. |
Center of Contemporary Dance, Ecole de Danse Sihem Belkhogja, Theatre
National Tunisien, are just a few of the dance
companies, Tunisian
dance schools, dancing organizations and dance wear suppliers
that that can be found in our comprehensive Directory of Tunisian
Scarf Dance (Raks al Maharem):
Originally a flirtatious cafe dance, it took on a more patriotic meaning
when dancers started to use a red and a white scarf to support the
independence movement in the 1950's. After independence this became the
signature dance of the Tunisian National Troupe.
Raqs al Juzur: Dance from Tunisia
A characteristic of Tunisian dance is the horizontal forward and back
movement of the hips, reminiscent of the Twist of the 1960’s. The costume of
the dancers consists of a melia, a draped garment, which is held together by
two silver fibulas (the ancestor of the safety pin). The melia belongs to
the family of the most elementary kinds of clothing, in which a straight
swath of cloth without tailoring or seams is draped around the body, as for
example the Roman toga, the Indian sari or the Indonesian sarong. A
specialty of the islands of Kerkennah and Djerba is Raq al Juzur in which
the dancer, accompanied by the mizwid (bagpipe) and drums, balances a clay
pot on her head while she follows the beat of the drum with her hips. A wool
belt with large tassels at each side emphasizes the strong hip movements.
Men also perform this dance, often balancing high towers of heavy clay pots
on their heads. This dance has become a national symbol for Tunisia.
Tunisian Dance Company |
Mediterranean Center of
Contemporary Dance
Since January 8, 2007, any young dancer aspiring to obtain
further training and an internationally recognized diploma in
contemporary dance can do so in Tunis at the newly created
Mediterranean center for Mediterranean dance.
The center which is open to students from the Maghreb, the
Middle East and Africa , was initiated by the dynamic Tunisian
choreographer and dancer Sihem Belkhodja, with the support of
the French Cooperation Institute, as a way to foster South
-South artistic collaboration. It is the first school of its
kind both in Tunisia and on the African continent as a whole.
The center's two year training cycle which is provided by
qualified Tunisian and French teachers and artists, will consist
of both theoretical courses and practical sessions for would- be
dancers who already have an initial training in contemporary
dance, as well as notions in classical dance, modern jazz,
hip-hop, folklore etc.
Artists such as Pedro Pawels, Gilles Veriepe, Hela Fattoumi,
Abou Lagraa, and Salia Sanou are among the
dancers/choreographers who will lead the various workshops. The
center's most talented students will have an opportunity to
perform at the annual Carthage choreographic encounters, but
also throughout Tunisia , as well as abroad.
Tunis, January 31, 2007-(TunisiaOnline)
If you would like your Tunisia
Dance Company, Dance Organization, Dance School featured here
then please email
bangkokcompanies@gmail.com |
There are many fine dance schools in
Tunisia. I know I am in contact with them as we
supply a range of high quality dancewear products like leotards, dance
pants, dance dresses and other dancing apparel.
Bangkok Companies supplies an amazing range
of dancewear from Thailand. I have looked at these dance garments and dance
accessories in detail. There is only one word to describe them Superb.
For more details click on the pictures or send an email to
bangkokcompanies@gmail.com We
regret at this time we can only satisfy Tunisia
wholesale dancewear requests.
"Dancewear designed by
dancers for dancers"
Dresses |
Kids Leotards |
Leotards |
Dance Bras |
Dance Pants |
Tutu's |
Shorts |
Dancewear |
Dancewear Organizers |
Dance Bags |
Backpacks |
Bangkok Companies is a full service
product sourcing company in Thailand. For All your
dancewear needs please email
bangkokcompanies@gmail.com with your requests.
