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Seminar for Macedonian Folklore, State
Ensemble of folklore dances and songs - Tanec, are just a few of the
companies, Macedonian
dance schools, dancing organizations and dance wear suppliers
that that can be found in our comprehensive Directory of Macedonia
Traditional Mecedonian Dance
Macedonia: Kolos and lesnos are the most common formations, and Macedonia’s
characteristic asymmetrical rhythms give the region a most rich and varied
folk tradition. Footwork and the harmony of lines are the key elements of
the dance, and dances are usually sexually segregated. Men’s and
women’s-only dances continue to be popular, such as the bride’s dance for
weddings. Greek dances such as the sta tría and syrtós are also common.
Baidoúska: often an asymmetrical rhythm dance with quick-slow beat,
performed with a step on the quick beat.
Lesno: meaning “easy dance,” a joyful walking dance (polonaise) with
many regional and musical variations. Dancers move in an open circle, with
hands clasped at shoulder level.
Biljana: In the lake region of South Macedonia, beautiful girls
prepare the forthcoming wedding. The linen to be used in their trousseau is
brought to the lake to be washed and laid out in the sun to bleach and dry.
As they weave the linen into a veil, the girls sing a lovely old folk song.
Oro: A strong oriental influence permeates this colorful folk dance.
The rhythm created by the cattle drum starts slowly, expressing the
reluctance and regret of the men in the village at having to leave their
homes in the mountains, in order to earn daily bread for their families in
the world “outside.” The slow rhythms of leave-taking and goodbye gradually
increase in tempo, symbolizing their imperturbable belief that everything
will end happily and that they will return, soon and safely, to their loved
Macedonian Dance Company |
State Ensemble of folklore
dances and songs - Tanec
”TANEC” is a name that for five decades has been a symbol of the
Macedonian culture and arts, five decades of its existence has
been an Ambassador and presenter of the Macedonian folk creation
with us and all the continents of the globe. For five decades it
has been a mobile museum of that which represents the most
beautiful, ancient, invaluable, Macedonian folklore treasure,
being an identity and history of the Macedonian people.
Besides cherishment of the folklore creation, the Ensemble
“TANEC” has through successful choreographic settings, already
for five decades recur rented the people’s customs, dances,
songs and costumes into a picturesque colour and sophisticated
expression of dancing, singing and presentation of the splendid
original costumes made decades and decades before, now
presenting a fetish of the Macedonian culture.
Today the Ensemble of folklore dances and songs of Macedonia
“Tanec” consist of 42 regularly, or from time to time employed
in the artistic part (9 from outside) as well as 9 employed
involved into the realisation of the programme who are a
guarantee of the successful presentation of the Macedonian
folklore creation.
Seminar for Macedonian
Folklore - Struga
The curriculum of the seminar is divided in three streams,
allowing you to specialize in your are of interest. While there
is material which is common to all three disciplines, your
choice will determine which aspect of Macedonian folk traditions
you will learn in greater depth.
Due to parallel scheduling of the streams, participants may only
enroll in one stream per term. There is however an overlap of 8
hours of instruction, common to all streams.
The daily routine will be broken by a number of excursions to
festivals and events. You will have the opportunity to dance
outdoors among the breathtaking scenery of Macedonia, and show
off what you have learned to the locals at several events.
You will have the opportunity to learn from and practice with
some of the most knowledgeable and respected musicians, singers,
dancers and theorists in the field of Macedonian folklore.
If you would like your Macedonia
Dance Company, Dance Organization, Dance School featured here
then please email
bangkokcompanies@gmail.com |
There are many fine dance schools in
Macedonia. I know I am in contact with them as we
supply a range of high quality dancewear products like leotards, dance
pants, dance dresses and other dancing apparel.
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Dance Bags |
Backpacks |
Bangkok Companies is a full service
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dancewear needs please email
bangkokcompanies@gmail.com with your requests.
