. |
Alveberg, Dance House Norway, National College of Ballet and Dance,
Norwegian Ballet College, These are just a few of the Norwegian
companies, dance schools, dancing organizations and dance wear suppliers
that that can be found in our comprehensive Directory of Norwegian
Traditional Norwegian Dance
The springar and gangar are among the oldest couple dances found in Norway.
In the areas of Telemark, Valdres, Hallingdal, Setesdal, Numedal, and the
west coast from Hardangerfjord up to Sognefjord, these dances have been
preserved in a living, evolving tradition up to the present day. Their
survival and development has been bound up inextricably with the music of
the hardingfele, or Hardanger fiddle. This instrument, which differs from
the ordinary violin by having sympathetic strings, a flatter bridge and
fingerboard, and ornate decoration, has been played at least since the
mid-1600’s. Its music has been handed down in living tradition to the
present day, by ear from master to pupil.
To dance a springar or gangar is to experience the highest degree of
intimacy with music. Karin Brennesvik, one of Norway's foremost dance
teachers, said, “Let the music tell you what to do.” The springar is
inherently improvisational, which allows the dancer to express the nuances
of the music, to echo the flow of the melody in the phrasing of the dance,
and to give form to moments of pure unrestrained joy.
Dance Company |
Kjersti Alveberg is a
front figure on the Norwegian dance scene and has been for
years. Over the last 30 years she has created a considerable
amount of remarkable, highly original ballets for stage and
Kjersti Alveberg's choreography tends to be technically quite
demanding and she always works with the very best dancers
available. She has created some stunning solos for some
outstanding Norwegian dancers: Arne Fagerholt (Media, Yr and
Spirits) and Ingrid Lorentzen (Lokk and In me).
For Kjersti Alveberg music and sounds is her main source of
inspiration. She creates unique, often surprising movements,
movements of great beauty, poetic, dramatic or burlesque. She
has the ability to get each dancer's peculiar quality come
forward and she is known to have a sure hold on the visual
totality, with a keen sense of striking effects.
If you would like your Norway Dance Company, Dance Organization, Dance School featured here
then please email
There are many fine dance schools in
Norway. I know I am in contact with them as we
supply a range of high quality dancewear products like leotards, dance
pants, dance dresses and other dancing apparel.
Bangkok Companies supplies an amazing range
of dancewear from Thailand. I have looked at these dance garments and dance
accessories in detail. There is only one word to describe them Superb.
For more details click on the pictures or send an email to
bangkokcompanies@gmail.com We
regret at this time we can only satisfy Norway wholesale dancewear requests.
"Dancewear designed by
dancers for dancers"
Dresses |
Kids Leotards |
Leotards |
Dance Bras |
Dance Pants |
Tutu's |
Shorts |
Dancewear |
Dancewear Organizers |
Dance Bags |
Backpacks |
Bangkok Companies is a full service
product sourcing company in Thailand. For All your
dancewear needs please email
bangkokcompanies@gmail.com with your requests.
Dance Schools in Norway, Dancewear Suppliers, Dancing Organizations
Liv Basberg
Georgernes Verft 3 NO-5011 Bergen Norway
Tel. (47.55)320.866, Fax (47.55)320.867
Dance school, amateurs, all ages, classical ballet, modern, contemporary,
jazz, improvisation. Information
center with library and videotheque
Kjersti Alveberg
Uranienborg Terrasse 0351 Oslo Norway
Tel +47 22 56 75 92 Mob +47 97 15 13 38
Dance for Camera, through years of making independent dance performances and
Ballets for Nrk television in Oslo, Norway. She was educated at
Ballettinstituttet (The Norwegian Ballet College) in Oslo and had further
studies in New York, Paris, London and Amsterdam. Searching in different
styles and expressions, she trained with Alwin Ailey, Fred Benjamin, Peter
Goss, The Joffrey Ballet and Eleo Pomare. For several years she was a dancer
at the Oslo theatres and in television.
