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Morocco & the Casbah Dance Experience,
Institut Francais Marrakech, Conservatoire National Choregraphique, are just a few of the
companies, Moroccan
dance schools, dancing organizations and dance wear suppliers
that that can be found in our comprehensive Directory of Morocco
Traditional Morrocan Dance
The Awash
The dance comes from the High Atlas valleys in the Ouarzazate area. A circle
of women in multicolored robes stands motionless. In the center, men sit
around a fire, each of them with a "bendir" (a circular wooden frame with a
hide stretched over it). A piercing cry breaks the silence. It is a shout
more than a song. All the drums beat. The song of the men begins, mounting
skyward. The women reply. Shoulder to shoulder, they sway rhythmically and
slowly. The rhythm gets faster and faster until the finale.
The Quais
Set to very ancient music, in which is easy to perceive Middle Eastern
accents, this dance is like a ballet. The orchestra comprises a one-stringed
fiddle, or "rbab soussi", and a certain number of "guembris" which are small
mandolins with three strings sometimes made with a turtle shell. The rhythm
is provided by a beater who strikes a piece of cast iron lying on the
ground. The dancers add to the music with small copper cymbals attached to
their fingers. All the dancers wear city dress: a colored "kaftan", a muslin
"dfina", an embroidered silk belt, a cord decorated with spangles woven
around the head. The dance is graceful and comprises several steps. Couplets
alternate with the step to make an uncommonly delicate spectacle.
The Tissint
South of Agadir, men and women, entirely garbed in indigo-blue, perform a
dance which resembles a religious rite.
Perhaps it is an ancient rite. The dagger dance is clearly symbolic. It is
part of marriage ceremonies. Men and women dance to a rhythm that becomes
more rapid. A young girl and boy leave the circle to do a duet. The boy
holds a dagger at arm's length at the end of a cord. He spins about, making
circles around the girl, withdraws and comes nearer, until they are face to
face. Advancing towards each other with short steps, the boy raises his arms
to place the dagger around the young girl's neck as she continues to dance.
Slowly the boy falls to his knees in front of her. The song continues.
The Taskiouine
No doubt a warrior's dance, since women do not take part. Wearing white
tunics and turbans, with powder- horns on their shoulders, the dancers keep
time to the accompaniment of earthware tambourines covered with skins. They
dance shoulder to shoulder or in indian file. The body is shaken
rhythmically and stopped suddenly with perfectly- timed stamping of the
feet. It is a frank, powerful and virile dance without any mannerism or any
equivocal gestures. Although athletic, it is nevertheless aesthetic.
Morocco Dance Company |
Morocco Casbah Dance
The mission of the Casbah Dance Experience, is to show the
varied, fascinating and exciting ethnic dance forms of the Near
and Middle East, North Africa and the Mediterranean to the
general public and give "a bit of home" to North Africans and
Near and Middle Easterners in the West.
If you would like your Morocco
Dance Company, Dance Organization, Dance School featured here
then please email
bangkokcompanies@gmail.com |
There are many fine dance schools in
. I know I am in contact with them as we
supply a range of high quality dancewear products like leotards, dance
pants, dance dresses and other dancing apparel.
Bangkok Companies supplies an amazing range
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accessories in detail. There is only one word to describe them Superb.
For more details click on the pictures or send an email to
bangkokcompanies@gmail.com We
regret at this time we can only satisfy Morocco
wholesale dancewear requests.
"Dancewear designed by
dancers for dancers"
Dresses |
Kids Leotards |
Leotards |
Dance Bras |
Dance Pants |
Tutu's |
Shorts |
Dancewear |
Dancewear Organizers |
Dance Bags |
Backpacks |
Bangkok Companies is a full service
product sourcing company in Thailand. For All your
dancewear needs please email
bangkokcompanies@gmail.com with your requests.
Dance Schools in Morocco, Dancewear Suppliers, Dancing Organizations
Driss Touhami
Hay Nahda II 69 MA-15400 Tiflet Morocco
Tel. (212)66043536; Fax (212)37510657
Moroccan Traditional arts (music, customs, food), especially in music. We
are Inquiring to participate in your festival
Khalid Chakir
Rue Mohamed Ben azouz hay Adgal MA-30200 Fes Morocco
Folk musician
Khalid Chargui
16 bloc3 Erac hay Qods MA-30200 Fes Morocco
Folk musician
Khalfaoui Hassani Hicham
43 rue 2 lots morj fes bojida MA-30200 Fes Morocco
Folk dancer
Abderrahim Amrani Marrakchi
Rue 2, No 3 Oued Lahriki Jamaa Nour MA-30200 Sidi Boujida Fes Morocco
Group, Folk
Latifa Fraqchi
Bloc Jamila 4 bis MA-Khouribga Morocco
Folk dancer
Dar Bellarj - 9 Taoulate Zaouiate Lahdar MA-40 000 Marrakech Morocco
Tel. 00212 61 34 71 18; (Maroc) 00212 62 06 27 01;France) 0033 6 18 83 23 88
danse contemporaine - formation gratuite au Maroc
Atbane Youness
hay salama3 groupe1 bloc H numero 4 MA 140001 Casablanca Morocco
danse contemporain
Amal Hadrami
20100 Casablanca Ma Casablanca Morocco
Rencontre de la danse contemporaine
Aziz Basry
21 Rue Jamal Eddine Al Afghani, Avenue Moulay Idriss. MA-54350 Midelt
Khenifra Morocco
Mob: (21)275331105
Experience dans l'art de dance:je n'ai pas d'experience et connaissance dans
le demaine de dance.