Dance Schools in Macedonia, Dancewear Suppliers, Dancing Organizations
Akud "Mirce Acev" (SOFAM)
Drezdenska b.b. P.Box 459 MK-1000 Skopje Macedonia
(389)236.38.08; (389)702.799.48; (389)230.668.08;
Music Ballet Educational Centre 'Ilija Nikolovski-Luj'
St.Pitu Guli br.1 MK-1000 Skopje Macedonia FYROM
Tel. (389)231.190.04;
Tanec Macedonia
ul. Venijamin Macukovski 7 MK-1000 Skopje Macedonia
389.224.61021; Fax 389.22460.112
www.unet.com.mk/tanec ;
national organization, ensemble of dances and songs
Nadica Bitoljanu
ul. "Tan Hus" 28 MK-Skopje Macedonia FYROM Mobile:
075 578705, 023084 007
Ilin-Dime Dimovski
Jane Sandanski 11-3119 MK-1000 Skopje Macedonia
Blagica Ilieva
bul. K.J.Pitu IV, 19, 1/7 MK-1000 Skopje Macedonia
Vladimir Janevski
ul. Oslo br. 10 MK-1000 Skopje Macedonia
Ivana Kocevska
ul. Kozle BR MK-1000 Skopje Macedonia
02 3085 444, mobile 095 363 195
Olga Pango (ex Boev)
Nikola Tesla 18-1/9 MK-1000 Skopje Macedonia
(389)705.401.00; (389)230.744.97
Risima Risimkin
Pando Klasev 89 Mk-91000 Skopje Macedonia
(389)2306.8579 Home; Fax (389)9111.4060; (389)7023.1281 Mobile
Choreographer, Modern Dance
Elisaveta Skalovska
Pando Kljashev No 89 MK-1000 Skopje Macedonia
Jagoda Slaneva
Jane Sandanski 86/4-20 MK-91000 Skopje Macedonia
Prima ballerina of the Macedonian National Theater. Choreographer, dancer
Valentin Soklevski
Ul. Matija Gubec 58-A MK-7000 Bitola Macedonia FYROM
(38)947.224.451;(38)947.233.419; Fax (38)947.233.663
Iskra Sukarova
Pitu Guli 3 MK-1000 Skopje Macedonia
Tel. (389)217.8120;
Sonja Zdravkova-Dzeparoska
Bul. Partizanski Odredi BR.6/42 MK-1000 Skopje Macedonia
Ballet dancer
Georgios Kogas
Agias Lavras 2 GR-56727 Neapoli, Thessaloniki Greece
(30)231.052.1729 Home; (30)231.053.4552 Office; (30)697.664.3132 Mobile;
Theacher of Phisical Education, Greek Folk Dance Theacher, Dancer, Veria,
Central Macedonia.
SOFAM - Sojuz na Folklorni Ansambli na Makedonija
PO Box 459, Ul Drazdenska bb MK-1000 Skopje Macedonia
(389)2306.2890 Home; Tel/Fax (389)2306.6808 Office; (389)7027.9948 Festivals
Rizevski Ibrahim
Bahnhofstrasse2 8700 Kosnacht Germany
+41 44 912 37 08
Dance Teacher,Choreograf, Macedonian and Serbian dance
Giannis Konstantinou
Griva digeni 41 GR-17342 Agios Demetrios, Athens Greece
Greek Traditional Dance Teacher, Macedonian, Vlachs. Researchers
Kyriaki Petridou
Hous 15 GR-11854 Kato Petralona, Athens Greece
(30)210.342.8270 Home; Fax (30)210.346.5862 Office
I had attended folk Greek dances lessons for 10 years in school at my birth
place in Kastoria where we love folk dances all of kinds but specially
Macedonians and Thraces. Dance is part of my life.
Pavlos Vafiadis
Iroon 7, Platia GR-53100 Florina Greece
(30)238.502.2754; (30)238.502.2688
Greek Folk dance, Macedonia
Dance Infinity Culture Center
Zeleznicka 45 MK-1000 Skopje Macedonia FYROM
Lokomotiva - Center for new Initiatives in Arts and Culture
Orce Nikolov str. 109 MK-1000 Skopje Macedonia
389 2 3245 726; Fax (389)2133.541
Metodija Barakoski
Ul.Nada Fileva"bb post box 149 MK-6000 Ohrid Macedonia Macedonia
0038946266510, fax:0038946254011 or 0038946264543
Grdan"works with traditional folklore, music and singing section
Blagoja Jovanovski
PO Box 459, Ul Drazdenska bb MK-1000 Skopje Macedonia FYROM
(389)2306.2890 Home; Tel/Fax (389)2306.6808 Office; (389)7027.9948
Students Folk Festival
Irina Krotkova
bul. Ilinden bb MK-1000 Skopje Macedonia FYROM
Tel/Fax (389) 2 3240 500; 389 2 3240 574; 389 2 3240 575;
(389) 2 3226 920; (00389)2312.9311; (00389
Head of Department of International Cooperation in the Ministry
Nelko Nelkovski
P.O. Box 11 1060 - Gjorce Petrov Macedonia FYROM
389 2 20 32 302
Mile Nikolovski
P.O.Box 02 Marshal Tito BB. MK-1330 Kriva Palanka Macedonia FYROM
tel/fax: +389 31 372 413
The answer from this question is Apostolos Rafailidis
s. Miladinovci, PO Box 66 MK-1000 Skopje Macedonia FYROM
389.2.2577.836;2577.592; Fax 389.2.2577.701;
Mobile 389.070.358.076
Elena Stanisheva
Ivan Milutinovic 29/3 MK-1000 Skopje Macedonia FYROM
+ 389 2 31 12 993; + 389 2 32 45 726
Centre for New Initiatives in Arts and Culture, is organization that aims to
create space and possibilities for development of the independent art scene,
to integrate young artistic potentials.
