. |
School Amsterdam, The International Dance Theatre, Dutch National Ballet, are just a few of the
Dutch dance
companies, Dutch dance schools, dancing organizations and dance wear suppliers
that that can be found in our comprehensive Directory of Netherlands
Traditional Dutch Dance
Dutch folk dance are the traditional dances that were performed for the
folk. Nowadays new folk dances are still being created. It concerns new
dance moves (patterns) that borrow from the traditional dances.
Although the Dutch have not been able to contribute much to world dance, it
is from their culture that sounds of the feet, or specifically shoes,
entered the world of dance. Dancing in wooden shoes was no easy feat, so
Dutch folk dances are not known for spectacular movement. However, the
rhythm produced by the shoes captured the minds of dancers
Many associate Dutch folk dance with clogging, though clogs are in practice
limiting the dance moves. Therefore the folk dance is mostly danced on
Dance Company |
The International Dance Theatre was founded in 1961 and
has, since then, gathered a wealth of choreographies, musical
instruments and costumes from all over the world. All the
ensemble’s performances bear witness to this treasure, which
continues to grow today.
Specialist choreographers are brought in for every production.
They introduce authentic material from their country of origin
and teach it to the dancers, after which the artistic director
adapts the various choreographies in order to form a thematic
In a contemporary theatrical form, artistic director Maurits van
Geel gives an impression of dance folklore, which is the basis
of all dance arts, from all five continents. This results in
colourful, dynamic and varied performances. Examples of recent
theme programmes include Wanderers from Rajasthan (a program on
the eternally nomadic gypsies), The Gold of Xian (presenting the
dances from the countries along the Silk Road) and Pearls from
the Sea (with music and dance from various islands around the
If you would like your Netherlands Dance Company, Dance Organization, Dance School featured here
then please email
There are many fine dance schools in
Netherlands. I know I am in contact with them as we
supply a range of high quality dancewear products like leotards, dance
pants, dance dresses and other dancing apparel.
Bangkok Companies supplies an amazing range
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"Dancewear designed by
dancers for dancers"
Dresses |
Kids Leotards |
Leotards |
Dance Bras |
Dance Pants |
Tutu's |
Shorts |
Dancewear |
Dancewear Organizers |
Dance Bags |
Backpacks |
Bangkok Companies is a full service
product sourcing company in Thailand. For All your
dancewear needs please email
bangkokcompanies@gmail.com with your requests.
Dance Schools in Netherlands, Dancewear Suppliers, Dancing Organizations
Cafe Duende
Lindegracht 62 NL-1000 Amsterdam Netherlands
Tel. (31.20)420.6692
Dance bar, Flamenco
Mr. Paul Bronkhorst
Theater Instituut Nederland
Heerengracht 168, Box 19304 NL-1000 GH Amsterdam Netherlands
Tel. (31.20)623.5104, Fax (31.20)623.7039, (31.20)620.0051
Dance School, ballet
Ms. Anja Krans
Theater Unstituut Nederland
