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Kadri, Faraj Matari, are just a few of the Yemen dance
companies, Yemeni dance schools, dancing organizations and dance wear suppliers
that that can be found in our comprehensive Directory of Yemeni
Traditional Yemeni Dance
My first impression of dance in Yemen. The women were talking about a
wedding that would soon be taking place. I thought it would be an
appropriate time to ask about what went on at the weddings and if there was
any music or dancing. Due to the conservative nature of Yemeni society, I
had not yet ventured upon this subject. Because my husband and I planned to
live in Yemen for many years, and I in no way wanted to jeopardize our
position there, I did not want word to get out that I was a professional
dancer, nor did I want to say or do anything that would cause my morals to
be questioned.
The response to my question as to whether there was any music or dance was
an enthusiastic, "Oh, yes!" I explained that I'd been to Lebanese weddings
and seen Lebanese dance and to Egyptian weddings and seen Egyptian dance. It
was then quite natural to ask about dance at Yemeni weddings.
Anissa, a young woman in her late teens jumped up and began demonstrating a
few steps. Rugaya, Anissa's mother, who was hosting the gathering that day,
put on a cassette. Hoda, another young woman who lived in the neighborhood,
also got up and the two young women performed a dance that is danced in
pairs. It was called "Laheji", named after the region of Lahj, where the
dance originates. When I asked why a dance from Lahj was done in Sanaa, I
was told that, because it was easy to do and pretty to watch, it had become
very popular in Sanaa. The basic footwork is a type of "1-2-3" step,
somewhat like the "cha cha" step in the States.
I inquired if there were a dance from Sanaa. The two younger women began to
show me some other steps only to be interrupted by Khadija, Hoda's
mother-in-law. Khadija began demonstrating a dance that at first looked
deceivingly simple. Upon closer observation, however, I saw the steps were
highly intricate, changing according to the rhythm.
I later learned that this "Sanaani" style of dance is usually done by older
women, sometimes 2, 3 or more, all dancing in a line. Because it is more
complicated, many of the younger women cannot dance the" Sanaani" style
Knowing that the hostess, Rugaya, was from Hadhramawt Valley in the southern
part of Yemen, I could not resist asking her about dance in Hadhramawt.
Anissa started with the basic "1-2-3" step but then began to throw her hair
from side to side in a way similar to "Khaligy" or Arabian Gulf style. This
similarity in styles is not surprising when one considers the strong
historical and cultural ties between the Hadhramawt valley and both Saudi
Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Many of the well-known "Saudi" or "Khaligy"
singers are, in fact, of Yemeni origins. Abu Bakr Salim Belfaqeeh and Badwi
Zubahr are from Hadhramawt and both Mohamed Abdu and Ahmed Fat'hi are from
Hodeida, on the Red Sea coast. I later found out that Anissa and many other
Yemeni women could also dance the Khaligy style superbly.
Another woman who lived in the area, Hanan, had been quietly observing what
was going on. Finally, she got up to demonstrate the dance of her homeland,
Marib, once the capital of the ancient kingdom of Saba or Sheba. Although
there was no cassette of appropriate music, she did her best. The dance
looked like no other I've seen before. Unfortunately, I never got to see
Hanan dance again nor did I ever get to travel to Marib to see the dancing
first hand.
in Yemen - Lorraine Zamora Chamas
Dance Company |
Nizar M. Ghanem
Researcher, performing arts; Dance group within a music school,
as part of Yemeni organization. Researcher in African influence
on Yemeni dances. Teaching music in notes of traditional Yemeni
If you would like your Yemen Dance Company, Dance Organization, Dance School featured here
then please email
There are many fine dance schools in
Yemen. I know I am in contact with them as we
supply a range of high quality dancewear products like leotards, dance
pants, dance dresses and other dancing apparel.
Bangkok Companies supplies an amazing range
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Dancewear |
Dancewear Organizers |
Dance Bags |
Backpacks |
Bangkok Companies is a full service
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Dance Schools in
Yemen, Dancewear Suppliers, Dancing Organizations
Sabrina Kadri
Bayt al-Ajami, rue du 26 Septembre B.P. 2660 YE-Sanaa Yemen
(33)47.276.9562 (France); (967)(1).275.417; Fax (967)(1)270725; Mobile
(967)713.58932 .
research, dancer with companies in France, African and Arabic dance
Faraj Matari
1234, Zubyri P.O.Box:3264 YE-009671 Sanaa Yemen
Tel. 009671219092; FAX 009671280213
Yemeni Jambia Dance
Bustan Alkheir
26 September Str., PO Box 12642 YE-Sana'a Yemen
Tel. (967.1)200.478/481, 214.612/615, Tel. & Fax (967.1)200.480; Fax
Yemeni National Commission for UNESCO
Bustan Alkheir, 26 September Str., PO Box 12642 YE- Sana'a Yemen
Tel. (967.1)200.478/481, 214.612/615, Tel. & Fax (967.1)200.480; Fax
National organization
Erika Freund
PO Box 4420 YE-Taiz Yemen
Tel. & Fax 967 4/204 239
Researcher, Ethiopian dance; Akhdam minority (Yemen), music & dance
Nizar Ghanem
Box 11394 YE-Sana'a Yemen
Tel. (967.1)234384
Musicologist, folk music & dance ensemble
Nizar M. Ghanem
PO Box 8090 Amarat SD-1010 Khartoum Sudan
249)112.418..10; Fax(249)114.779.00
Researcher, performing arts; Dance group within a music school, as part of
Yemeni organization. Researcher in African influence on Yemeni dances.
Teaching music in notes of traditional Yemeni representations.
Olga Druzhuk
8-1-360, Oleko Dundich str. RU 192283, Saint-Petersburg Russia
7 (812) 345-2439;7 (812) 176-0478;7 (921)579-2593
Dancing culture (ethnic) peoples of Israel, Mediterranean and East Europe
countries. Arabian and Kurdish debkies, womanly dances of Persia and Greece,
vigorous Hasidim and colorful Yemen dance.