Dinna Bjorn
Box 8800 Youngstorget, Storgaten 23c NO-0028 Oslo 1 Norway
Fax (47)2242.0573, 2242.9475, Fax (47)2242.0573
Company, ballet, classical, modern
Knut Breder
23, Storgaten NO-0184 Oslo Oslo Norway
Tel. +47 23 31 50 45, FAX +47 23 31 50 30
Ballet education (8-16 years). Participation in performances of The
Norwegian National Ballet
Giljane Espen
Postboks 8800 Youngstorget NO 0028 Oslo Norway
47 23 31 50 00;fax +47 23 31 50 43
The Norwegian National Ballet`s repertoire consists of the major classics
plus contemperory works by leading choreographers including Balanchine,
Cranko, Duato, Ek, Forsythe, Kylien, Lightfoot Tetley
Liv Greli
Storgt.22 NO-0184 Oslo Norway
+47 22 17 06 56 fax: +47 22 17 06 56 Mobile: +47 92200112
dance, ballet, jazz, hip-hop, contemporary, tap, flamenco, jazz,
Grete Valstad
Welhavensgt. 1 NO-0166 Oslo Norway
47 21 02 71 80; 47 21 02 71 81
Union for dancers, choreographs and ballet teachers.
Dariusz Robert
PO Box 454 NO-6001 Oslo Norway
Tel. & Fax 701.20306
International experience as a ballet teacher, choreographer and ballet
Studio Oscar, Borggt. 7 NO-0608 Oslo Norway
22 06 53 88
Classical ballet teacher, intermediate-advanced
Sundsnesveien 21 NO-7670 Inderey Norway
Teacher, Cecchetti ballet, ISTD modern, Jazz, Tap and Contemporary,
beginners and professional.
Anne Cecily's Ballettskole
Ullveien 21 A NO-0791 Oslo Norway
Tel. 23224010
School, ballet tuition, classes
Aristofanes Teater
Hegermannsg. 2 NO-0478 Oslo Norway
Tel. 932 26 001
School, ballet tuition, classes
Asker Dans og Ballettskole
Roykenveien 142 NO-1386 Asker Norway
Tel. 66902370
School, ballet tuition, classes
Asker og Borum Ballettinstitutt
Vesthellingen 19 NO-1315 Nesoya Norway
Tel. 66849348
School, ballet tuition, classes
Ballettakademiet Bardar Danseinstitutt
Kr. Augustsgate 15 NO-0164 Oslo Norway
Tel. 22209010
School, ballet tuition, classes
Ballettskoler i Akershus; KGB Ballettstudios
Gronsundvn. 70 NO-1394 Nesbru Norway
School, ballet tuition, classes
Bardar Dansens Hus
Kristian Augustsgate 15 NO-0164 Oslo Norway
Tel. 22209010
School, ballet tuition, classes
Bardar Utdanningsskole
Kristian Augustsgate 15 NO-0164 Oslo Norway
Tel. 22209010
School, ballet tuition, classes
Bjorg Gretes Danseskole
Middelthunsgate 21C NO-0368 Oslo Norway
Tel. 2690803 / 90060409
School, ballet tuition, classes
Cap a Pied, Oslo Musikalteaterskole
Marsveien 19 NO-0493 Oslo Norway
Tel. 22226673
School, ballet tuition, classes
Den Norske Balletthoyskole
Postbox 2956 Toyen N-0608 Oslo, Norway
Tel: (47) 22 57 24 10. Fax: (47) 22 08 09 86
Den Norske Nasjonalballett (The Northern National Ballet)
Postboks 8800 Youngstorget NO-0028 Oslo Norway
Tel. (47.22)42.94.75, Fax (47.22)42.05.73
Dance Company
Den Norske Operas Ballettskole
PO Box 8800 Youngstorget 0028 Oslo Norway
Tel: (47) 23315000
Fagerborg College, Ballet Section
Pilestredet 109 NO-0358 Oslo Norway
Tel. (47)22 46 35 19; Fax (47)22 60 90 42
Intern. Forde Folkmusik Festival
Fordehuset Angedalsvegen 5 NO-6800 Forde Norway
Tel. 47.57 72 1940; Fax 47.57 72 1941
Jorunn Hansen Ballettskole
Kaptein Oppegaardsv. 15 NO-1164 Oslo Norway
Tel. 22299419
School, ballet tuition, classes
Kirsti Skulleruds ballettskole
Myrvollveien 6 NO-1363 Hovik Norway
Tel. 67536369
School, ballet tuition, classes
Kritikerlaget for Teater, Musik og Ballett
