (45) 33 16 15 60
Dance Company
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kreutzmann Dance
c/o Produktionskontoret, Nansensgade 10, kld DK-1363 Kobenhavn K
Tel. (45) 33 16 15 50; Fax (45) 33 16 15 60
Produktionskontoret@get2net.dk www.kreuzmanndance.dk
Dance Company
Ms. Karina Lykkesborg Wilda Tim Feldman
Nansensgade 10 DK-1366 Copenhagen K Denmark
Tel. (45) 33 16 15 70; Fax (45) 33 16 15 60 mail@wilda.dk www.wilda.dk
Dance Company
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skolen for Moderne Dans I Danmark
Philip de Langes Alle 3 DK-1435 Kobenhavn K
Tel. (45) 32 54 12 01; Fax (45) 32 54 32 70 smdd@vip.cybercity.dk www.kulturnet.dk/homes/smdd
Dance School, Modern
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Images of Asia, CKU
Vestergade 5 DK-1456 Kobenhavn K Denmark
Tel. (45) 33 17 97 00; Fax (45) 33 17 97 01 info@dccd.dk www.dccd.dk
Dance Company
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sommerscene
Vestergade 5, 3 DK-1456 Kobenhavn K Denmark
Tel. (45) 33 15 15 64; Fax (45) 33 32 81 82 info@kit.dk www.kit.dk
Dance Company
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teater Sthyr & Kiaer
Huset 4 sal, Radhusstraede 13 DK-1466 Kobenhavn K
Tel. (45) 33 15 20 07; Fax (45) 33 32 98 18
Dance Company
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- National Commission for UNESCO
H.C. Andersens Boulevard 45 DK-1553 Copenhagen V
Tel. (45)3392.5216, Fax(45)3392.5492 unesco@uvm.dk
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prof. Mr. Erik Aschengreen
Dances plads 3 DK-1556 Copenhagen Denmark
Tel. (45)
Dance Researcher, aesthetics, history of dance, romantic ballet and critic
Mr. Jan G. Christiansen, Director Danish Centre of the ITI
Vesterbrogade 26,3 DK-1620 Copenhague V Denmark
Tel. (45) 33 861210; Fax (45) 33 24 01 57 dititu@image.dk http://www.image.dk/~dititu
Dance Organization
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pantomimeteatret
Tivoli, Vesterbrogade 3 DK-1620 Kobenhavn V
Tel. (45) 33 75 03 85 ab@tivoli.dk www.tivoli.dk
Dance Company
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nordic Theatre and Dance
Vesterbrogade 26, 3 DK-1620 Kobenhavn V Denmark
Tel. (45)33 22 45 55; Fax (45)33 24 01 57 post@nordscen.dk www.nordscen.dk
Dance Company
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teater og Dans I Norden, Nordisk Center for Scenekunst
Vesterbrogade 26, 3 DK-1620 Kobenhavn V Denmark
Tel. (45)33224555; Fax (45)33240157 post@nordscen.dk
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tivoli-Festival
Vesterbrogade 3 DK-1620 Kobenhavn V Denmark
Tel. (45) 33 11 16 05
Dance Company, Dance Festival
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dance Group of the Greek Community
Vesterbrogade 107 DK-1620 Kobenhavn V Denmark
Dance Group, folk, Greek, performing. amateur
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ms. Birgitte Madsen
Vesterbrogade 20 B, 5 DK-1620 Kobenhavn V
Tel. (45)8121.8029
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teater og Dans i Norden
Vesterbrogade 26, 3 DK-1620 Kobenhavn V
Tel. (45)3122.4555
Dance Organization, cross-national governmental council for theatre and
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ms. Rhea Leman, Artistic Director
Vesterbrogade 62 D DK-1620 Kobenhavn V Denmark
Tel. (45)3131.0115, Fax (45)3124.9833
Dance Tester Tango, Company, tango
Ms. Louise Frevert
Danmarks Mavedanserskole
Gasvorksvej 15 DK-1656 Copenhagen V
Tel. (45)33792020 http://www.mavedans.dk
Dance Company
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ms. Karin Vedel
Enghave Plads 17-A, 3 tv DK-1670 Kobenhavn V
Tel. (45)3121.1890
