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Dance Group, Folkloric Group, Pena Flamenca, Ballet Espanol, Los Jateros, are just a few of the dance
Spanish dance schools, dancing organizations and dance wear suppliers
that that can be found in our comprehensive Directory of
Spanish Dance
Traditional Spanish Dance
Spanish Dance is a complex dance form, difficult to explain in a single
paragraph. Basically, Spanish dancing can be categorized in 6 groups, which
are Flamenco, Classical Spanish Dance (“Estilización”), Folklore, Eighteenth
Century Dances, Ballet (Classical Dance), and Castanets.
By far, Flamenco is the best-known Spanish dance form due to the many
dancers (“bailaores”) and musicians performing this genre. As a result,
Flamenco has eclipsed the performance of other Spanish dance forms outside
of Spain. Our focus is to teach and perform Flamenco and all of the other
Spanish dance forms, considered by many to be Spanish heritage treasures.
Classical Spanish Dance
Classical Spanish Dance encompasses sophisticated choreography of Classical
Music by great Spanish composers such as Manuel de Falla, Albéniz, Granados,
and Turina. Dancers wear either Spanish dance shoes or Ballet shoes, often
while playing the castanets. The dance blends Flamenco, Folklore, and
Classical Ballet.
Spanish Folklore Dance
Spanish Folklore is very diverse. Each region of Spain has its own dances,
some of which are centuries old. These dances include the “muñeira” from
Galicia, the “verdiales” from Málaga, the “zorcico” from the Vasc Province,
and the “sardana” from Cataluña, all of which are very different. Folklore
is the most distinctive cultural expression of each region. Through these
beautiful dances, the people of each region express their uniqueness and
proud cultural heritage.
XVII Century Spanish Dances
Eighteenth Century Dances, called “Escuela Bolera”, are short dances
performed with outfits, shoes and castanets typical of the time of the great
Spanish painter Goya, which is why they are also called “Goyescas”. These
dances are performed using dance steps from classical ballet along with
movements and expressions typical of XVIII Century Spain.
Classical Ballet
Classical Ballet is the foundation of any serious dance study. Classical
ballet includes the technique to display elegance and mastery of movement
necessary in a variety of dance forms, including Flamenco, Jazz,
Contemporary dance, etc.
The Castanets, part of Spain’s musical heritage, are a percussion instrument
popular in various Spanish dances. Mastery of the castanets requires
separate study from dance to gain maximum artistic expression.
Carmen de Vicente -
Spanish Dance Academy
Spanish Dance Company |
The Folkloric Group Los
JATEROS from Fregenal de la Sierra, Extremadura, was
founded in 1965 in the occasion of dancing and singing, in its
Sanctuary and its festividad to the pattern of Fregenal "la
Virgen de los Remedios". Without forgetting the original cause,
little by little it begins to widen his field of work, becoming
the diffusion of dances and folksongs of Extremadura, in the
other objective of the group.
In his forty one years of existence (1965-2006), it has crossed
all frontier geography, having participated in festivales and
recitales in sinfín of cities and towns of our Community. Also
it has participated in similar acts in Barcelona, Seville,
Salamanca, Huelva, Jerez de la Frontera, Madrid, etc,
representing Extremadura in the "II Festival das Autonomías"
(Vigo, 1987) and in the "XXV Festival Folklórico Internacional
de los Pirineos" (Jaca, 1987).
The dances and folksongs of Extremadura, also have transferred
of the hand of Los Jateros, the borders of the State,
participating in international and recitales festivales in
Portugal, France, Switzerland, Germany, Bulgary, Yugoslavia,
Italy, Holland, Belgium and Argentina. In 1.996, they offered
recitales by the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland. In July of
the last year they participated in five international festivals
in a tour made by Italy. Its last international tour took place
in July from 2000, in which by space of 20 days, it participated
in important international festivales in Italy, Hungary and
Estonia, representing Spain and achieving a full success.
If you would like your Spanish
Dance Company, Dance Organization, Dance School featured here
then please email
bangkokcompanies@gmail.com |
There are many fine dance schools in
Spain. I know I am in contact with them as we
supply a range of high quality dancewear products like leotards, dance
pants, dance dresses and other dancing apparel.
Bangkok Companies supplies an amazing range
of dancewear from Thailand. I have looked at these dance garments and dance
accessories in detail. There is only one word to describe them Superb.
For more details click on the pictures or send an email to
bangkokcompanies@gmail.com We
regret at this time we can only satisfy
Spanish wholesale dancewear requests.
"Dancewear designed by
dancers for dancers"
Dresses |
Kids Leotards |
Leotards |
Dance Bras |
Dance Pants |
Tutu's |
Shorts |
Dancewear |
Dancewear Organizers |
Dance Bags |
Backpacks |
Bangkok Companies is a full service
product sourcing company in Thailand. For All your
dancewear needs please email
bangkokcompanies@gmail.com with your requests.