Hind Benali
113 avenue Mers Sultan MA- Casablanca Morocco
212 63 63 17 90
La compagnie Fleur d'Orange est une compagnie de danse contemporaine
marocaine. Ses activites s'articulent autour du developpement de cet Art au
Maroc et plus largement en Afrique.
Celine Haddou
R?sidence "Al Bardae" - Africonsult - Bd Zerktouni MA Casablanca Morocco
Promotion de la danse au Maroc - Aide aux compagnies- travail plutet axe sur
la danse contemporaine
40, avenue al alaouines appt4 2eme etage MA-10000 Hassan Rabat Morocco
danse moderne
Hand of Fatima Dance Tribe
1097 Toni Ave. #20 89119 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA U.S.A.
Tel. 702-733-1456
Dances of the Maghreb, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria
Morocco & the Casbah Dance Experience
6 West 20th Street, 2nd floor NY 10011 New York U.S.A.
School, non-profit, tax-exempt educational institution
Conservatoire National Choregraphique
33 rue Tinsift MA-10000 Rabat Morocco
School, choreographer
Institut Francais Marrakech
Jbel Gueliz, bp 566 4001 Marrakech Morocco
Tel: 212.4444.6930; fax: 212.4444.7497;
Institut Francais Marrakech, Ambassade de France
Morocco National Commission for UNESCO
(Commission Nationale Marocaine pour l'UNESCO)
BP 420; 3 bis rue Innanouen, Agdal MA-10000 Rabat R.P. Morocco
Tel. (212.7)68.24.81; Fax (212.7)77.05.55
National organization
Neilcasablanca Festival
Forum Casablanca Association, Bp 15788 Casa Principale Ma- Casablanca
Festival, cultural event of vast scale, presenting an image of the city as
multi-faceted, urban and modern
Corinne Amalou
70 avenue Abdelatif Ben Kaddour MA-Casablanca Morocco
Najia El Attaoui
Hyper marche Agdal MA-10000 Rabat Morocco
Tel. (212)77.33.14
School, classical dance, tuition, classes
Nadia Bouamoud
2 rue Abdelkrin El ghafiki Agdal MA- Morocco
Tel. (212)3777.9062
Ouhi Bouazza
17 rue Michlifen Agdal MA-Rabat Morocco
Tel. 212.7.672 694; 212.7.670 890; 212.7.671 006; 212.7.670 890
Organizer, folk dance festivals
Khalid Boulehya
rue Ibn Mounir 103, Maarif MA-Casablanca Morocco
Tel. (02)25.12.21
Teacher, danse moderne, jazz
Rasellie Delcamby
9 rue El Alaouine Tour Hasan MA-10000 Rabat Morocco
Tel. (212)72.76.43
School, classical dance, choreographer
Jamal Eddine Dkhissi
BP 15604 MA-20001 Casablanca Morocco
Fax 212/37 702100
Latifa Hajjaj
1 rue Theophile Gautier MA-Casablanca Morocco
Tel. (212.2)27.91.43
Choreographer, classical & modern dance, school
Mohamed Hrimich
Hay Nahda 69 MA-15400 Tiflet Morocco
Tel. (212)66043536; Fax (212) 37510657
Folk music
Taoufiq Izeddiou
Massira 2 C - Nee 274 MA-40 000 Marrakech Morocco
Tel. (Maroc) 00212 62 06 27 01; (France) 0033 6 18 83 23 88
Marocaine Contemporary dance-formation gratuite au Maroc.
Zinoune Lahcen
21 rue Najib Mahfouz, Quartier Gautier MA-Casablanca Morocco
Tel. (212)2227.5952, Fax (212)2229.7686
Choreographer, modern and classic dance
Michel Laurent
Massira 2 C - N? 274 MA-40 000 Marrakech Morocco
Tel. 00212 61 34 71 18
Marocaine Contemporary dance.
Eugenie Nikita
Centre Culturel Russe MA-10000 Rabat Morocco
Tel. (212)70.73.07
School, classical dance, tuition, classes
Zakia Penabteljalil
39 rue du Marche MA-Maarif Cazablanca Morocco
Tel. 0212.2.255194
13 rue de la Mer du Japon, Ain Diab MA-Casablanca Morocco
Tel. (212)2 391622
Dancer, teacher, performer, Oriental, Middle-Eastern dance
Johanna Sellman
17 Derb Zouina, Riad Zitoun Jedid MA-40000 Marrakech Medina Morocco
Executive Board member
Gita Sellmann
17 Derb Zouina, Riad Zitoun Jedid MA-40000 Marrakech Medina Morocco
Amal Troussi
2 rue Abou El Hassen, El Marini Apt 5 MA-Meknes, Ville Nouvelle Morocco
Tel. (212)5552.3944
Classic dance
Abdellah Ziou-Ziou
36 rue de Vimy, 2e etage MA-Bellvedere Casablanca Morocco
Tel. 02400949