Aleksandar Stefanovski
st."Bregalnicka" b.b MK-7000 Bitola Macedonia FYROM :
+389 70 498 468 ' +38947231921
we are Society who representative old Macedonian folk songs. we also
collected old costumes from macedonia
Ivona Tatarchevska
ul. Varshavska 11-b MK-1000 Skopje Macedonia FYROM
389 2 3063-057
Field researcher in Ethnomusicology, Ethnochoreology; work with Laban
notation; active member of ICTM- Study group of Ethnochoreology; Lecturer on
University "St.Ciril and Metody"-Faculty of Music in Skopje
Lidija Topuzovska
"Gjuro Gjakovic" 61 MK-1000 Skopje Macedonia
tel/fax: +389 2 3240 575
info@kultura.gov.mk ;
INFO service
Gile Vasilev
Macedonia FYROM
Tel: 00 389 2 228 617;
Mob tel: 00 389 70 688 056; Mob tel: 00 389 70 630 491
Etnocoreograph and represent of the I.O.F. in Macedonia
Martin Ihns
Gemetstraat 59 NL-1445 GH Purmerend Netherlands
Tel. +31299475071
Teacher/Choreographer of Macedonian & Albanian dance, organizing Macedonian
& Albanian dancecourses, workshops and seminars in Macedonia
Joan Sach
13, Fallowfield ME5 0DU London U.K.
01634 302190
Dancing & singing from Serbia, Croatia & Macedonia
Nada Lewis
37 Night Owl Court CA 94803 El Sobrante U.S.A.
(510) 243-1122 phone; fax (510) 243-1144
Mostly Balkan, Bulgarian, Romanian, Roma, Macedonian, Greek, Macedonia,
Serbia, Croatia, and Romania.
Olga Veloff Sandolowich
3 Roywood Drive M3A2C9 Don Mills, Ontario Canada
Tel. (1.416)447.9823
Teacher, folk, Macedonian, Balkan, international, group
Folk Dance Ensamble "Cvetan Dimov"
Varsavska 98 MK-Skopje Macedonia
Tel. & Fax (389)91373 001
FYR of Macedonia National Commission for UNESCO
Ministry of Culture; Gjuro Gjakovik 61 MK-1000 Skopje Macedonia
Tel. (389.91)118.022, 128.150, 135.452; Fax (389.91)127.112
National organization
Institut za Folklor "Marko Cepenkov"
Ruzveltova 3 MK-91000 Skopje Macedonia
Researcher, folk dances
International Balkan Festival of Folk Dances and Songs
Dom na Kultura MK-6000 Ohrid Macedonia
Festival, folk
International Children''s Folk Fest “St. Kiril and Metodije"
Zeleznicka 29 MK-1000 Skopje Macedonia
Tel. & Fax (389)91.224.609
Festival, folk
International Childrens Folk Festival "Dance without frontiers"
Ilidenska 53 MK-1000 Skopje Macedonia
Tel. & Fax (389)91.116 159
Festival, folk
International Folklore Festival "Istibansko z Dravozivo"
Istibanya 73 MK-2310 Vincia Macedonia FYROM
Festival, folk
International State Folk Festival "Ilinden days"
Car Samoil BB, PO Box 171 MK-7000 Bitola Macedonia
Tel. & Fax (389)91.366 808
Festival, folk
International Student Folk Festival
Drezdenska BB, PO Box 459 MK-1000 Skopje Macedonia
Festival, folk
Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Bul. Krste Misirkov 2 MK-1000 Skopje Macedonia FYROM
(389).232.35600; Fax (389).232.35500
Orce Nikolov
Sasho Kuzarevski, ul. 124, br. 1 MK-91000 Skopje Macedonia
Tel. & Fax (389)91116117
Group, folk dance and music, performing
Nikolaos Constantinidis
Josef Josifofski 1 MK-7310 Resen Macedonia FYROM
Tome Dimiskovski
Mosha Pijade bb 100 MK-1000 Skopje Macedonia FYROM
Tel. (389)91.230 921, 135 304; Fax (389)91.231 224, 135 304
Festival, Folk
Ivo Jankoski
"Leninova" 29/3/6 MK-1000 Skopje Macedonia FYROM
Tel.:+ 389 7040 13 14
Elena Dumova Jovanoska
Drezdensak b.b, P.B.459 MK-91000 Skopje Macedonia FYROM
Tel. & Fax (389) 91 366 808
Blagoja Jovanoski
Drezdensak 19/II/301, P.F. 459 MK-91000 Skopje Macedonia FYROM
Tel. (389)91362890, Fax (389)366808
Festival, folk, international, student
Marko Kolovski
ul. Venijamin Macukovski 7 MK-1000 Skopje Macedonia
381.224.61021; Fax 381.22460.112
Ermis Lafazanovski
Ruzveltova 3, P, P.O. Box 319 MK-91000 Skopje Macedonia
Researcher, folklorist, folk narrative research
Irena Lozinska
63 Naum Naumovski Borce MK-1000 Skopje Macedonia
Tel. (389)2.112.171;
Manager, dancer & choreographer. Also a member of the Macedonian national
Ballet as a solo dancer; School for classical, contemporary and jazz ballet.
