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Tashkent Folk Ensemble, Raisa Kadirova, are just a few of the dance
companies, Uzbek dance schools, dancing organizations and dance wear suppliers
that that can be found in our comprehensive Directory of Uzbekistan
Traditional Uzbek Dance
There are 3 schools of the Uzbek dance: Bukhara, Khorezm and Fergana. Each
school is represented by favorite forms of dances original system of
rhythmic-plastic forms. Uzbek dance includes 2 types of dances: classic and
folk. Uzbek classic dance is represented by a system of generalized,
expressive, pithy by volume, detailed forms of dance. Uzbek folk dance - as
any folk dance consists of pure "dancing" elements and illustrative
movements and gestures.
Bukhara is the motherland of "Shoshmakom" - the main richness of
Uzbek people. Classic song and dance "Shoshmakom" - means "six makoms".
Makom is traditional musical-vocal work of suit type and complicated
construction. Each "makom" consists of different parts, each part is divided
into several parts again joined by expressive forms - instrumental form,
vocal - instrumental form, and instrumental - dancing form - "ufari". "Ufari"
is a rhythmical composition - one of the rare Uzbek dances.
Classic Uzbek song - "Ufari baet" - is performed with vocal accompaniment.
The dance is devoted to a "big" deep human feeling, "big" positive
characters of people. "Zang bogi" - dance with "zangs" (bells) is performed
in Bukhara style.
"Tanovar" - is performed in Fergana style. This is a dance poem. "Tanovar"
is a dance of presentiment; dance of hope and dream.
"Munojot" - is a dance monologue. The dance tells us about eternal
women's dream about happiness. The dances are accompanied by orchestra of
folk instruments: "doyra" - hind drum, "kashgar rubob" - string instruments,
"gidjok" - fiddle-stick, "chang" - drum - fiddle stick, "dutar; "Tabibur" -
Depending on the choice of a dancer, classic dance or folk dance, musical
accompaniment can be done by one of the above mentioned instruments.
Folk dances - "Fergana rubaesi" - dance of young people and beauty. In this
dance the beauty of an Uzbek girl is described. "Khorezm dance" - "lazgi", "Orazibon"
- mischievous.
Uzbekistan Dance Company |
I was born in Bukhara in the family of office worker. When I was
9 years old I started attending choreographic department studio.
Later, I entered choreographic department of the Bukhara musical
college. Having graduated in 1982, I got diploma of a folk
dancer. Since that time I have been working in the folk dance
company. In my repertory I have classical and folk dances. Also,
I dance folk dances of peoples of Central Asia: Tajik, Turkmen,
Uygur dances. I also teach in the musical school, choreographic
If you would like your
Dance Company, Dance Organization, Dance School featured here
then please email
bangkokcompanies@gmail.com |
There are many fine dance schools in
Uzbekistan. I know I am in contact with them as we
supply a range of high quality dancewear products like leotards, dance
pants, dance dresses and other dancing apparel.
Bangkok Companies supplies an amazing range
of dancewear from Thailand. I have looked at these dance garments and dance
accessories in detail. There is only one word to describe them Superb.
For more details click on the pictures or send an email to
bangkokcompanies@gmail.com We
regret at this time we can only satisfy Uzbekistan
wholesale dancewear requests.
"Dancewear designed by
dancers for dancers"
Dresses |
Kids Leotards |
Leotards |
Dance Bras |
Dance Pants |
Tutu's |
Shorts |
Dancewear |
Dancewear Organizers |
Dance Bags |
Backpacks |
Bangkok Companies is a full service
product sourcing company in Thailand. For All your
dancewear needs please email
bangkokcompanies@gmail.com with your requests.