Radhusgt. 7, Pb 352 Sentrum NO-0101 Oslo Norway
Tel. (47)22 41 94 09; Fax (47)22 41 81 65
Company, Ballet
Mona Loberg Ballettstudio
Ungdommens Hus, Skarersletta 60 NO-Lorenskog Norway
Tel. 67906910 / 90063743
School, ballet tuition, classes
Nancy's Freestyle og Danseskole
Solheimveien 72 NO-1473 Skarer Norway
Tel. 67973610
School, ballet tuition, classes
National College of Ballet and Dance
Tjuvholmen NO-0250 Oslo Norway
Tel. (47)22995750; Fax (47)22995770
School, Ballet
Norsk Ballettforening
Den Norske Opera, Pb 8800 Youngstorget NO-0028 Oslo Norway
Tel. (47)22 42 94 75; Fax (47)22 33 40 27
Company, Ballet
Norwegian Ballet College
Borggt. 7, Pb 2956, Toyen NO-0608 Oslo Norway
el. (47)22 57 24 10; Fax (47)22 08 09 86
Company, Ballet
PA Spissen, Medlemsblad for Norsk Ballettforbund
Wesselsgatan 8 NO-0165 Oslo Norway
Tel. (47)22 41 33 04; Fax (47)22 36 06 02
Statens Balletthogskole
Pb. 6853, St. Olavs plass 0130 Oslo Norway
Tel: (47)22 99 57 50
Studio 33
Sorbyhaugen 33 NO-0377 Oslo Norway
Tel. 22140928
School, ballet tuition, classes
Torild Frostad Dansestudio
Fagerborggt. 14 NO-0363 Oslo Norway
Tel. 22604488
School, ballet tuition, classes
Liv Bjorgum
Wesselsgatan 8 NO-0165 Oslo Norway
Tel. (47)22 41 33 04; Fax (47)22 36 06 02
Organization, ballet
Anne Borg
Statens Balletthogsskole NO-0250 Oslo Norway
Knut Breder
Postboks 8800 Youngstorget NO-0028 Oslo Norway
Tel. (47)23315000
School, Ballet
Sally Eilertsen
Vestregate 48 NO-9008 Tromso Norway
Tel. 77686619, Fax 77681529
Company, modern ballet
Elisabeth Frich
Sorbyhaugen 33 NO-0377 Oslo Norway
School, ballet
Olav Grytnes
PO Box 401 NO-6501 Kristiansand Norway
Tel. (47)7158 9960; Fax (47)7158 9961
Company, Ballet
Catherine Smirles Ingebrigtsen
Box 401 NO-6501 Kristiansund Norway
Tel. 71677733, Fax 71676657
Company, ballet, classical, modern, jazz, tap
Catherine Ingebrigtsen
14 Kaasbolsvei NO-6510 Kristiansand N Norway
Tel. 47 71 58 99 60, Fax 47 71 58 99 61
Center, Ballet
Carine Prigel Jordahl
Idrettsveien 5 NO-1400 Ski Norway
Tel. 64874071
School, ballet tuition, classes
Maria Korsnes
Dolveien 18 NO-7800 Namsos Norway
Tel. 742 74040
Teacher, Cecchetti ballet, ISTD modern, Jazz, Tap and Contemporary,
beginners and professionals
Ann Kristin Norum
Postbox 2956, Toyen NO-0608 Oslo Norway
Tel. 47/22 57 24 10; Fax: 47/22 08 09 86
School, ballet tuition, classes
Knut Olseng
Nygardsalle 6 NO-0871 Oslo Norway
Researcher, ballet teaching
Mona Osthassel
Hamangskogen 45 NO-1338 Sandvika Norway
Tel. 67545108
School, ballet tuition, classes
Natalia Papina
Smalgangen 30 NO-0188 Oslo Norway
Tel. (47)22174792
School, Ballet
Ingunn Rimestad
Valhallvejen 63 NO-0196 Oslo 1 Norway
Court dances, classical and children's ballet
Ella Ursin Steen
Bolenskogen 69 NO-0691 Oslo Norway
Tel. (47)
Researcher, ballet theory and dance
Pa Stovner
NO-1400 Ski Norway
Tel. 64857374 / 64871303
School, ballet tuition, classes
Vibeke Vigeland
Gamle Ringeriksvei. 37 NO-1357 Bekkestua Norway
Tel. 67839173
School, ballet tuition, classes
Gunn Engelsrud
Mogens Thorstens gate 5 NO-0264 Oslo 2 Norway
Tel. (02)563964
www.folk.uio.no/gunneng ;
Researcher, dance theory, research methods
Dance House Norway
Kristian IVs gate 8 NO-0164 Oslo Norway
22 42 00 60
Dance House Norway presents national and international contemporary dance.