Dance Schools in Spain, Dancewear Suppliers, Dancing Organizations
Escuela Municipal de Danza Jesus Guridi
Calle Jesus Guridi S/N ES-01009 Vitoria, Alava Spain
Tel. (34)945.288122
Dance School, tuition, classes
Nats Nus Danza
Martorell 20-22 ES-01890 Sant Cugat del Valles, Barcelona Spain
Tel. & Fax (34)93.589.6260
Dance Organization
Mr. Albeto Sanz Villar
Muestra Int. Ciudad de Albacete
Calle Ceuta 2-7C ES-02001 Albacete Spain
Tel. (34)967.211.709, Fax (34)967.210.061
Dance Festival, folk Dance
Tertulia Flamenca de Benidorm
Santa Faz, 10 ES-03000 Benidorm (Alicante) Spain
Flamenco Dance ensemble
Pena Flamenca
Salazar Alonso 15 ES-03000 Elche, Alicante Spain
Flamenco ensemble
Pena Andalucia de Baix Maestrat
San Francisco, 32 ES-03000 Vinaroz (Alicante) Spain
Flamenco ensemble
Ms. Raquel Pera, Artistic Director
Ballet Espanol Raquel Pera,
Campo Verde, Pilar de la Horadada
Plaza Fiorida n35 ES-03191 Alicante Spain
Tel. (34)96-676 2507; Fax (34)96-676 2683
Theatre Dance, Company, touring
Mr. Francesco Macia Vicent
Compana Ferroviaria Paco Macia
Partida Pera de las Aguilas, Polegono 3 # 36 ES-03296 Elche, Alicante Spain
Tel. (34)96.5444333; Fax (34)96.5444333
Dance Company
Ms. Beate Schneider “Yasmin al Ghazali”
Studio ab Sommer 200
Calle Mar Rojo 7 ES-03724 Moraira Spain
Tel. (34.96)6490077
Dancer, Oriental, belly dance, Middle Eastern
El Taranto
Calle Tenor Iribarne 20, apartado 294 ES-04001 Almeria Spain
Dance Publication, periodical, folk, flamenco, Spanish dances
Escuela de Baile Flamenco Beatriz Romero
Cucarro 56 ES-04003 Almeria Spain
Dance School
Conservatorio Profesional de Danza
Calle Padre Mendez S/N ES-04006 Almeria Spain
Tel. (34.950)261244, (34.950)266.533
Dance School, tuition, classes
Pena Flamenca El Ciego de la Playa
Calle Albanil, aptdo. de correo 38 ES-04230 Huercal de Almeria (Almeria)
Tel. (34.950)30 11 43
Flamenco ensemble
Pena Flamenca Antonio Chacon
Eduardo Marquina, 17 ES-05000 Avila Spain
Flamenco ensemble
Festival Folklorico International de Extremadura
Apartado de Correos 467 ES-06080 Badajor Spain
Tel. 34.924.243 746; Fax 34.924.245 434
Dance Festival, folk
Mr. Rafael Maldonado, President
Agligidos 4-2, Apartado 467 ES-06080 Badajoz Spain
Tel. 34.924.243 746; Fax 34.921.245 434
Dance Organization, folk, festival organizers, Dance groups
Mr. Rafael Maldonado Hinchado
Coros y Danzas de Bandajoz
Ronda de Pilar, 10, Apartado 467 ES-06080 Badajoz, Extremadura Spain
Tel. (34) 924 235902
Dance Association
Masa Romero
Folklore Festival de los Pueblos del Mundo
Avenida del Cuartel ES-06225 Ribera del Fresno Spain
Tel. (34)924.536.094, Fax (34)924.536.191
Dance Festival, folk
Mr. Jose Joaquin
Folklore Festival de los Pueblos del Mundo
Avenida del Cuartel ES-06225 Ribera del Fresno Spain
Tel. (34)924.536.094, Fax (34)924.536.191
Dance Festival, folk
Mr. J. F. Ceballos Fabian
International Folklore Festival de la Sierra
Calle San Francisco 33 ES-06340 Fregenal de la Sierra Spain
Tel. (34)924.700.664, 924.701.126, Fax (34)924.701.198
Dance Festival, folk
Los jateros
Calle San Francisco 33 ES-06340 Fregenal de la Sierra, Extremadura Spain
Telephones: (00 34) 685 84 89 75 - (00 34) 924
700 664 Fax: (00 34 ) 924 700 664
correo@losjateros.com ,
Dance Group
Sa Mostra de Soller
Apartado de Correos 39 ES-07100 Soller (Mallorca) Spain
Tel. 34.971.630 753; Fax 34.971 633 313
Dance Festival, folk
Pasvi S.L.