Dance Schools in
Uzbekistan, Dancewear Suppliers, Dancing Organizations
LuliStan Company (Anciennement Sweet Move)
3 square Trudaine FR-75009 Paris France
Tel. & Fax (33)1 4016.0377; (33)6 8005 7418
Contemporary Dance Company. Ambassador of French choreography and dance in
Central Asia(Tadjikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kirghizistan)
Sholom Tashkent Folk Ensemble
Ts-1 Gogol Street, House 1, Apartment UZ-700.000 Tashkent Uzbekistan
(998)711.363.486; Fax(998)711.338.108;
Folk dance ensemble
Victoria (Vilayat) Akilova
Ts-1 (Gogol Street), House 1, Apartment UZ-700.000 Tashkent Uzbekistan
(998)711.363.486; Fax (998)711.338.108
Yulduz Ismatova
5 Mustakilik Maydoni UZ-700.024 Tashkent Uzbekistan
Tel. (998)711.391.365; Fax. (998)711.391.278;
Jamol Karamatov
C-1.Sadik Azimov 47/21 UZ-700000 Uzbekistan
Tel. 998.712.675956; Fax 998.712.674758
Muhiddinova Haldarhon
Andijan city, Ilgor street, 14 RU-710000, Uzbekistan
+998901852771(Nilufar), 998742222043(Haldarhon)
www.sumalak.narod.rujob opportunity for song and dance groups
Rauf Avezov
Bukhara city, Str. B. Nakshband # 66 705018 Republic of Uzbekistan
Tel: (998 65) 224-35-18; 224-44-12
Raisa Kadirova
Pablo Nerudo Str., 9/1, 26 UZ-705024 Bukhara city Uzbekistan
Tel. (+998 65) 222 99 36, FAX (+998 65) 224 22 46
performer of East folklore dances, especially
Central Asian dances (Tajik, Uzbek, Syrian, etc.). I am also a teacher of
choreographic school.
Gulnora Khudayberganova
Bobur Str., 20/207 700100 Tashkent Uzbekistan
Oybek Odilov
14 Zanjirsaroy st., dst. Khamza UZ-700016 Taskent city Uzbekistan
Uzbekistan National Commission for UNESCO
University of World Economy and Diplomacy
Buyuk Ipak Y UZ-100077 Tashkent Uzbekistan
(998.71) 360 05 61; fax (998.71) 360 05 38
National organization
Vilayat (Victoria) Akilova
Building 11, C-1 Gogol Street, Apartment 40 UZ-700.000 Tashkent Uzbekistan
Tel. (99871) 1363486, Fax (99871) 1338108
Folk Uzbek (Ferghana, Bukhara and Khorazm) and Jewish dance. The Ensemble ?–
Cultural Heritage Preservation of Bukhara Jewish and Uzbek Dance. People's
Artist of Uzbekistan
Lyubov Avdeeva
Chelanzar, kvartal 2, dom 65, kv.43 UZ-700.107 Tashkent Uzbekistan
Tel. (03712) 77.04.40
Dance and ballet in Uzbekistan
Alexander Djumaev
Gorkogo, dom 3, kv.100 UZ-700.047 Tashkent Uzbekistan
Tel. (7.371)2686347
Researcher, folk dance
H. R. Djuraev
30 Navdi Street UZ-700.129 Tashkent Uzbekistan
Tel. (7.371)144.2623, 144.2221, Fax (7.371)144.1830
Festival, folk
Sergei Fyodorov
Apartment 38, Building 1, Oibek Street UZ-712029 Ferghana city Uzbekistan
Tel. (998732)262519, Fax (998732) 262519
Folk Uzbek dance.
Alisher Ikramov
54 Buyuk Ipak Yuli Street, B-4-44 UZ-700.137 Tashkent Uzbekistan
Tel. (998.712)67.05.61, 65.05.46; Fax (998.712)67.05.38, 67.05.46
Andreeva Lyubov
107 Chelanzar, kvartal 2, dom 65, kv. 43 UZ-700.000 Tashkent Uzbekistan
Tel. (7.371)77.04.40
Historian, dance in Uzbekistan, ballet
Holdarhon Muhiddinova
14 Ilgor UZ-710006 Andijan city Uzbekistan
Tel. & Fax 998 712 50 8346; mobile 998 90 185 2771
Kurkmas Sagatov
Yusuf Khos Khojib str. 31 UZ-700.000 Tashkent Uzbekistan
Tel. (998 712)5624 36
Ballet and traditional dance
Dmitriy Vagapov
2 Chilanzar-5 UZ-700096 Tashkent Uzbekistan
Tel. 998(71)173 11 02; Fax 998(71)173 01 75
Folk Uzbek dance. Our organisation is the Cultural Heritage Preservation
Fund "Boysun". We arrange the "Boysun bahori" Open Folk Festival held in
If you have an Uzbekistan
Dance School, Tashkent Dance
School, dance company or dancing organization anywhere in Uzbekistan
and would like to be featured in the Uzbekistan
Dance Directory then please email