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Dance Theatre Aura, Lithuanian Dance
Information Centre, Lithuanian Opera and Ballet Theatre, these are just a few of the
Lithuanian dance
companies, Lithuanian dance schools, dancing organizations and dance wear suppliers
that that can be found in our comprehensive Directory of Lithuanian
Traditional Lithuanian dance
Lithuanian dance is characterized by inward great emotional energy which is
never manifested externally. Since traditional Lithuanian lyrical folklore
originated among farmers and peasants, it still retains their outlook. There
are no war or hunting dances, no high jumping or kicking. Lithuanian
traditional dances are dominated by subdued ring dances and games whose
lyrics center around growing crops and livestock or relations between young
people and match making. Dance music has a moderate tempo, is usually
symmetric and without large interval jumps.
Lithuanian paired dances [ex. “Šokinėkit, berniukai”, “Kiškelis”, “Gudo dūda”,
“Pjoviau šieną”, “Drailinas, “Anės polka”, “Grečinikė”] of specific steps
and movements differ very little from those of neighboring countries.
Lithuanian group dances, like “Našliukas”, “Polka keturinė”, “Noriu miego”,
“Malūnėlis” are based on paired dances too. However, the character and the
spirit of our dances is unique. Even foreign dances which made their way to
Lithuanians, as well as their Baltic neighbors, have always loved to dance.
Young people gathered to dance in field parties (in summer), or in farmer
houses (in winter). Older people and small children also took part in these
festivities talking, socializing, and generally amusing themselves
Lithuanian Dance Company |
Dance Theatre Aura
AURA is the only one municipal theatre of modern dance in
Lithuania and one of a very few companies of modern dance in
Lithuania that show the skills of the professional dance. During
26th years of its existence, “AURA became a part of the history
of contemporary dance in Lithuania by extension and
modernization of the tradition of free expressive dance,
implemented in Lithuania by Kira Daujotaite” (“Teatras”).
Artistic director Birute Letukaite and the dancers of the
company dedicate themselves to modern dance and its traditions,
which are tightly associated with such outstanding figures as
pioneer of expressive dance in Lithuania Danute Nasvytyte and
her follower Kira Daujotaite. Birute Letukaite, a
choreographer and a teacher, was a student of Kira Daujotaite in
the Dance Company “Sonata”. Letukaite spent ten years in the
company where she learned the skills of expressive dance. The
idea of AURA originated as a gift for her beloved teacher Kira
Daujotaite and a continuation of her work. In 1980 Letukaite
established a company of modern dance that later grew into a
theatre AURA and its affiliated dance studio.
In 1995 it was registered as a municipal theatre. Acclaimed by
critics, AURA and Birute Letukaite received favorable
publications in the well-known magazines of dance such as “Dance
Magazine”, “Ballet” and others. There is no modern dance school
in Lithuania, so AURA has its own studio where young people are
being prepared for dancing in this theatre. Members of community
also have a possibility to take part in workshops leaded by
coming choreographers. Social and educational aspect is one of
the missions of AURA, which is involving in its projects
handicapped, elderly people as well as teenagers.
If you would like your Lithuanian
Dance Company, Dance Organization, Dance School featured here
then please email
bangkokcompanies@gmail.com |
There are many fine dance schools in
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Dance Schools in Lithuania, Dancewear Suppliers, Dancing Organizations
Ilona Baltikauskaite
Telsiu street 1-19 LT-90162 Plunge Lithuania
Choreographer of folk dance group
Birute Baneviciute
Zalgirio 88a 1 LT- 09303 Vilnius Lithuania
(37)061.048.408 Home
Dance education researcher at Institute of Cultural and Arts Education in
Vilnius Pedagogical University, dance teacher at the Contemporary School
Centre in Vilnius, freelance choreographer.
Zita Rimkuviene
Seinu Str. 15-17 LT-37108 Panevezys Lithuania
Tel. (370)699.691.98;(370)45. 44.47.47;Fax(370)454.460.635
Activities in dancer teacher, choreographer, dancer and school
Belyssa Radzivanas
66, Wimbledon St 6107 Beckenham Australia
Tel. 61 8 94584326, FAX 61 8 94584458
Teacher, choreographer, performer, researcher & assessor of Danse Orientale,
Lithuanian and cross cultural dance studies, teaching & lecturing world
wide. for dancers.
