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Pauleen's Dance and Fitness Studio, College
of Jazz Dance, Maltese Dance Council, are just a few of the Maltese
companies, Maltese
dance schools, dancing organizations and dance wear suppliers
that that can be found in our comprehensive Directory of Maltese
Traditional Maltese Dance
The traditional Maltese dance is an interpretive routine called miltija,
which describes the victory of the Maltese over the Turks in 1565. Old-time
singing was called ghana. This involves bantering, oftentimes between two
people who good-heartedly tease each other. They use rhyme and jokes in a
relay of comments about each other. Maltese folk singer Namru Station was
best known for this form of singing.
The national costume had a head-dress which is unique to our Islands. It is
known by two names Ghonella (pronounced Onella) or Faldetta. Historians
suggest that it was introduced in Malta as early as 1227 A.D. These costumes
were worn by country folk and noble women alike, varying only in the quality
of material used.
Maltese Dance Company |
Pauleen's Dance
and Fitness Studio
Our studio provides a hub for creativity to anyone who has
talent or possesses limited dance and fitness ability. Movement
and music offer therapeutic releases to inhibitions, thus
creating a good sense of wellbeing to all.
Pauleen's Dance and Fitness Studio has been in existence since
1983. Pauleen taught in various Church and Hotel Halls. In 1986
she moved into a converted Studio/Flat and taught fitness and
various dance disciplines for a number of years. In 1994, she
moved into 'Arznell Street', in St. Paul's Bay, where classes
have been conducted ever since.
Our Studio caters for Classical Ballet, Tap, Lyrical, Modern
Jazz, Latin American and Fitness. Pupils are accepted from the
age of four and are prepared to take B.T.D.A. professional Exams
on a regular basis.
If you would like your Malta
Dance Company, Dance Organization, Dance School featured here
then please email
bangkokcompanies@gmail.com |
There are many fine dance schools in
Malta. I know I am in contact with them as we
supply a range of high quality dancewear products like leotards, dance
pants, dance dresses and other dancing apparel.
Bangkok Companies supplies an amazing range
of dancewear from Thailand. I have looked at these dance garments and dance
accessories in detail. There is only one word to describe them Superb.
For more details click on the pictures or send an email to
bangkokcompanies@gmail.com We
regret at this time we can only satisfy Malta
wholesale dancewear requests.
"Dancewear designed by
dancers for dancers"
Dresses |
Kids Leotards |
Leotards |
Dance Bras |
Dance Pants |
Tutu's |
Shorts |
Dancewear |
Dancewear Organizers |
Dance Bags |
Backpacks |
Bangkok Companies is a full service
product sourcing company in Thailand. For All your
dancewear needs please email
bangkokcompanies@gmail.com with your requests.
Dance Schools in Malta, Dancewear Suppliers, Dancing Organizations
College of Jazz Dance
No.3 St.Michael Street, San Gwann MT- SGN 08 Malta
School, jazz
Concert Europe Festival Incentive Tours (CEFIT)
33, "Ave Maria", Cezalpina Street MT-13 Birkirkara BKR Malta
Tel. (35)621.499.138 Office; (35)699.887.850 mobile
Managing Director
Maltese Dance Council
13 Mattew Pulis Street, "Otrada" MT-15 Sliema SLM Malta