Herengracht 168, Postbus 19304 NL-1000 GH Amsterdam Netherlands
Tel. (31.20)551.3300; Fax 551.3313
Library, videos, archives
Pattie Obey
PO Box 11217 NL-1001 Amsterdam Netherlands
American Jazz
Mr. Shusaku Takeuchi, Artistic Director
Shusaku Dance Theater
Grunfeld Theaterprodukties, Postbus 10545 NL-1001 EM Amsterdam Netherlands
Tel. (20)6260350, Fax (20)6383266
Dancer, modern Japanese dance
Ms. Barbara Duyfjes, Artistic Director
Barbara Duyfjes, Het Gevogeld Verlangen
Box 11087 NL-1001 GB Amsterdam Netherlands
Tel. (20)6255575, Fax (20)6240470
Dance Company, modern, performing, professional, dance-theater, experimental
Netherlands Society for Dance Research
Box 17152 NL-1001 JD Amsterdam Netherlands
Tel. (020)6273985
Dance Organization, research
Vereniging voor Dans Onderzoek (Society for Dance Research)
PO Box 17152 NL-1001 JD Amsterdam Netherlands
Tel. (31.20)627.39.85
Onno Stokvis
Theater Instituut Nederland
Box 17152 NL-1001 JW Amsterdam Netherlands
Tel. 31 206235104 / 5513346
Dance Historian
Ms. Carla Delfos, Executive Director
European League of Institutes of the Arts, Dance Section
Oudezijds Voorburgwal 195, PO Box 15079 NL-1001 MB Amsterdam Netherlands
Tel. (31.20)27.82.32; Fax. 22.98.33
International organization
Ms. Carla Delfos, Director
European League of Institutes of the Arts (ELIA)
PO Box 15079 NL-1001 MB Amsterdam Netherlands
Tel. (31.20) 27 82 32; Fax 22 98 33
Mr. Maurits van Geel, Artistic director
Het Internationaal Danstheater
Kloveniersburgwal 87, Postbus 16885 NL-1001 RJ Amsterdam Netherlands
Tel. (31.20)6239112, Fax (31.20)6271163
Dance Company, folk, international dances and music
Mr. Dick van de Vooren, Business Manager
Internationaal Danstheater, Het
Postbus 16885 NL-1001 Rj Amsterdam Netherlands
Tel. 20.623 9112; Fax (31)20.627 1163
Dance Theatre
Mr. Jaap Mulders, Administrative Director
Dutch National Ballet, Het Nationale Ballet
Postbus 16486 NL-1001 RN Amsterdam Netherlands
Tel. (31)20.551 8225; Fax (31)20.551 8070
Dance Company, Ballet
Mr. Wayne Eagling, Artistic Director
Dutch National Ballet
Postbus 16486 NL-1001 RN Amsterdam Netherlands
Tel. (20)5518911, Fax (20)5518070
Company, classical and contemporary dance, professional
Dutch National Ballet
Waterlooplein 22, Postbus 16486 NL-1001 RN Amsterdam Netherlands
Tel. (31)20.551.8225, Fax (31)20.551.8070
Dance Company, ballet
Mr. Istven Herzso
Box 1995 NL-1006 BZ Amsterdam Netherlands
Tel. (020)6793642
Dance Critic
Ms. Chris De Jong, Managing Director
Gevogeld Verlangen, Het
PO Box-93044 NL-1009 BA Amsterdam Netherlands
Tel. (31)20.625 5572; Fax (31)20.624 0470
Dance Company
Mr. Paco Pera, Artistic Director
Paco Pera Flamenco Dance Company
Kloveniersbrugwal 47 NL-1011 JX Amsterdam Netherlands
Tel. (31)20.623 3700; Fax (31)20.620 8212
Dance Company, Flamenco
Ben Gobits Danscentrum
Valkenburgerstraat 132 NL-1011 NA Amsterdam Netherlands
Tel. (31.20)6266622
Dance School, dance tuition, courses
Ms. Carla Delfos, Executive Director
European League of Art Institutions
Waterlooplein 219 NL-1011 PG Amsterdam Netherlands
Tel. (31.20)6203936, Fax 206205616
Dance Researcher, historian
Carisma de la Salsa
De Ruyterkade 39 NL-1012 AA Amsterdam Netherlands
School, dance tuition, Salsa
Pauline de Groot Dans Studio
