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- University College of Dance, Balettakademien i Stockholm, Royal Swedish
Ballet, are just a few of the dance
companies, Swedish
dance schools, dancing organizations and dance wear suppliers
that that can be found in our comprehensive Directory of Swedish
Traditional Swedish Dances
GÅNGLÅT / SNOA (Walking Tune)
Named for a village near Rättvik, Dalarna, Sweden, Gärdeby Gånglåt is
without a doubt the best known fiddler's air in Scandinavia. As functional
music, it has been used for march or promenade for generations. In recent
times such walking tunes have also served as music for the pivot dance, snoa.
The five Dalaspelmän (country fiddlers from Dalarna: Nils Agenmark, Gösta
Bäckström, Paul Bäckström, Anders Sparf, and Pål Olle) featured with Gunnar
Hahn's orchestra impart the steady, compelling, yet relaxed rhythm
characteristic of the native music of Sweden's "folklore province."
ENKEL ENGELSKA (English Dance)
This pleasant tune is suitable for a variety of circle and set dances which
were originally introduced to the coastal lands of northern Europe by
English sailors in the eighteenth century when Britannia ruled the waves.
Perhaps reflecting characteristic Swedish reserve, the musical temperament
is more restrained than that found in British and North American
FAMILIE SEKSTUR (Family 6/8 Dance)
Here is the archetypical Danish folk dance mixer. Both the steps and figures
are familiar to square dancers: "Into the center and back," "Grand
right-and-left," and "Swing your partner." Nevertheless, there exists a
distinctively happy-go-lucky quality so characteristic of the dances of
TOTUR II (Two-Figure Dance Number 2)
The Danes seem to have a never-ending store of fun dances, all utilizing
essentially the same steps and figures, but differing in arrangement so that
each dance has a spirit and identity of its own. This good-natured big
square from Sjælland, captivating in its very simplicity, is made to order
for beginning dancers.
TI-TI-TYY JENKKA ("Birdcall" Schottische)
The song of the European titmouse was the inspiration for this tune,
composed in typically Finnish minor mode by well-known old-time dance
composer and orchestra leader, Orvokki Ramsi. Jenkka is the Finnish word for
schottische. The dance itself, found in Sweden as well as in Finland,
appears to be of relatively recent origin, and it is a lively, painless way
to learn the schottische step!
TROMMELVALSEN (The Drumming Waltz)
The Danish propensity for whimsy comes through in this three-couple set
dance incorporating arch-and-under action. The drum-like cadence in the
lively figure portion is akin to the steps of the pre-Viennese period
trippevals (running-waltz), while the more dignified individual partner
dance is a Tyrolervals (Tyrolean Waltz), a common chorus figure in Danish
folk dances.
ISLENZKUR SKOTTIS (Icelandic Schottische)
Much of Iceland's indigenous music and dance traditions virtually
disappeared centuries ago in the wake of strict religious bans. What remains
is predominantly of later Danish origin. This schottische was taught by a
folk dance team from Reykjavik. The tune, an old folk song, was learned by
Gunnar Hahn from an Icelandic couple in Stockholm.
Music Foundation
Swedish Dance Company |
Danshögskolan - University College of Dance
The University College of Dance is the only school of its kind
for dance and neo circus in Sweden's system of higher education.
This prestigious institution has sole responsibility for
instructing an expanding student body in a broad range of
dance-related fields: Dance Performance, Neo Circus, Dance
Pedagogy, Choreography and Dance Therapy.
The programme offers basic training in four different
disciplines - acrobatics, equilibristics, aerial techniques and
juggling - as well as advanced training/development in at least
one discipline for each student. In addition to circus training,
the programme will include other forms of art as well as the
theoretical studies and scope for reflection required for
personal artistic development.
If you would like your Sweden
Dance Company, Dance Organization, Dance School featured here
then please email
bangkokcompanies@gmail.com |
There are many fine dance schools in
Sweden. I know I am in contact with them as we
supply a range of high quality dancewear products like leotards, dance
pants, dance dresses and other dancing apparel.
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dancers for dancers"
Dresses |
Kids Leotards |
Leotards |
Dance Bras |
Dance Pants |
Tutu's |
Shorts |
Dancewear |
Dancewear Organizers |
Dance Bags |
Backpacks |
Bangkok Companies is a full service
product sourcing company in Thailand. For All your
dancewear needs please email
bangkokcompanies@gmail.com with your requests.