Ingun Bjornsgaard Prosjekt
Youngsgt. 6 NO-0181 Oslo Norway
0047 22 33 22 28 / 0047 95 21 83 35
contemporary dance company
P.O. Box 9334 NO-0135 Gronnland, Oslo Norway
Tel. (47)9306.9406
Performance, live art, installations, theatre, dance, robotics, synaesthesia,
electronic arts, media art, worklabs.
Norges Danseforbund / Norwegian Dance Federation
Serviceboks 1, Ullevel Stadion NO-0480 Oslo Norway
47)21.029.000; Fax (47)21.020.806
The Norwegian Dance Federation organice different types of dance in Norway.
The federation is a member of the Norwegian federation of Sport and Olympic
Kirre Arneberg
Youngsgt. 6 NO-0181 Oslo Norway
contemporary dance company
Andre Austvoll
10, Christian Michelsensgate NO 0568 Oslo Norway
(+47) 99 27 34 54
Choreographer, Microdance
Vebjorn Bakken
Granebakken 62 NO - 1284 Oslo Norway
47 22620103
All types of Norwegian folkdances, instructor, dancer
Vigdis Bjornoy-
Totengata 10 NO-0659 Oslo Norway
Tel. 97 50 25 90
Teaching bellydance to women at three levels ( beginners, medium level and
for those who have practised a while). I am a physical therapist as
background and teaches the
Ingun Bjornsgaard
Youngsgate 6 NO-0183 Oslo Norway
Tel. (47)22.20.6605, Fax (47)22.20.6654;
Tel. + 47 22 33 22 28 ; + 47 95 21 83 35 ; fax +4722 33 22
School; contemporary dance company
Panta Rei Danseteater
Braatens gt 2 NO-0474 Oslo Norway
Tel. 0047 92012264
Panta Rei Danseteater is an idependant dance theatre company. We perform,
give workshops and seminars as well as produce short dance films.
Merete Fjeldbo
80, Sofiesgate NO-0454 Oslo Norway
Tel. 922 87 975
Dancer, Oriental, Middle Eastern dances
Lazaro Izquierdo Gomez
NO 0468 Oslo Norway
(47)9326.9561 Office
Dance and teach cuban dances; Rumba, Son, Casino, Mambo, Cha-cha-cha,
Yoruba, Palo and more.
Liv Greli
Storgt.22 NO-0184 Oslo Norway
+47 22 17 06 56 fax: +47 22 17 06 56 Mobile: +47 92200112
dance, ballet, jazz, hip-hop, contemporary, tap, flamenco, jazz,
Monica Emilie Herstad
23, President Harbitzgate NO-0259 Oslo Norway
47) 22440410
subtle dance, performance in videoscape
Magda Juul Hilde
Bregneveien 12 NO-0875 OSLO Norway
Riverdance, irish solo dancing, ceili, irish dancing, performance, dance
classes, Irish dance shows, Irish dance workshops, hardshoes, ghillies,
Med Hilsen
Orknoygata 8 NO-0658 Oslo Norway mob:
+ 47 48 19 41 68
Crossover projects between flamenco dance , quawwali, iranian, arabic and
contemporary music.
Karina Hoepers
Nedre Vollgt 9 NO-0158 Oslo Norway
+47 21949199 or +47 93219199
Largest international portal for salsa in Norway. Information and classes in
Salsa, mambo, cha cha, merengue, bachata, rumba, samba, zouk, lambada, forre,
bolero, waltz, swing, and other dances. Keeps
Karene Lyngholm
Kongensgate.4 NO-0153 Oslo Norway
22 42 00 60
Dance House Norway presents national and international contemporary dance
Per Platou
P.O. Box 9334 NO-0135 Gronnland, Oslo Norway
Tel. (47)9306.9406 Office
Performance, live art, installations, theatre, dance, robotics, synaesthesia,
electronic arts, media art, worklabs
Tharan Revfem
St Olavs gt. 5 NO-0165 Oslo Norway
Tel. +47 99227594
Multimedia Dance productions, contemporary dance.