Koestraat 5 NL-1012 BW Amsterdam Netherlands
Tel. (31.20)6230597
Dance School, dance tuition, courses
Ms. Pauline de Groot, Artistic Director
Dans Studio Pauline de Groot
Koestraat 5 NL-1012 BW Amsterdam Netherlands
Tel. (31)20 6226859
Contemporary Dance
Ms. Suzy Blok, Artistic Director
Blok & Steel
c/o Narante Productions, Vendelstratt NL-1012 XX Amsterdam Netherlands
Tel. (31)20.638 4505; Fax (31)20.421 6853
Dance Company
Ms. Bianca Van Dlllen, Artistic Director
Vandalstraat 2 NL-1012 XX Amsterdam Netherlands
Tel. (31)20.4273343; Fax (31)20.676 6747
Dance Company
Theater School Amsterdam
Vendelstraat 2 NL-1012 XX Amsterdam Netherlands
Dance School
Mr. Antoine Lubach
Vendelstraat 2 NL-1012 XX Amsterdam Netherlands
Tel. (31.20)6386965; Fax (31.20)4216853
Information and service point for the dance sector
Mr. Nan Romijn, Artistic Director
Danstheater Nan Romijn
Realengracht 188 NL-1013 AV Amsterdam Netherlands
Tel. (20)6275018, Fax (20)6391943
Modern Dance , Movement theater
Ms. Suzy Block, Artistic Director
Block & Steel
p/a Bergen, Haarlemmerstraat 124a NL-1013 EX Amsterdam Netherlands
Tel. (20)6269991, Fax (20)6262070
Physical acrobatic dance
Arte Flamenco - Prisca Maria
Tussen de Bogen 23 NL-1013 JB Amsterdam Netherlands
Tel. (31.20)6277788
Dance School, dance tuition, courses
S. Cobas
Jesus Cobas Cubaanse Salsa School
Boomstraat 55 NL-1015 LB Amsterdam Netherlands
Tel. (31.20)6261124
Dance School, dance tuition, courses
Ms. Pauline de Groot, Artistic Director
Pauline DeGroot & Company
1e Leliedwarsstraat 19/1 NL-1015 SZ Amsterdam Netherlands
Tel. (31)20.622 6859
Dance Company
Sabroso Salsa & Merengue Dansschool
Marnixkade 55 NL-1015 XV Amsterdam Netherlands
Tel. (31.20)6238662
School, dance tuition, courses
Mr. Eric Alexander
International Federation for Theatre Research, Nederlands Theater
Herengracht 166-168 NL-1016 BP Amsterdam Netherlands
Tel. (31.20)23.51.04
International organization
Herengracht 168-174 NL-1016 BP Amsterdam Netherlands
Tel. (31.20)624.90.57; Fax 421.82.50
Publication, periodical
International Federation for Theatre Research (IFRT)
Nederlands Theater Instituut, Herengracht 166 168 NL-1016 BP Amsterdam
Tel. (31.20) 23 51 04
Association, theatre
Mr. Bert Janmaat, Managing Director
Netherland's Dance Institute
Herengracht 174 NL-1016 BR Amsterdam Netherlands
Tel. (020)6237541, Fax (020)6264433
Library, videos, archives, promotion
Kunstweb Werelddansschool & Scapino Dans school
Keizersgracht 223 NL-1016 DV Amsterdam Netherlands
Tel. (31.20)5205353
Dance School, dance tuition, courses
Ms. Lisa Marcus, Artistic Director
Stichting Gradivac - Lisa Marcus
c/o Karin van de Berg, Keizersgracht 258 NL-1016 EV Amsterdam Netherlands
Tel. (20)6243939, Fax (20)6227850
Ms. Angelika Oei, Artistic Director
Angelika Oei
c/o Van Baasbank S, Baggerman, Keizersgracht 258 NL-1016 EV Amsterdam
Tel. (31)10.299 9840; Fax (31)10.299 9845
Dance Company
Ms. Angelika Oei
Van Baasbank & Baggerman
Keizersgracht 258 NL-1016 EV Amsterdam Netherlands
Tel. (20)6242631, 6276818, Fax (20)6227850
Company, contemporary, professional, performing
Ruud Vermey
Prinsengracht 295 NL-1016 GX Amsterdam Netherlands
Tel. (31.204)230801; Fax. (31.204)230802
Dance Teacher, ballroom dance, Latin