Dance Schools in Sweden, Dancewear Suppliers, Dancing Organizations
Birka Dansklubb
SE-10000 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (46.8)6694910
Dance School, dance tuition, courses
Ms. Margaretha Sjogren
Bondegatan 8 SE-10000 Stockholm Sweden
Dance Historian of Nordic ballet, critic
Mr. Magnus von Platen
Valhallavagen 159 SE-10000 Stockholm Sweden
Professor of aesthetics
Hillevi & Kurt Idh Come Dancing
Vastmannagatan 46 SE-10000 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (46.8)309907
Dance School
City Balettskola Margarita Rietschel
Vastmannagatan 52 SE-10000 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (46.8)662.5665
Dance School
Hillevi & Kurt Idh
Come Dancing
Vastmannagatan 46 SE-10000 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (46.8)309907
Dance School, dance tuition, courses
Hakans Dansskola
Adler Salvius Vagen 57 SE-10000 Tullinge, Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (46.8)7784895
Dance School, dance tuition, courses
Miro Kids Artist & Showskola
Rarstrandsgatan 33 SE-10031 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (46.8)323060
Dance School
Balettakademien i Stockholm
Birger Jarlgatan 70, Box 26210 SE-10041 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (46)8.789 41 20; Fax (46)8.789 41 23
Dance Academy, Ballet
Mr. Daniel Boksjo
Box 26026 SE-10041 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (46)854525030/33; Fax (46)854525040
Dance Researcher
Mr. Lillemor Lundberg, Director
PO Box 26210 SE-10041 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (46)8 7894120; Fax (46)8 7894123
Dance School, Ballet, Jazz, Contemporary
Ms. Anna Creta Stale
Akervagen 15 SE-10142 Lidingo Sweden
Tel. (46.8) 765 02 89
Dance Historian, critic
Ms. Carina Aris Minnesfond
Carina Ari Biblioteket
Box 27032 SE-10251 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (46)8 662 65 70; Fax (46)8 662 65 71
Dance Company, Library, Dance Organization
Nordisk Forum for Danseforskning,
Nordic Forum for Dance Research (NOFOD)
Box 27069 SE-10251 Stockholm Sweden
Dance Organization for dance research
University College of Dance
Sehlstedsgatan 4, Box 270 43 SE-10251 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (8) 459 05 02; Fax 459 05 10
Dance School
Prof. Mr. Bengt Hager, Director
Carina Ari Biblioteket i Danshogskolan
Sehlstedsgatan 4, Box 270 43 SE-10251 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (46.8)662.65.70
Library, archives, author, researcher
Gunn Roman, Vice-Director
Danshogskolan, Swedish Dance Academy
Sehlstedsgatan 4, Box 27043 SE-10251 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (46.8)459.05.02; Fax 459.05.10
Dance School, graduate, tuition
Sehlstedtsgatan 4, Box 27043 SE-10251 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (46)8 459 05 02; Fax (46)8 459 05 10
Dance Company
Box 9237 SE-10273 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (8) 84 92 87; Fax 669 01 11
Dance Company
Ms. Ann-Marie Wrange, Editor
Box 9237 SE-10273 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (46.8)84.92.87; Fax 669.01.11
Dance Publication, periodical
Kungliga Operan, Jakobs Torg
Box 16094 SE-10322 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (46.8)791 43 00; Fax (46.8)411 02 42
Dance Company
Mr. Eskil Hemberg, General Director
Royal Ballet, Royal Theater, Kungliga Teatern
Box 16094 SE-10322 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (46.61)295.1448; Fax (46.61)295.1595
Dance Company, ballet, classical, modern
Mr. Petter Jacobsson, Director
Royal Swedish Ballet, Royal Theater (Kungliga Teatern)
Box 16094 SE-10322 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (46.8)791.4300, Fax (46.8)107.945
Dance Company, ballet, classical
National Commission for UNESCO
Drottninggatan 16 SE-10333 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (46.8)405.1951, 405.19.46/50/54, Fax (46.8)411.04.70, 723.11.92
Dance Organization
Statens Kulturrad, Box 7843 SE-10398 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (46)8 679 72 60; Fax (46)8 611 13 49
Dance Company
Swedish Centre of ITI
Box 150 35 SE-104 65 Stokholm Sweden
Tel. (46) 8 462 25 36; Fax (46) 8 462 25 35
Dance Organization
Dr. Ake Lilliestam
Docentbacken 5 SE-10405 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (46.8)155385
Dance Historian
Rytm BA, Commedia AB
Box 22211 SE-10422 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (46.8)654 52 40; Fax (46.8)654 34 30
Dance Company
Ms. Virpi Pahkinen
Commedia AB
Box 22211 SE-10422 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (46.8)654 52 40; Fax (46.8)654 34 30