AURA Dance Theatre
6-1, Leliju 44163 Kaunas Lithuania
Tel. +370 37 202062, FAX +370 37 424089
Contemporary dance company, International Festival of Contemporary Dance
Puantas Ltd.
T.Kosciuskos str. 11, Vilnius LT - 01100, Lithuania Lithuania
tel. 370 687 16344; fax 370 2614841
Dance wear trading. Dance shoes and garments trading in Lithuania and
Juozas Aleksandravicius
Zirmunu G. 68 LT-09124 Vilnius Lithuania
370 5 2472 333
Ballroom and Latin American dance, Street dance, Hip-hop, Social dance.
Varnagiris Algirdas-Sporto
g. 6 LT-44221 Kaunas Lithuania
tel. (37) 065018920
Rasa - LKKA folk dance ensemble.Dances, songs and music.
Anzelika Cholina dance theatre
370 620 17588
The choreographer in Anzelika Cholina dance theatre dance performances uses
ballet dancers, dramatic theatre actors, Lithuanian Music Academy dance -
acting specialty students.
Vytis Jankauskasr
31-30 Seskines LT-07157 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel & Fax +370 52 404 268; mobile: +370 699 26964
Choreographer, Contemporary dance company, studio
Birute Letukaite
M. Dauksos st. 30 A LT-44282 Kaunas Lithuania
(8~37) 20 20 62; Fax.(8~37) 42 40 89
Dance, contemporary dance, choreography, dance and theatre, modern dance
Ruta Mikelaityte
Vytenio G.50 Lt-03229 Vilnius-6 Lithuania
(370)5210.50.97;(370)5213.98.60(fax);(370)698.17.402(mobile); (+370 5) 213
98 65 www.ansamblis-lietuva.lt
professional folk music, dance, costumes, Lithuanian folk instruments,
Zita Rimuviene
Seinu 15-17 LT-5305 Panevezys Lithuania
Tel. (370)5444747, (370)5501200 Fax (370)5501353
Folk dance group. Dance teacher; organisor of national and international
Jurate Terleckaite
5-20, B. Radvilaites LT-01124 Vilnius Lithuania
(370.5)266.4084 (office); (370.5)261.6676 (home)
Dance critic and researcher. Wrote several articles for national and
international press about Lithuanian and foreign dancers and choreographers
Kestutis Vaitiekus
Kosciuskos g. 11 LT-2600 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. (5) 2614841; (5) 2627521 ; 8 687 16344 ; fax. 370 2614841
Dancewear trading. Dance shoes and garments trading in Lithuania and Latvia.
Milda Valanciauskiene
M. Dauksos st. 30 A LT-44282 Kaunas Lithuania
~8 5 210 73 42; Fax: +370 5 210 73 43
Dance, contemporary dance, choreography, dance and theatre, modern dance
Liudmilos salonas Dance shop
Siauliu 56 LT-3002 Kaunas Lithuania
Tel. 370 37 40 74 91
Supplier, dance articles, Dress-making and second hand shop
Aliodiya Vindso Ruzgaite
Mazemus 5, apt. 3 LT-2000 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. (370.122)62.49.83
Group, folk dances, amateur, performing
Children''s National Dance Collective Seltinis
Vytauto pr. 79/1 LT-3000 Kaunas Lithuania
Tel. (370.7)201 995; Fax (370.7)228.329
Folk dance ensemble
Lietuvos sokio informacijos centras
Jaksto g. 9 305 LT-2600 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. (5) 2617804; fax (5) 2610805
Lietuvos sportiniu sokiu federacija
Zemaites g. 6-419 LT-2009 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. (5) 2136503
Lithuanian Dance Information Centre
B Radvilaites g. 8 LT-2600 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. 2 164 706 ; Fax 2 610 814
Lithuanian Dance Information Centre
Vilniuje, A.jaketo G. 9, 305 K. Lt-2600 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. & Fax 3705 261 08 05
Organization, International contemporary dance festival organized by LDIC
Festivalis - Ezeru Sietuva
Ausros St. 22 Lt-4910 Utena Lithuania
Tel. (370) 389-558-38, (370) 687-167-08; fax (370) 389-595-36
International Folk Music and Dance Festival “The Range of Lakes” leaves its
deep traces in the cultural ground of the Eastern Lithuania.