Adryanna Shamsa
1 B, Askeveien NO-N0276 Oslo Norway
(47 ) 92299265
Dance Instructor, Dancer, Choreographer, Professional Instructor and Dancer.
Harmony and Balance(mix of yoga pilates, Afro-Brazilian Rhythms, Latin
Rhythms, Oriental Dance(Belly Dance)
Amanda Steggell
P.O. Box 9334, 80, Jens Bjelkes gt NO-0135 Gronnland, Oslo Norway
(47) 92697545, (47)9306.9406 Office,
Performance, live art, installations, theatre, dance, robotics, synaesthesia,
electronic arts, media art, worklabs, Choreographer, VJ, web mistress.
Completes fellowship 2007
Rofeldt Stine
The Norwegian Dance Federation
Serviceboks 1, Ullevl Stadion NO-0840 Oslo Norway
Tel: (+47) 21 02 90 00 / (+47) 21 02 98 07 Fax: (+47) 21 02 98 06
The Norwegian Dance Federation should be the leading organizatoin for all
dance in Norway. Our main activities are DanceSport, Disco/Freestyle and
Swing & Rock'n Roll, but also new dance forms and sty
Hans-Hinirch Thedens
1017 Blindern NO-0315 Oslo Norway
+47 2284 4768
Dance Workshops in and lectures about traditional Norwegian couple dances
Grete Valstad
Welhavensgt. 1 NO-0166 Oslo Norway
47 21 02 71 80; 47 21 02 71 81
Union for dancers, choreographs and ballet teachers.
Siri Ydstie
Bentsebrugt. 13B NO-0476 Oslo Norway
+47 91836653
Oriental dance/belly dance classes, different styles, all levels, shows and
performances. Choreographer. Organizes Oslo Bellydance Festival in April/May
every year.
Dariusz Robert
PO Box 454 NO-6001 Oslo Norway
Tel. & Fax 701.20306
International experience as a ballet teacher, choreographer and ballet
Contemporary Dance Festival (coda)
Postboks 513 Sentrum No-0105 Oslo Norway
Tel. (47) 93-82-90-80
Dance Festival
Danse-og Teatersentrum (Dance and Theater Center)
Stranden 3 NO-0265 Oslo Norway
Tel. (47.22)83.61.71, Fax (47.22)83.73.47
Den Norske Nasjonalballett (The Northern National Ballet)
Postboks 8800 Youngstorget NO-0028 Oslo Norway
Tel. (47.22)42.94.75, Fax (47.22)42.05.73
Dance Company
I.F.I.N., Gaida Magazine
Postboks 358 NO-0101 Oslo Norway
Publication, periodical, folk, international, Organization, folk, dance and
music, representing Scandinavian Dance groups
Kitka International Folk Dance Ensemble
Kongensgate 16 NO-0153 Oslo Norway
Tel. & Fax (47)2211.4395
International folk dance performing group
La Cat Freestyle
Bekkelagshuset, Kongsvn. 50 NO-0165 Oslo Norway
Tel. 23 38 25 15
Dance School, dance tuition, Dance classes
National College of Ballet and Dance
Tjuvholmen NO-0250 Oslo Norway
Tel. (47)22995750; Fax (47)22995770
Dance School, Ballet
Norske Dansekunstnere
Welhavensgate 1 NO-0166 Oslo Norway
Tel. 21 02 71 80; fax 21 02 71 81
Dance Organization of Norwegian dance artists
Norwegian Dance Sport Association
Serviceboks 1 U.S. Sognsveien 75 NO-0840 Oslo Norway
Tel. (47)2102.9000, Fax (47)2102.9806
Organization, dancesport
Open Dance Company
Tolia 27 NO-1453 Oslo Norway
Tel. (47)66 91 42 07
Dance Company
OSI Capoeira
Postboks 94, Blindern NO-0314 Oslo Norway
Dance School, capoeira, Brazilian dances
Box 70 NO-0314 Oslo Norway
Tel. (47.22)603.446
Dance Group, folk dance and music, recreational & performing
Oslo Capoeira Klubb
Armauer Hansensgate 6 NO-0455 Oslo Norway
Tel. 22 60 29 33
Dance School, capoeira, Brazilian dances
Oslo Students' International Folk Dance Club
PO Box 70, Blindern NO-0314 Oslo Norway
Dance Club
Senter for Dansekunst
Tollbugaten 19 NO-0152 Oslo Norway
Tel. 22 41 27 00; fax 22 41 27 01
Information centre for dance in Norway.