Tel. (356)319.259; (356)99 4.295.38; Fax. (356)330.043;
Organization, National Committee
Paul Curmi Dance Company
Pla18 F gura Bastion Str MT-03 Paola PLA Malta
(356)218.004.49; (356)216.7 56.80; Mob. (356)794.902.48; Fax: (+356) 2180
Paul Curmi Dance Company Eldridge Saliba Curmi, Paul Curmi Dance Studio Emma Loftus Aistd B5
Building MT-Mosta Road Lija Malta
Justin Roy Barker
Ta' Nina, 53 Cross Street MT-NXR04 Naxxar Malta
Tel. (356)2142.1864
Brigitte Gauci Borda
38 Church Street MT-02 Sliema Malta
Tel. (356)341.755
Felix Busuttil
3 Saint Michael Street MT-SGN08 San Gwann Malta
Tel. (356)373.331;(356)794.273.37;
Director, College of Jazz Dance
Ingrid Desira Buttigieg
Falcon House, flat B 8, High Street MT-16 Sliema SLM Malta
Tel. (356)213.428.04
Johane Saliba Casabene
55 Saint Rita Street MT-07 Sliema Malta
Tel. (356)311.017; (356)942.7933;
Mireille Coleiro
Central Academy 222 St. Julian's Road, MT-B'Kara Malta
Dance teacher
Theresa Lungano-Mifsud
5 Robyan Flats, Mimosa Street MT-09 Pieta Malta
Tel. (356)242.465;(356)347.456;(356)242.465;(356)094.292.33
Deborah McNamara
B5 Building MT-Mosta Road Lija Malta
Pauleen Micallef
27 IL-Bejta Wileg Road MT-SPB 1920 Malta
Dance comprising Classical Ballet (British Theatre Dance Association) Modern
Jazz,Tap, Lyrical.Salsa comprising Merenge, Baciata etc.Fitness and
niutrition. Dance Company ‘The Crystals’
Monique Pellegrini-Petit
32, St. Mary Street MT- BZN 06 Malta
Dance teacher
Joanna Vella
85 Flat 3 Birkirkara Hill MT- STJ 09 St. Julian's Malta
Tel. (21)388.183;mob (21)790.658.55
Lisbeth Mary White
27 Valley Road MT-10 Birkirkara Malta
Tel. (356)440.552;
Alison White
27 Valley Road MT-10 Birkirkara Malta
Tel. (356)440.552;
Marina Keet de Grut
20 Burghley House, Somerset Road SW195JB Oakfield U.K.
Tel. (44)208.879.1815;Fax(44)208.946.6942
Choreographer, director, writer, teacher, dancer. President (Europe) of the
Spanish Dance Society, a teaching and examination body with branches in
Britain, Spain, Greece, Cyprus, Malta, Italy, German
Francis Pullicino
1, Nazju Falzon Street MT-11 Birkirkara, BKR Malta
Tel - Fax - 00356 21 499138; Mobile - 00356 99887850;
Tel. (356)491.610, (356)441.157, Fax (356)
Festival Organiser - Co-Ordinator
Tanya Bayona
72/1 Tignie Street, Cambridge Court MT-11 Sliema SLM Malta
Tel. (356)21319259, Tel. & Fax (356)21330043
Choreographer, teacher, organizer, classical ballet
Contact Dance Company
Madeley Too, Triq It Terz MT-Ta L'ibrag Stj13 Swieqi, Malta
00356 21 372966; Mobile 00356 99403588
Contemporary Dance Theatre
Dance Academy
Triq iz-Zaghfran BZN 02 Attard Malta
+356 417 687
Leading Dance school which offers Professional Dance Education with training
in Classical Ballet (RAD), Modern Theatre (ISTD), Jazz and Spanish Dance (SDS)
Josray Dancing School
"Chris" Flats, Antonio Sciortino Street MT-MSD14 Msida Malta
356.992.82047; Fax 356.213.16903
Organiser Dances and Demos
Malta DanceSport Association
c/o 34 Triq il-Gawwi Birzebbugia BBG 07, Malta
356 21655568
Latin and Ballroom Dancing
C/0 No. 27, Il-Bejta , Triq il-Wileg SPB 06 ST. Paul s Bay Malta
Classical Ballet, Modern Jazz, Lyrical, Tap and Fitness classes
The Alison White Dance Studio
The Alison White Dance Studio, 27 MT-10 Valley Road B'Kara BKR Malta
21440552 (Studio); Fax 21442646 (Home); 99420162 (Mobile) Modern, Jazz, Tap,