Renata Bareikiene
Kalvariju 134 -54 LT-2042 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. (370)2 613 605; Fax (370)2 618 535
Lithuanian authentic folk dances, round dances, folk songs
Gadimina Gricius
Austros 22 LT-4910 Utena Lithuania
Tel. (370)39.72.651, 39.52.604, Fax (370)39.59.536
Folk dance festival
g. 1E LT-2051 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. 733578; Fax 751777
Folk dance ensemble
Antanas Kazlauskas
J. Basanaviciaus g. 12 LT-5920 Silale Lithuania
Tel. (8 269) 74043; Fax (8 269) 74315
Folk dance ensemble
Violeta Laugaliai
Zemaites 43 - 9 LT-5400 Siauliai Lithuania
Tel. 370 (1) 435 889; Fax 370 (1) 431 424
Ensemble, Lithuanian folk dances, choreographer.
Romas Laugaliai
Zemaites 43 - 9 LT-5400 Siauliai Lithuania
Tel. 370 (1) 435 889; Fax 370 (1) 431 424
Ensemble, Lithuanian folk dances, choreographer.
Gintautas Masteika
Zeimiu 15 LT-5000 Jonava Lithuania
Tel. & Fax 8 219 51848
Folk dance ensemble
Romas Matulis
Senamiescio a. 3 LT-5640 Plunge Lithuania
Tel. 8.218 51981; Fax 8.218 55743
Folk dance ensemble
Jovita Mikutaviciene
Vytauto 1a/2a LT-4780 Zarasai Lithuania
Tel. & Fax 8 270 51667
Folk dance ensemble
Vita Mozuraite
Antakalnio 47-32 LT-10325 Vilnius Lithuania
00 370 5 2610 805
Company contemporary/modern/ ballet dance critic
Cheslovas Norvaisha
Kiskiu 18 LT-3016 Kaunas Lithuania
Tel. (370)7.744729, Tel. & Fax (370)7.321115, (370)2.236503
Organization, dancesport
Vetras Rimgaila
Medziotoju 15-1 LT-2040 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. 370.2.316 297; 370.2.640 654
Organizer, folk dance festivals
Rita Tarvydiene
Kintai LT-5740 Silutes Rajonas Lithuania
Tel. & Fax (8441) 47 379
Folk dance ensemble
Inija Trinkuniene
Vivulskio 27 - 4 LT-2009 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. & Fax (370)2 262966
Ritual folklore songs, music and dances
Eugenija Vaitkiene
Kauno 8 LT-4120 Ukmerge Lithuania
Tel. 8.340 63453; Fax 8.340 63449
Folk dance ensemble
Zigmas Vileikis
Jaunimo 4 LT-4490 Birstonas Lithuania
Tel. & Fax 8.210 65550
Folk dance ensemble
Birute Baneviciute
Zalgirio 88a 1 LT- 09303 Vilnius Lithuania
(37)061.048.408 Home
Dance education researcher at Institute of Cultural and Arts Education in
Vilnius Pedagogical University, dance teacher at the Contemporary School
Centre in Vilnius, freelance choreographer.
Elegijus Bukaitis
Sausio 13-osios 21-27 LT-2000 Vilnius Lithuania
Ballet Master, Choreographer
Puantas Ltd.
T.Kosciuskos str. 11, Vilnius LT - 01100, Lithuania Lithuania
tel. 370 687 16344; fax 370 2614841
Dance wear trading. Dance shoes and garments trading in Lithuania and
Juozas Aleksandravicius
Zirmunu G. 68 LT-09124 Vilnius Lithuania
370 5 2472 333
Ballroom and Latin American dance, Street dance, Hip-hop, Social dance.