Dance Company, Production Company
Ms. Birgitta Strom, Producer
Virpi Pahkinen
Commedia Ab, Box 222 11 SE-10422 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (46)08.654.5240, Fax (46)08.654.3430
Dance Company, ballet, modern
Modern Jazz Dans Ensemble
Commedia AB, Box 22211 SE-10422 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (46.8)654 52 40; Fax (46.8)654 34 30
Dance Company, Modern, Jazz
Ms. Barbro Hagstrom
Bryggargatan 4, Box 19193 SE-10432 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (46.8)4408930
Dance Teacher, folk, Irish set dancing, organizer
Ms. Lena Sundberg
Swedish Dance Committee/Swedish Centre of ITI
Box 150 35 SE-10465 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (46.8) 462 25 36; Fax (46.8) 462 25 35
Dance Organizer
Mr. Orjan Andersson
Box 15089 SE-10465 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (46.70)221 62 31
Dance Company
Svensk Danskommitte, Svensk Teaterunion
Kvarnholmsv.56, Box 15035 SE-10465 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (46)8 462 25 36; Fax (46)8 462 25 35
Dance Company
Ms. Ann Mari Engel, Director
Swedish Centre of the ITI
Kvarnholmsvagen 56, Gaddviken, Box 15035 SE-10465 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. 46 8 462 25 30; Fax 46 8 462 25 35
Dance Organisation
Dr. Ms. Helena Wulff
Department of Social Anthropology, Stockholm University
SE-106 91 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (46.8)653 9397; Fax (46.8)15 88 94
Dance Researcher, folk dances, anthropology of dance; dance culture; dance
and technology;
Irish dance theatre
Dance & Gym Shop
Gamla Brogatan 34 SE-11120 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (46.08)202075
Dance Supplier, dance articles, dancewear
Fasching Jazzklubb
Kungsgatan 63 SE-11122 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (46.8)216267
Dance School, dance tuition, courses
Flamenco Center
Dalatrappan 2 & Torsgatan 8 SE-11123 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (46.8)203.685, (46.8)345.403
Dance School, folk, flamenco, Spanish dances academy, studio
K. Kvarnstrom & Company
DPS, Wallingatan 21 SE-11124 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (46)08.676.9620, Fax (46)08.676.9624
Dance Company, ballet, modern
Virpi Pahkinen
DPS, Wallingatan 21 SE-11124 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (46)08.676.9620/9624
Dance Company, ballet, modern
Dansens Hus
Wallingatan 21 SE-11124 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (46)8 508 990 00; Fax (46)8 508 990 10
Dance Company
Klassisk Indisk Dansproduktion
Borgkrans, Vasterlanggatan 79 SE-11129 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (46.8)21 10 49
Dance Company, Classic Dance
K. Kvarnstrom & Company
Bredgrand 2 SE-11130 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (46.8)21 31 02; Fax (46.8)21 31 82
Dance Company
Ms. Cristina Caprioli
Bredgrand 2 SE-11130 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (46.8)545 200 55; Fax (46.8)21 31 82
Dance Company
K. Kvarnstrom & Co
Bredgrand 2 SE-11130 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (46)8 213 102; Fax (46)8 213 182
Dance & Production Company
Mr. Bo Arenander
David Bagares gata 12 SE-11138 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (46.8)24 28 46
Klassisk Balett
Regeringsgatan 70A SE-11139 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (46.8)225803
Dance School, dance tuition, courses
Dans-Dojon A-L Tell, Afrikansk Dans
Kammakargatan 5 SE-11140 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (46.8)24.6161
Dance School
Balettshopen Rizlefort
Norrlandsgatan 15 SE-11143 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (46.8)104060
Dance Supplier, dance articles, dancewear
Daily’s bar & Nattklubb
Kungstradgarden SE-11147 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (46.8)215655
Dance restaurant
Swedish Folk Music and Dance Association
(Riksforeningen for Folkmusik och Dans - RFoD)
Nybrokajen 11 SE-11148 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (46.8)407.1731, Fax (46.8)407.1650
Dance Organization
Mr. Lars Farago, Director
Swedish Folkmusik and Dance Association
Nybrokajen 11 SE-11148 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (46)84071732; Fax (46)84071650
Folk dance groups association
Ms. Marjareta Asberj, Artistic Director
Dansgruppen Pyramiderna, Moderna Dans Teatern
Hus 103, Skeppsholmen SE-11149 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. (46.8)611.6130
Post modern dance and choreographical theatre