Vindern Dansestudio
Slemdalsveien 72 NO-0373 Oslo Norway
Tel. 22146606
Dance School, dance tuition, classes
Katja Aarflot
NO- Oslo Norway
Tel. 930 48 664
Dancer, Oriental, Middle Eastern dances
Magne Antonsen
Tollbugaten 19 NO-0152 Oslo Norway
Tel. (47)2241.2700, Fax (47)2241.2701
Information office and proficiency center for dance, Dance for the Camera
Kathryn Bresee
Ole Bulls gate 45 NO-0475 Oslo Norway
Tel. (47)22151839
Dance Company, modern dance, performing
Kari Diesen
Box 2835 Solli NO-0204 Oslo Norway
Tel. (47)22838350; Fax (47)22831610
Folk dance group
Martin Doving
Tollbugaten 19 NO-0152 Oslo Norway
Tel. (47)2241.2700, Fax (47)2241.2701
Information office and proficiency center for dance, Projects
Inger Lise Eid
Tjuvholmen NO-0250 Oslo Norway
Tel. 22995750; Fax.: 22995770
Professional education for dancers, teachers, and choreographers
Agnes Folkestad
Majorstuveien 5 NO-0353 Oslo Norway
Tel. 47.22 60 29 33
School, capoeira, Brazilian dances
Anne Grete
Reichweinsgate 1 NO-0254 Oslo Norway
Tel. (47)22.55.1945, Fax (47)22.44.6525
Dance School, dance tuition
Jane Hveding
Kirkeveien 50 NO-0368 Oslo 3 Norway
Tel. (47.22)46.37.28, Fax (47.22)59.26.53
Dance Teacher, modern, dance-theatre company
Sindre Jacobsen
Tollbugaten 19 NO-0152 Oslo Norway
Tel. (47)2241.2700, Fax (47)2241.2701
Information office and proficiency center for dance
Desiree Jakobsen
Nordstrandveien 49B NO-1163 Oslo Norway
Tel. (47.22)294.428
Dance Group, folk, international dances and music, recreational & performing
Mette Lill Johansen
PO Box 5 Blerlia NO-0622 Oslo Norway
Tel. 4791858320
Halvard Kaasa
Musikkens Hus, Tollbuqata 28, Danselag NO-0157 Oslo Norway
Tel. (47) 22 42 32 90; Fax (47)22423208
Promotes the oldest Norwegian musical forms and their accompanying dances.
Margaritha Kaasa
Per Kvibergs gata 10 NO-0478 Oslo Norway
Tel. (47.22)222.552
Dance Group, folk, international dances and music, recreational & performing
Margunn Kilde
19 Tollbugata NO-0152 Oslo Norway
Tel. (47.22)412700; Fax (47.22)412701
Dance Organisation
Anne Brit Kjelsrud
Kastanjev 26b NO-0487 Oslo Norway
Tel. (47); Fax
Information, modern dance, documentation, video
Peter John Lodwick
Jacob Aalsgate 5A NO-0368 Oslo Norway
Tel. (47)2243 0875; Fax (47)2243 0125
Dance Company, School, dance tuition, Dance classes
Hilde Lund
Gamle Torggata Bad, Torggata16 NO- Oslo Norway
Tel. 22 17 17 64; 90 64 89 85
Dancer, Oriental, Middle Eastern dances
Helle Levang Moum
Rosenhoffgata 9 NO-0569 Oslo Norway
Tel. (47)926 98 576
Modern dance, sensory based dance
Lise Nordal
Drammensveien 130 NO-0277 Oslo Norway
Tel. 22443450, Fax 22443240
Modern, dance-theatre
Tove Oerbaek
Ullevolsveien 89 NO-0359 Oslo Norway
Tel. (47.22)567.003
Dance Group, folk, international dances and music, recreational & performing
Lee Otterholt
Kongensgate 16 NO-0153 Oslo Norway
Tel. & Fax (47)2211.4395
Professional international folk dance instructor and choreographer
Daniel Winfree Papuga
Kjelsasveien 51-F NO-0488 Oslo Norway
Tel. (47.2209)0683
Dance Teacher, folk, Irish set dancing, Dance organizer
Ingunn Rimestad
Valhallvejen 63 NO-0196 Oslo 1 Norway
Court dances, classical and children's ballet