Dance Schools in
Tunisia, Dancewear Suppliers, Dancing Organizations
Liane Kyriakopoulos
20 rue du Bresil TN-1002 Tunis Tunisia
Ismaen Chaari
Borj El Baccouche TN-2080 Ariana Tunisia
Centre Russe de la Culture et des Sciences
34 avenue de la Liberte, BP 63 TN-1002 Tunis-Belvedere Tunisia
Tel. (216-1) 780 953, 785 598 ; Fax (216-1) 785 623
Contacts with Russian dance organizations
Ecole de Danse Sihem Belkhogja
Centre Culturel d'El Menzah 6 TN-Tunis Tunisia
School, modern dance
Ecole de Danse Tramoni-Caparos
9 rue S. Hayder TN-La Marsa Tunisia
School, modern dance
Ecole de Danse Tramoni-Caparos
53 rue Mokhtar Attia TN-Tunis Tunisia
School, modern dance
Espace Ikaa
30 avenue H. Bougatfa TN-Bab Saadoun Tunisia
School, modern dance
Institut de Danse Moderne
8 bis rue de Guinee TN-Tunis Tunisia
School, modern dance
Look 2001
54 avenue d'Afrique TN-El Menzah V Tunisia
School, modern dance
Maison de la danse
17 rue Larbi Kabadi ; El Omarane TN-1005 Tunis Tunisia
Maison de la Danse - Rencontres Choregraphiques de Carthage
1 rue Ronsard 1005 El Omrane TN-Tunis Tunisia
Tel. (216)71 844 585
Marsa Bien-Etre
10 rue M. Abda TN-La Marsa Tunisia
School, modern dance
Medina Festival
Ministere De La Culture, 8 Rue Mars 1934, La Kasbah Tn-1006 Tunis Tunisia
Tel. (216) 71-562-661
Tunisian National Commission for UNESCO
(Commission Nationale Tunisienne pour l'UNESCO)
17 rue d'Iraq; B.P. 1280 TN-1000 Tunis Tunisia
Tel. (216.1)32.82.90, 32.08.38, Fax (216.1)32.10.14
National organization
Vita Top Club
Choutrana II TN-La Soukra Tunisia
School, modern dance
Arfaoui Bechir
237 route de Tabarka Mateur TN-7030 Tunisie Tunisia
Club. Dancer.
Syhem Belkhodja
17 rue Larbi Kabadi TN-1005 El Omrane, Tunis Tunisia
Tel. (+216)71 287 203; fax (+216) 71 844 585
School, Company
Dorra Bouzid
17 rue Larbi Kabadi TN-1005 Omrane, Tunis Tunisia
Tel. & Fax 216.71 79 75 89
Choreographer, Dancer
Mohamed Driss
Theatre National Tunisien
El Halfaouine BP 183 TN-106 Tunis Tunisia
Tel. 216 1 565 693, 216 1 244 779; Fax 216 1 565 640
Salwa Ben Hafaied
13 bis rue du Tresor TN-1008 Tunis Tunisia ,
1bis rue de Tresor TN-1008 Tunis Tunisia
Fax 216-1-341-639
Organizer, folk dance festivals
Hamdi Hemaidi
EL Halfaouine BP 183 TN-106 Tunis Tunisia
Tel. 216/71/565 693, 216/71/351 783; Fax 216/71/565 640
Imed Jemaa
10 rue du Caire TN-1000 Tunis Tunisia
Tel. & Fax (2161)351205
Salah El Mahdi
71 bis rue de Palestine TN-1000 Tunis Tunisia
Tel. 286729286391
Musicologist, musician, researcher, author, Member IOFA Tunisia
993 Maple Hill Road NV 89115 Las Vegas, Nevada U.S.A.
Tel. (1.702)499-0649
Teacher, Performer, Choreographer, Orientale and Chabbe style Bellydance,
Folkloric Dances of the Maghreb: Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria
News and articles about Dance
in Tunisia
Week of European culture to take place in
Tunis, Bizerta and Kairouan
For the first time in Tunisia, the delegation of the European Union and the
embassies of its member states, in collaboration with Tunisia's Ministry of
culture and heritage preservation will organize the Week of European culture
from March 2 to 9, 2007.
This event which aims at strengthening cultural dialogue between Tunisia and
Europe will be launched in Tunis with a British dance and theatre show
dubbed “Street and break dance”. Other shows will feature the performances
by artists from Germany , Austria France, Spain , and Belgium .
The public will also be able to attend a performance by the Italian musical
duo Rinaldi-Chiavinato at the Center of Arab and Mediterranean music, at
Sidi Bou Said, as well as a Polish street show inspired from the authentic
story of one of the pioneers of Polish aviation.
On a lighter note, handicapped children and their parents, at the Bab
Saadoun hospital will be able to attend a comic show by the ‘cliniclowns', a
Dutch group specialized in laughter therapy. Similar shows and performances
will be given in Bizerta and Kairouan during the same period. Tunis,
February 28, 2007-(TunisiaOnline)