Classical Ballet, Salsa, Hip Hop, Spanish
Patricia Anastasi
37 Gardell Street MT-SGN 06 Kappara, San Gwann Malta
Tel. & Fax (356) 21 386168
My position is that of local representative for the Royal Academy of Dance
and my job is to administer the work of the Academy in Malta by organising
examinations, seminars, teachers' courses and studios
Joe Cilia
15 Triq id MT Dris Swieqi Malta
00356 21 373697
Organising Competitions, teaching Ballroom, Latin and Sequence dancing
Olivia Dow
106, Leli Falzon Street MT-NXR04 Naxxar Malta
356 21583368
Extra Curricular Classes-Legat System of Classical Ballet
Ray Gera
'Chris' Fl/1 A. Sciortino MT-MSD14 Msida Malta
Tel. 30056 9902 7161, FAX 00356 2131 6903
Ballroom & Latin American Dancing School Professional Dance Teacher, Coach
Astrid Gollcher
Saffron Street MT-AttardAttard Malta
LISTD, ARAD, RAD T.Dip. :Teacher, Choreographer & Dancer- RAD ballet, ISTD
Modern Theatre, Jazz & modern classes
Adrian Grima
325, Il-Bufula, Triq Tonna Barthet MT-STJ 14 Pembroke Malta
Tel. (+356) 2137 6941, Fax. (+356) 2131 5562
Rosana Maya
Valley Towers Unit 5, Valley Road Birkirkara Malta
00356 21490438 ; 00356 99440451 ; 00356 99495187 ; FAX 00356 21490438
3 teachers, 2 choreographers, Flamenco dance company, school, flamenco
dance, ballet, belly dance, salsa
Sandra Mifsud
St. Helen Street MT-SLM 03 Sliema Malta
Tel. +356 21 317579; + 356 79709301
Teacher and dancer
Brian Role
24, P.O. Box MST 01 Mosta Malta
+356 99820913
Provides Professional shows of Illusion & Magic combined with dance and with
or without dance troupe. Dance styles incorporated within the show include:
Cabaret, Jazz, Modern Ballet & Contemporary.
Kim Spiteri
35 Sawmill Street, Msida MT-MSD 05 Malta Malta
Tel. 00356 341927, FAX 21341929
Dance School Francesca Abela Tranter
Nil, Triq It Terz,Madeley Too MT-SWQ2272 Ibrag Malta
Tel. 0035621372966, FAX 0035621388832; (+356) 21372966, FAX.(+356) 21388832,
Mob. (+356) 79403588
Contemporary dance , choreography, workshops , festivals, performances
Janet Vella
26 Pia House Fleur De Lys Junction MT-St.venera Malta
00356 21472619; 00356 79301718
Maltese National Commission for UNESCO
University of Malta, Pro-Rector's Office, Administratio MT- Tal-Qroqq, Msida
Tel. (356)234.571, 245.387; Fax (356)245.133, 221.634 National organization
Steve Aquilina
60 Kartocc street MT-13 Ibragg stj Malta
Tel. 356 21381979, 00356 21445575
Clarissa Borg
St. Aloysius Sports Complex, Old Railway Road B'KaraB'Kara Malta
Tel. +35621490876, +35699828363
Creative Dance Studio offers classes in Classical Ballet (RAD), Modern Dance
and Contemporary Dance
Anne Cassar
30 Ninu Cremona Street MT-02 Paola Plal Malta
Tel. & Fax (356)800.408
Organization, dancesport
Alicia Joy
136 Tower Road, Flat 11 MT-08 Sliema SLM Malta
Tel. (356)341927, Fax (356)319322
School, Female Modern Dance Group
my Joy Sliema Malta
Theresa Lungaro-Mifsud
5 Robyan Flats, Mimosa Street MT-09 MSD Pieta Malta
Tel. (356)242465, 0942-9233
Teacher, ISTD Examinations, Theatre and TV performances.
George Mifsud-Chircop
93 Fommu Bil-Ghasel, Triq il-Bubula Hamra II- Mosta MST 02 Malta
Researcher, folklorist, folk narrative research
Madeley Too
Triq it terz MT-03 STJ Ta librag Malta
Tel. 356 372966, 09403588; Fax 356 451484
Emma Loftus-Aistd.
13 Mattew Pulis Street, "Otrada" MT-15 Sliema SLM Malta
Teacher, choreographer