Frode Rolandsgard
Dalehaugen 2 NO-0657 Oslo Norway
Tel. (47) 22 02 27 43; (47) 911 97 407
Dancer, performer, Norwegian folk dances
Helene Skaugen
Abeidergata 4 NO-0159 Oslo Norway
Dancer, Oriental, Middle Eastern dances
Ella Ursin Steen
Bolenskogen 69 NO-0691 Oslo Norway
Tel. (47)
Dance Researcher, ballet theory and dance
Randi Urdal
Tollbugaten 19 NO-0152 Oslo Norway
Tel. (47)2241.2700, Fax (47)2241.2701
Information office and proficiency center for dance
Siri Ydstie
Heimdalsgt. 35 NO-0578 Oslo Norway
Tel. (47)22 68 86 28
Dancer, teacher, performer, Oriental, Middle-Eastern dance
Liv Basberg
Georgernes Verft 3 NO-5011 Bergen Norway
Tel. (47.55)320.866, Fax (47.55)320.867
Dance school, amateurs, all ages, classical ballet, modern, contemporary,
jazz, improvisation. Information
center with library and videotheque
Step In Dansestudio
Bonesskogen 95 NO-5152 Bergen Norway
Rune Adolfsen
35, Fanakraa NO 5244 Bergen Norway
President in Norwegian Dance Federation
Ann-Christin Danhammar
Sydnessplassen 3 no 5007 Bergen Norway
(47)553.12.226; (47)553.12.706
dance theatre company, gibberish (nonsense language), dark humor, performers
are usually physical actors
Karen Foss
C/O T. Myklatun, Rugdevn. 28, NO-5097 Bergen Norway
Tel. (47)983 480 403
New stage art, including dance, music and theatre lighting, electronic
Ebba Gunnesdal
Allestadhaugen 20 NO-5142 Bergen Norway
Tel. +47 90877055
Instructor, dance training, work shops
Per Boye Hansen
NO-5040 Bergen Norway
Music and arts festival in Bergen
P.O. Box 7800 NO-5020 Bergen Norway
Financial assistance to dancers
Bergen International Folk Dance Club
Box 944 NO-5001 Bergen Norway
Tel. (47.55)185.571
Dance Group, folk, international dance, recreational & performing
Folkdansgilda i Bergen
Postboks 406 NO-5001 Bergen Norway
Festival, folk dances
Institut for Kulturstudier og Kungsthistorie
Seksjon for Teatervitens kap, Sydnesplass 13 NO-5007 Bergen Norway
Tel. 55 58 29 69; Fax 55 58 94 30
Dance Company
Jo Stromgren Kompani
Nygardsgaten 2a NO-5015 Bergen Norway
55 21 27 06
Kompanie Carte Blanche
Sigurtdstgt.6 NO-5015 Bergen Norway
Dance Organization
Bit Teatergarasjen, Nostegaten 54 NO-5011 Bergen Norway
Tel. (47)55 23 22 35; Fax (47)55 23 18 15
Dance Company
Y-MIS Dans Company
C/O K.N.OMA, Stromgaten 56 NO-5007 Bergen Norway
Tel. (47)55 56 08 36
Dance Company
Arne Fagerholt
119, Nostegaten NO-5803 Bergen Bergen Norway
Tel. (47) 55 30 86 80, FAX (47) 55 30 86 81
Dance Researcher, India
Fredik Rutter
Sigurdsgate 6 NO-5015 Bergen Norway
Tel. (47.55)30.86.80, Fax (47.55)30.86.81
Dance Company, modern dance, performing
Torunn Selberg
Sydnesplass 13 NO-5007 Bergen Norway
Researcher, folklorist, folk narrative research
Jo Stramgren
Wolffsgt. 3 NO-5006 Bergen Norway
Tel. (47)5531 2226; Fax (47)5531 2706
Dance Company
Jo-- Stromgren
Sydnessplassen 3 NO-5007 Bergen Norway
Tel. +47 55 31 22 26 ; Fax +47 55 31 27 06
Dance company, dance theater, choreographer
Ronny Eriksen
Oslo Norway
Choreographer and dancer in The Swing Outs at Bardar Swing Club. Educated
teacher through The Norwegian Dance Association. Double Norwegian champion
in Team Swing Dancing. Dances Lindy Hop, Balboa, Tap