Julius Andrejevas
A. Vienuolio g. 1 LT-2600 Vilnius Lithuania
Ingrida Bacelyte
4-103, I. Simulionio LT-04331 Vilnius Lithuania
370 688 34181
Kristina Greiciute
Sauletekio av. 11-2211 LT-10226, VILNIUS-40 Lithuania
370 652 72335 Fax: +370 52 744731
Vytis Jankauskasr
31-30 Seskines LT-07157 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel & Fax +370 52 404 268; mobile: +370 699 26964
Choreographer, Contemporary dance company, studio
Romas Klenavicius
Zemynos g. 37-28 LT-2022 Vilnius Lithuania
Folk Group Radasta
Ruta Mikelaityte
Vytenio G.50 Lt-03229 Vilnius-6 Lithuania
(370)5210.50.97;(370)5213.98.60(fax);(370)698.17.402(mobile); (+370 5) 213
98 65
professional folk music, dance, costumes, lithuanian folk instruments
Andrius Pulkauninkas
Universiteto 3 g. Vilnius LT-10320 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. 8 686 17874; fax (5) 2687051
Jurate Terleckaite
5-20, B. Radvilaites LT-01124 Vilnius Lithuania
(370.5)266.4084 (office); (370.5)261.6676 (home)
Dance critic and researcher. Wrote several articles for national and
international press about Lithuanian and foreign dancers and choreographers
Jolita Vadopalaite
Vienuolio 1 LT-2600 Vilnius Lithuania
+370 5 2621896; Fax +370 5 2623503
Coordinator of Foreign Affairs Department
Kestutis Vaitiekus
Kosciuskos g. 11 LT-2600 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. (5) 2614841; (5) 2627521 ; 8 687 16344 ; fax. 370 2614841
Dancewear trading. Dance shoes and garments trading in Lithuania and Latvia.
Aliodiya Vindso Ruzgaite
Mazemus 5, apt. 3 LT-2000 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. (370.122)62.49.83
Group, folk dances, amateur, performing
Alos Duchovos sokiu studija 'Todes'
Gelezinio Vilko g. 2 LT- Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. 8-5-2311551; fax 8-5-2388752; (+370) 699-48206
Anzelikos Cholinos sokio teatras
Igno Simulionio g. 4-103 LT-2050 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. 8 688 34181
Choreografiniu projektu teatras 'Vilniaus baletas'
Vokieciu g. 13-9 LT-2001 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. (5) 2629074; 8 685 43907
International Folk Music Festival "Griezyne"
Barbaros Radvilaites 8 LT-2600 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. 370.2.611 190
Festival, folk
International Folklore Festival "Skamba Skamba Kankliai"
Pamenkalnio 34 LT-2001 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. 370.2.791 288; Fax 370.2.628 525
Festival, folk
International Folklore Festival Baltica
Bardoros Radvilaites 8 LT-2600 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. 370.2.611 190
Festival, folk
Lietuvos liaudies kulturos centro choreografijos sektorius
Barboros Radvilaites
g. 8-312 LT-2006 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. (5) 2614706; (5) 2612011; fax (5) 2124033
Lietuvos muzikos akademija, Teatro ir kino fakultetas
g. 12 LT-2600 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. (5) 2622078; (5) 2612028
Lietuvos operos ir baleto teatro baleto trupe
A. Vienuolio g. 1 LT-2001 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. (5) 2618617; (5) 2617979; fax (5) 2623503
Lietuvos sokio informacijos centras
Jaksto g. 9 305 LT-2600 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. (5) 2617804; fax (5) 2610805
Lietuvos sportiniu sokiu federacija
Zemaites g. 6-419 LT-2009 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. (5) 2136503
Lithuanian Academy of Music, Department of Ethnomusicology
V. Grybo 1/29-11 LT-2055 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. (370)271.1106
Ethnomusicology, Lithuania
Lithuanian Dance Information Centre
B Radvilaites g. 8 LT-2600 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. 2 164 706 ; Fax 2 610 814
Lithuanian Dance Information Centre
Vilniuje, A.jaketo G. 9, 305 K. Lt-2600 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. & Fax 3705 261 08 05
Organization, International contemporary dance festival organized by LDIC
Lithuanian National Commission for UNESCO
Svento Jono 11 LT-2001 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. (370.2)22.32.92; Fax (370.2)22.05.20
National organization
Lithuanian Opera and Ballet Theatre