Calle B 14, Poligono Industrial, C.P. 129 ES-07700 Mahon, Menorca Spain
Tel. (34.97)136.0175
Dance Wear Supplier, articles, dancewear, flamenco, Spanish, peinetas
Ms. Ana Costa
Grup de Ball Pages "Es Broll"
Isidoro Macabich, 23 ES-07840 Santa Eulalia del Rio, Ibiza Spain
Tel. (34) 971 330878; Fax (34) 971 336417
Dance Association
Flamenco Pubs Spain
Calle Aldona 4 ES-080 Barcelona Spain
Academia Rocio Artega Ruiz
Estralla 103 4o 1o ES-08000 Badalona, Barcelona Spain
Tel. (34)93.3978980
Dance School, tuition, classes
Pena Cuhural Recreativa La Mezquita
Paris, 28 ES-08000 Barbera del Valles Spain
Flamenco ensemble
Calle Aldona 4 ES-08000 Barcelona Spain
Flamenco ensemble
El Patio Andaluz
Calle Aribau, 242 ES-08000 Barcelona Spain
Flamenco Dance ensemble
Paloma Blanca
Calle Napols, 222 ES-08000 Barcelona Spain
Flamenco ensemble
La Macarena
Calle Nou de Sant Francesc, 5 ES-08000 Barcelona Spain
Flamenco ensemble
Pena Cultural y Recreativa La Malena
Casa Oliva, 80 ES-08000 Barcelona Spain
Flamenco ensemble
Academia Rocio Artega Ruiz
Estralla 103 4o 1o ES-08000 Barcelona Spain
Tel. (34)93.3978980
Dance School
Pena Flamenca Jose Vargas
Lladoner, 7 ES-08000 Barcelona Spain
Flamenco ensemble
Pena Cultural y Recreativa El Taxista Flamenco
paseo Claveli, 3 ES-08000 Barcelona Spain
Flamenco ensemble
Tablao de Carmen
Poble Espanyol, Montjuic ES-08000 Barcelona Spain
Flamenco ensemble
El Cordobes
Ramblas, 35 ES-08000 Barcelona Spain
Flamenco ensemble
Pena Cultural Recreativa El Cabrero
Via Julia, 76 ES-08000 Barcelona Spain
Flamenco ensemble
Pena Enrique Morente
Viladrosa, 116 ES-08000 Barcelona Spain
Flamenco ensemble
Pena Cultural y Recreativa El Perro de Paterna
Virgen de Lourdes, 2 ES-08000 Barcelona Spain
Flamenco ensemble
Pena Fosforito
Felix Justo Oliveras, 46 ES-08000 Cornella de Llobregat Spain
Flamenco ensemble
Pena Cultural Recreativa Curro de Utrera
Ramoneda, 34 ES-08000 Cornella de Llobregat Spain
Flamenco ensemble
Pena Flamenca Recreativa Manuel de Paula
Aneto 5 ES-08000 El Prat de Llobregat Spain
Flamenco ensemble
Tertulia Flamenca
Calderon de la Barca, 12 ES-08000 Hospitalet de Llobregat Spain
Flamenco ensemble
Pena Flamenca Ramon Punos de Oro
Carrolet, 340 ES-08000 Hospitalet de Llobregat Spain
Flamenco ensemble
Pena Cultural Flamenca Antonio Mairena
Mina 16 ES-08000 Hospitalet de Llobregat Spain
Flamenco ensemble
Pena Flamenca Diego Clavel
Santa Rosa, 56 ES-08000 Hospitalet de Llobregat Spain
Flamenco ensemble
Pena Cultural Flamenca Trinidad Sanchez
Montseny, 10 ES-08000 Hostalrich Spain
Flamenco ensemble
Pena Flamenca La Tertulia de los Amigos del Cante
Puente, 17 ES-08000 Moncada y Reiach Spain
Flamenco ensemble
Pena Flamenca El Lebrijano
Montserrat, 2 ES-08000 Papiol Spain
Flamenco ensemble
Pena Flamenca La Macarena
San Andres, 1 ES-08000 Ripollet Spain
Flamenco ensemble
Pena Cultural Flamenca Calixto Sanchez
Torres Oriol, 1 ES-08000 Rubi Spain
Flamenco ensemble
Pena Cultural Recreativa Rincon del Cante
Pi y Gilbert, 70 ES-08000 San Adrian del Besos Spain
Flamenco ensemble
Tertulia Flamenca Nueva Gente
Hospitalet ES-08000 San Feliu de Llobregat Spain
Flamenco ensemble
Pena Miguel Vargas
Florencia, 18 ES-08000 Santa Coloma de Gramanet Spain
Flamenco ensemble
Pena Nina de La Puebla
Roma, 19 ES-08000 Santa Coloma de Gramanet Spain
Flamenco ensemble
Flora Albaicin - Moda Flamenca
Canuda 3 ES-0800002 Barcelona Spain
Tel. (34.93)302.1035
Dance Supplier, dance articles, dancewear
Bordados Industriales Porta
Rambla Cataluna 69 ES-0800007 Barcelona Spain
Tel. (34.93)215.2656
Dance Supplier, articles, dancewear, flamenco, Spanish, mantones