L. Nikodinovski-Bis
Kej. Dimitar Vlahov b.b. P.O Box 690 MK-9100 Skopje Macedonia Fyrom
Tel. & Fax 389/2/114 641
L. Nikodinovski-Bish
Kej.Dimitar Vlahov b.b., P.O.Box 690 MK-9100 Skopje Macedonia
Tel. (389) 91 114 641; Fax 389 91 114 641
Ivona Opetcheska-Tatarcheva
ulice Varshavska 11b MK-1000 Skopje Macedonia
Blagoja Petkovski
Bul. Ilindenska bb, blok 12, PO Box 122 MK-1000 Skopje Macedonia
Tel. & Fax 389 2127 135
Boro Ruteski
Stiv Naumov 200 MK-97000 Bitola Macedonia
Tel. (389)97.206.270, Fax(389)97.282.295/700
Folk Ensemble Group
Dragica Siljanoska
Makedonski prosvetiteli 4 MK-96000 Ohrid Macedonia
Tel. (389)96.35490, 96.263.433, Fax (389)96.261.063
Festival, folk
Jagoda Slaneva
Kej Dimitar Vlahov MK-91000 Skopje Macedonia
Tel. (389.91)222133, 115101, 178196
Company, ballet
Mirko Stefanoski
Krste Asenov 14-1/7 MK-91000 Skopje Macedonia FYROM
Tel. & Fax (389)91.216896
Organization, dancesport
Goran Stefanovski
Kej. Dimitar Vlahov b.b. P.O Box 690 MK-9100 Skopje Macedonia
Tel. & Fax 389/2/114 641
Lidia Stojanovic
P.O. Box 319 MK-91000 Skopje Macedonia
Researcher, folklorist, folk narrative research
Zoran Stojanovski
Cupino Brdo MK-1330 Kriva Palanka Macedonia
389 31 373 735, Fax. +389 31 374 112
www.balkanfolk.com/catalogue//Choreographer in youth cultural center
folklore ensemble from Kriva Palanka, Macedonia FYROM.
Velika Stojkova
Koco Racin 14-IV/12 MK-91000 Skopje Macedonia
(00389)9113.3201; (00389)2246.1021; Fax (00389)2246.0112
Researcher, folk dance, traditional, ritual dance, anthropology, Turkish
minorities in Macedonia & Macedonian minorities in Greece, Albania
Vellika Stojkova-Serafimovska
ul. Venijamin Macukovski 7 MK-1000 Skopje Macedonia
381.224.61021; Fax 381.22460.112
Kire Tancevski
"Car Samoil" bb, Box 171 MK-97000 Bitola Macedonia
Tel. (389.97)32419
Folk dance and music of Makedonija
Kiril Tanchevski
Car Samuil bb MK-97000 Bitola Macedonia FYROM
Festival, folk
Bosko Treneski
Venijamin Macukovski 7 MK-1000 Skopje Macedonia
Tel. (389)2461021, Fax (389)2460112
Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs
Boris Kete Ilievski
304-625 The West Mall M9C 4W9 Etobicoke, Ontario Canada
Tel. (1416)247.6466;(1416)992.0499
Choreographer and Ethno-Choreologist
Filoproodos Syllogos Edessas "Megas Alexandros"
Agiou Dimitriou 7 GR-58200 Edessa Greece
Tel/Fax (30)238.102.3377
Ensemble, amateur, Greek folk dance group from Edessa, Western Macedonia