Vienuolio 1 LT-2600 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. 370 2 620636; Fax 370 2 623503
Nacionaline M. K. Ciurlionio menu mokyklos baleto skyrius
Kosciuskos g. 11 LT-2600 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. (5) 2615274
Sokiu centras Dileksa
Zirmunu g.68 LT- Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. (8 685) 38871
Tango Balsas - M. K. Ciurlionio School of Arts
Kosciuskos 11 LT-Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. +370 84 64 745
The Lithuanian Opera and Ballet Theatre
Vienuolio 1 LT-2600 Vilnius Lithuania
370 2 620636; Fax 370 2 623503
Valstybinis dainu ir sokiu ansamblis Lietuva
Vytenio g. 50 LT-2006 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. (5)2139859; (5)2139865; fax (5)2139860
Vilniaus konservatorija, Sokio pedagogikos skyrius
Zemaitijos g. 4 LT-2001 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. (5) 2624660; fax (5) 2629732
Aurimas Anuzis
Tauro g. 20 LT- Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. (8 699) 47211
Renata Bareikiene
Kalvariju 134 -54 LT-2042 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. (370)2 613 605; Fax (370)2 618 535
Lithuanian authentic folk dances, round dances, folk songs
Vytautas Brazdylis
M. Dobuzinskio g. 14-1 LT-2001 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. (5) 2727031
Juozas Budraitis
Gedimino pr.1 LT-202 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. 370 262 35 86 ; Fax 370 261 08 14
Eligijus Butkus
Gedimino pr. 24-15 LT- Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. 8 682 13226
Vesta Grabstaite
Pusu g. 22-1 LT-2004 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. (5) 2759694; 8 650 84221
Aurelija Griciute
LT- Vilnius Lithuania
Audronis Imbrasas
Totoriu 15 - 2 LT-2001 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. 3702-223641; Fax 37 02-223641
Andronis Imbrasas
Tylioji g. 4-304 LT-2001 Vilnius Lithuania
Romualdas Juozapaitis
Zirmunu g. 1E LT-2051 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. 733578; Fax 751777
Folk dance ensemble
Vida Kaniauskien
Semaites Street 6 LT-2600 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. & Fax (370.5)2136503; (370)611.78414
Violeta Kasina
LT- Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. 8 670 13923; 8 670 42541
Andrius Katinas
LT- Vilnius Lithuania
tel. 8 621 51619; +358 400 520982
Gintautas Kevisas
Vienuolio str. 1 LT-2600 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. (370 5) 262 0093, Fax (370 5) 262 3503
Company, opera and ballet.
Giedre Kirkilyte
Seskines g. 31-30 LT-07157 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. (5) 240 42 68; 8 600 63564
Karina Malinovskene
Laisves pr. 125, 5a LT- Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. 8 676 34286 (5) 2460805; fax (5) 2460804
Regina Matuliene
Stoties g. 9 LT- Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. (8 347) 37639
Sigita Mikalauskaite
Studentu g. 43-27 LT-2034 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. 8 611 13805
Jurate Mikiskaite-Vyciene
Tuskulenu g. 8-33 LT-2051 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. 8 684 64585
Vita Mozuraite
Antakalnio 47-32 LT-10325 Vilnius Lithuania
00 370 5 2610 805
Company contemporary/modern/ ballet dance critic
Aira Nagineviciute
Kestucio 31-3 LT-08121 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. 8 610 40483
Indre Pacesaite
Gelvonu g. 60-20 LT-2010 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. (5) 2463712; 8 685 63342
Romas Petraitis
Gedimino Avenue 64 LT-2002 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. 370 86 00199; Fax 370 2 610227
Petras Rimgaila
Medziotoju 15-1 LT-2040 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. 370.2.316 297; 370.2.640 654
Organizer, folk dance festivals
T. Sedunova
Vienuolio str. 1 LT-2600 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. (370 5) 262 1896; 261 8617, Fax (370 5) 262 3503
Company, opera and ballet.
Jurijus Smoriginas
Vokieciu g. 13-9 LT-2001 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. (5)2629074; 8 685 43907
Inija Trinkuniene
Vivulskio 27 - 4 LT-2009 Vilnius Lithuania
Tel. & Fax (370)2 262966
Ritual folklore songs, music and dances