Historian, University of Copenhagen (dance as series of events)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ms. Birgitte Hansen
Sonder Boulevard 52, 4 DK-1720 Copenhagen
Tel. (45)
Dance Researcher
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jorgen Schou-Pedersen
Palnaiokesgade 1, 3 tv DK-1733 Copenhagen Denmark
Tel. (45)
Dance Researcher
Cher Geuetze, Artistic Director Uppercut Dancetheatre
Rathsacksvej 32 DK-1862 Frederiksberg C Denmark
Tel. (45)3132.4841, Fax (45)3124.0291
Dance Company, modern dance, performing
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ms. Charlotte Christensen
Lykkesholms Alle 10 DK-1902 Frederiksberg
Tel. (45)
Researcher, art historian, ballet critic
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Falkoner Teatret
Falkoner Alle 9 DK-2000 Frederiksberg Denmark
Tel. (45) 38 15 80 01
Dance Company, Theatre
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bodybrains Unlimited
Flintholm Alle 26 K DK-2000 Frederiksberg Denmark
Tel. (45) 38 88 91 00; Fax (45) 38 88 65 61 dance@bodybrainsunlimited.dk www.bodybrainsunlimited.dk
Dance Company
Ms. Nanna Nilson, Artistic Director New Now Dancers
Flintholm Alle 26K-1 DK-2000 Frederiksberg
Tel. (45)3888.9100, Fax 3888.6561
Dance Company, postmodern dance theater
Ms. Mikala Bjarnov Lage, Artistic Director Micado Dance Ensemble
Smallegade 35 DK-2000 Frederiksberg Denmark
Tel. (45)3186.3825
Company, modern dance, performing
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ms. Laila Wedel
Smallegade 52B 4th DK-2000 Frederiksberg Denmark
Tel. (45.38)889.880
Dance Teacher, folk, Irish set dancing, organizer
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. Peter Thygesen
Ved Lindevangen 12 DK-2000 Frederiksberg
Tel. (45)
Researcher, journalist
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kaleidoskop
Norrebrogade 37 DK-2000 Kobenhavn N Denmark
Tel. (45) 33 90 01 00; Fax (45) 35 36 53 06 post@kaleidoskop.dk
Dance Company
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. Maj-Brit Simonsen
Carl Johansgade 11, 2 tv DK-2100 Copenhagen
Tel. (45)
Dance Critic
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ms. Anne Flindt Christensen
Hoyensgade 35, 2 DK-2100 Copenhagen Denmark
Dance critic
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ms. Kirsten Ralov
Malmogade 2 DK-2100 Copenhagen Denmark
Tel. (45)
Researcher, ballet
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ms. Annemarie Holm
Nojsomhedsvej 3, 3 DK-2100 Copenhagen Denmark
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ms. Elsa Marianne van Rosen
Osterfarimagsgade 32 DK-2100 Copenhagen
Tel. (45)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ms. Judy Ryslander Schomacker
Ryesgade 116b, 4 DK-2100 Copenhagen
Tel. (45) jrs@dk-online.dk
Dance Researcher, folk dance, social dance history, dance encyclopedia
Ms. Dorte Kreutzfeldt, Artistic Director New Territories Dance
Skarogade 5 DK-2100 Copenhagen Denmark
Tel. (45) 3918 4909 new_territories@sol.dk
Dance company, classical master classes
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. Flemming Ryberg
Webersgade 19, 4 rv DK-2100 Copenhagen
Tel. (45)
Court dance, classical ballet, children's ballet
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ms. Anne Flindt Christensen
Hoyensgade 35 DK-2100 Copenhagen o Denmark
Tel. (45)
Dance Critic, researcher
Ms. Louise Seibaek Dansescenen
Oester Faelled Torv 34 DK-2100 Copenhague
Tel. (45)35438300 dansescenen@image.dk ;
ung@dansescenen.dk http://www.dansescenen.dk
Contemporary dance
Ms. Jytte Jensen Widsell Copenhagen Irish Set Dancers
Howitzvej 73, 1 tv, Frederiksberg DK-2100 Kobenhavn F
Tel. (45)3186.3896
Dance Group, folk dancing, Irish set dancing
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